
Selects geometric entities by feature-based parameters.


hm_markbyfeature input_mark_id output_mark_id param_string


HyperMesh Tcl Query


Put entities on the specified output mark based on entities on the input mark selection and specified feature parameters.


The ID of the input mark. Valid values are 1 and 2.
The ID of the output mark to put the entities selected by feature. Valid values are 1 and 2.
This string contain keyword/value pairs, separated by whitespace. Valid keywords are:
This is mandatory input parameter. Valid values are:
  • 1 – Put on output mark lines representing circles. Input mark entity type is lines.
  • 2 – Put on output mark lines representing circles. Input mark entity type is surfaces.
  • 3 – Put on output mark surfaces representing cylinders. Input mark entity type is surfaces.
  • 4 – Put on output mark surfaces representing fillets. Input mark entity type is surfaces.
  • 5 – Put on output mark surfaces representing valve seats. Input mark entity type is surfaces.
  • 6 – Put on output mark surfaces that contain internal discontinuities and high curvature areas. Input mark entity type is surfaces.
min_radius (optional)
This parameter filters output lines or surfaces by minimal curvature radius. Valid values are any value > 0.0, or a value < 0.0 to specify any radius.
max_radius (optional)
This parameter filters output lines or surfaces by maximal curvature radius. Valid values are any value > 0.0, or a value < 0.0 to specify any radius.
internal_only (optional)
Used only for feature_mode 1 or 2. If set to 1, all outer circles on surfaces will be excluded from the output.
closed_cylinder (optional)
Used only for feature_mode 3. If set to 1, all non closed cylinder surfaces will be excluded from the output.
valve_output (optional)
Used only for feature_mode 5. If set to 1, all surfaces representing the cylinder part of a valve seat will be excluded from the output.


To put on mark 2 all lines representing circles with radius between 1.0 and 15.0:

*createmark lines 1 all
hm_markbyfeature 1 2 "feature_mode 1 min_radius 1.0 max_radius 15.0"

To put on mark 2 all surfaces representing closed cylinders with any radius:

*createmark surfaces 1 all
hm_markbyfeature 1 2 "feature_mode 3 closed_cylinder 1 min_radius -1.0"


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History


2019 - Added new feature_mode value 6.