13.0 API Programmer's Guide
- Windows: Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1 (10.0.40219.1 SP1Rel)
- Linux: GCC version 4.7.2 20121015 (Red Hat 4.7.2-5) (GCC)
- Mac OS X: clang version 3.1 (tags/Apple/clang-318.0.58) based on LLVM 3.1svn
New Commands
- Collision
- Composites
- Comparison
- Connectors
- General/Core
- hm_entityminid
- hm_entityminsolverid
- hm_getentityinfo
- hm_getentitytypedisplayname
- hm_getreplaceentitiesmark
- hm_getreplacequerryonentities
- hm_getvalue
- hm_wadlinessetwipers
- *clearallpreservednodes
- *clearpreservednodes
- *createentity
- *createentitysameas
- *exportbif
- *intersectmark2
- *makepreservednodes
- *maketempfrompreservednodes
- *markmovetoinclude
- *replacentitywithentity
- *scale_thickness
- *setvalue
- *writeh3dwithtitlestofile
- Geometry
- *body_split_with_swept_lines
- *midsurface_collapse_lines
- *midsurface_display_plate_sides
- *midsurface_display_plates
- *midsurface_merge_into_one_plate
- *midsurface_new_plate
- *midsurface_remove_display_plate_sides
- *midsurface_remove_display_plates
- *midsurface_set_not_a_plate_side
- *midsurface_switch_sides_within_plate
- *midsurface_update_from_plate_edit
- *surfaceintersectmark2
- Graphics/Visualization
- hm_viewproject
- hm_viewunproject
- *detailedelements_beamvis
- *detailedelements_shellvis
- *forcetextblack
- *legenddisplay
- *loadvisualvector
- *reviewtwomark
- *tablecontour
- *showscale
- HyperBeam
- Manufacturing
- Meshing
- hm_getelementvolumes
- *acm_create_mpc
- *adaptive_wrapper_build
- *adaptive_wrapper_end
- *adaptive_wrapper_init
- *adaptive_wrapper_leak_check
- *adaptive_wrapper_mesh
- *adaptive_wrapper_preview
- *adaptive_wrapper_proximity_params
- *adaptive_wrapper_set_features
- *adaptive_wrapper_set_params
- *add_multi_washer_elements
- *add_rib
- *elementqualitycollapseedge
- *elementqualitycollapseelems
- *elementqualitydragtriaelem
- *elementqualitysmoothnodesnew
- *elementqualitysplitedge
- *elementqualitysplitelem
- *elempatchdecraction
- *elempatchincraction
- *elempatchnextaction
- *elempatchprevaction
- *elempatchstartaction
- *elempatchstopaction
- *features_advanced
- *findedges1
- *remesh_master_slave_boolean
- *surfacesplinefillholes2
- *trim_elems_by_multi_circular_hole
- Optimization
- *freesizezonebasedupdate
- *opticontrolupdateapproxparameters
- *optiresponseupdatenodeid
- Template Functions
Modified Commands
- Collision
- hm_collisioncheck – Added new optional pair_results argument to specify whether to calculate interference pair results. This is required if the new hm_collisonget* or hm_collisionwriteresultsfile APIs are to be used.
- hm_collisioninit – Added new optional allowable_depth argument to specify an allowable depth for finding and reporting interferences.
- Composites
- *laminatecreate/*laminateupdate/*plycreate/*plyupdate – Added new argument system_id.
- Data names
- assemblies – Added new names cardimage and cardimagetype.
- beamsectcols – Added new names cardimage and cardimagetype.
- blocks – Added new names cardimage, cardimagetype, localmax, localmaxi, localmaxj, localmaxk, localmin, localmini, localminj, localmink, max and min.
- cards – Added new names cardimage, cardimagetype and status.
- components – Added new names cardimage, cardimagetype, connectors, elements, lines, nodes, points, solids and surfaces.
- contactsurfs – Added new names cardimage, cardimagetype, and elements.
- controlvols – Added new names cardimage, cardimagetype, controlvoltype, entityiddisplayed, global, local and refnodes.
- ddvals – Added new name configname.
- dequations – Added new name configname.
- designvars – Added new names configname, ddvalid, drawdirection, drawdirectiontype, drawdirectionx, drawdirectiony, drawdirectionz and propertytypename.
- desvarlinks – Added new names configname and functypename.
- dobjrefs – Added new names configname, negative_reference_toggle and positive_reference_toggle.
- dvprels – Added new names configname and propertyname.
- ellipsoids – Added new names center, collector and radius.
- elements – Added new names nodecount, nodes and typename for all configs.
- equations – Added new name typename.
- groups – Added new names base, basenodeid, cardimage, cardimagetype, cornernode1, cornernode2, length, masterallmodel, masterboxmax, masterboxmin, masterelementlist, masterentityids, midpoint, motion, motiondirection, motionmagnitude, normal, pointa, radiusnode, slaveallmodel, slaveboxmax, slaveboxmin, slaveelementlist, slaveentityids, xaxis and yaxis.
- laminates – Added new names plylist, mappedlist, sublaminatelist, system, systemid, table, tableid.
- loadcols – Added new names cardimage and cardimagetype.
- loads – Added new names
baselocation and typename for all configs.
- accelerations/forces/moments/velocities – Added new name vector.
- pressures – Added new names center and vector.
- loadsteps – Added new names cardimage and cardimagetype.
- materials – Added new names cardimage and cardimagetype.
- mbjoints – Added new names cardimage, cardimagetype, childmultibody, childmultibodyid, childsystem, childsystemid, multibody, parentmultibody, parentmultibodyid, parentsystem and parentsystemid.
- mbplanes – Added new names multibody, origin, xaxis and yaxis.
- multibodies – Added new names cardimage, cardimagetype, center, localcenter and system.
- nodes – Added new names coordinates, localcoordinates and preserveflag.
- sets – Added new names cardimage, cardimagetype, clausetypes, clauseentitytypes, clauseentitytypenames and exceptids.
- systems – Added new names axis, axiscode axisnode, displayaxis, displayplane, inputsystem, name, node, origin, originnode, planecode, planenode, typename, xaxis, yaxis and zaxis.
- objectives – Added new name configname, dobjreflist, dobjreflistmax and minmaxflagname.
- opticonstraints – Added new name configname, lowerboundtoggle and upperboundtoggle.
- opticontrols – Added new name configname.
- optidscreens – Added new name configname.
- optiresponses – Added new name configname, propertyname and responsename.
- outputblocks – Added new names cardimage, cardimagetype and entityids.
- plies – Added new names cardimage, cardimagetype, entitylistdisplayed, linelist, linelistmax, node, nodeid, orientangle2, surfacelist, surfacelistmax, system, systemid table and type.
- plots – Added new name curveslist.
- properties – Added new names cardimage and cardimagetype.
- sensors – Added new names cardimage and cardimagetype.
- solids – Data name collector now supported.
- systemcols – Added new names cardimage and cardimagetype.
- tables – Added new names cardimage and cardimagetype, cellvalue, columndatatype, columndatatypename, columndescription, columnentitytype and columnlabel.
- titles – Added new names anchorcorner, borderxpoints, borderypoints, entity and entityconnectionangle. Existing data names type and typename are now supported for surfs.
- vectorcols – Added new names cardimage and cardimagetype.
- vectors – Added new names collectorid and components.
- General/Core
- hm_getoption – Added new options detailed_elements_beamvis, detailed_elements_shellvis and loadvisualvector.
- hm_info – Added new option showscale.
- hm_wadlinesgetgridpoints/hm_wadlinesgetleggridline – Added new optional method argument, to specify whether to use Euro NCAP or Homologization calculation methods.
- *createmark/*appendmark/hm_createmark/hm_appendmark – Added new selection methods "by cone", "by visible", "by metadata name", "by metadata contains value", "by metadata equal to value", "by metadata greater than value", "by metadata less than value", "by metadata value range" and "by metadata type".
- Meshing
- *compute_midmesh_thickness – Added new options FeatureAngle and CornerThicknessCorrectionThreshold.
- *midsurface_extract_10 – Added additional values for align_steps and rerun_type arguments.
- *remesh_element_intersection – Added new parameters break_shell_along_component_boundaries and keep_intersection_edges.
Deprecated Commands
- Meshing
- *add_washer_elements – Use *add_multi_washer_elements instead.
- *elementqualitysmoothnodes – Use *elementqualitysmoothnodesnew instead.
- *trim_elems_by_circular_hole – Use *trim_elems_by_multi_circular_hole instead.