Unless otherwise specified, data names are accessible in level 3 only.
- activesuppressed
- Returns non-zero if the entity is set inactive, 0 otherwise. Type: integer
- allplies
- This updates the attribute_b.
- attj
- The element type (AttributeJ).
- attribute1_list
- A pointer to PID, MID, EID, PLY ID or Grid ID as referenced by response type and property type.
- attribute1max
- Number of entity IDs.
- attribute_a
- The attributes of a response where further definition is required.
- attribute_b
- The attributes of a response where further definition is required.
- attribute_b_selection
- The attribute stores the value for DRESP1 for selection (sum, avg, ssq, etc...)
- attribute_b_value
- This updates the attribute_b
- attributesmax
- The number of attributes owned by this entity. Type: unsigned int.
- beadfrac
- The attribute maintains the state of option (Total, by Entity, Combined).
- boresetid
- The set ID for bore distortion response.
- cluster
- This updates the attribute_b via cluster Name field.
- configname
- The solver name of the entity. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
- cornerselection
- Setting ATTB=CORNER allows for the use of corner stresses or corner strains as responses. This response can only be applied on Solid elements. This response is only supported for sizing, shape, and free shape optimization.
- coord
- This updates the CORD flag for static displacement, static strain, static stress, static force, SPC force and GPFORCE responses.
- coordcid
- This updates the coordinate system ID, if coordinateoptions is selected as CID for static displacement, static strain, static stress, static force, SPC force and GPFORCE responses.
- coordinate_type_list
- Pointer to the x, y, or z component of the GRID referenced by functionnodelist for DREPS2.
- 1 – X
- 2 – Y
- 3 – Z
- coordinateoptions
- This updates the coordinate system type for static displacement, static strain, static stress, static force, SPC force and GPFORCE responses.
- coordinatetypefortable
- Maintains the table information for DGRID table.
- definedentity
- True if the entity is defined, false otherwise.
- dgridbcoordinatefortable
- Maintains the table information for DGRIDB table.
- dgridbcoordtypetab
- Updates the DgridbCoordTypeTab (9299) attribute.
- dgridbnodetab
- Updates the DgridbNodeTab (9298) attribute.
- dgridlcoordfortable
- Maintains the table information for DGRIDL table.
- dgridlcoordtypetab
- Updates the DgridlCoordTypeTab (9303) attribute.
- dgridlnodetab
- Updates the DgridlNodeTab (9302) attribute.
- dreport
- Updates the DREPORT flag.
- dreport_loadsteps
- The list of loadstep entries for DREPORT .
- dresp1lv
- Updates the DRESP1LV flag.
- dresp1lvloadstep
- Updates the DRESP1LV_LID (9914) attribute.
- dresp1lvopttable
- Updates the DRESP1LV_VOPT (9913) attribute.
- dresp1lvrid
- Updates the DRESP1LV_RID (9912) attribute.
- dresp1v
- Updates the DRESP1V flag.
- dresp1vrid
- Updates the DRESP1V_RID (9908) attribute.
- dresp2lv
- Updates the DRESP2LV flag.
- dresp2lvloadstep
- Updates the DRESP2LV_LID (9917) attribute.
- dresp2lvopttable
- Updates the DRESP2LV_VOPT (9916) attribute.
- dresp2lvrid
- Updates the DRESP2LV_RID (9915) attribute.
- dresp2v
- Updates the DRESP2V flag.
- dresp2vrid
- Updates the DRESP2V_RID (9910) attribute.
- dresp2vvopttable
- Updates the DRESP2LV_VOPT (9911) attribute.
- drespvopttable
- Updates the DRESP1V_VOPT (9909) attribute.
- excluded_elem_list
- The data name (EntityList) updates the Response_ExcludedElems (4713) attribute.
- extn
- Indicates that extended attribute definition follows.
- freq_val
- The frequency value for the power flow response.
- functionid
- DEQATN identifier that defines the response relationship.
- id
- The ID of the entity. Type: entity
- include
- The ID of the include file the entity is organized in. Type: entity
- includeid
- The ID of the include file the entity is organized in. Type: unsigned int.
- internalid
- The ID of the entity. Type: unsigned int.
- highfq
- The frequency upper bound to specify the frequency range for responses in frequency response analysis.
- lallow
- Updates the lower bound on response for reporting purposes.
- loadstepweightlist
- Pointer to the list of loadstep weights.
- loadstepweightname
- The loadstepweightlist via Table.
- lowfq
- The frequency lower bound to specify the frequency range for responses in frequency response analysis.
- modecount
- The count for modes.
- modenumber
- The attributes of a response where further definition is required.
- modes
- Pointer to the list of modes for DRESP1.
- modevalue
- The modes value via Table.
- name
- The name of the entity. Type: string
- nl
- Updates the number of lowest responses to report.
- node_list
- The GPFORCE_NODEID (3141) attribute.
- nodetabmax
- The count for DgridbNodeTab (9298) attribute.
- nodetabmaxl
- The count for DgridlNodeTab (9302) attribute.
- norm
- The norm value.
- normalflag
- The attribute performs the show/hide on the option (dof1,dof2, etc...) for FRACCL, FRDISP, FRVELO.
- normconstraint
- The norm constraint value.
- nu
- Updates the number of highest responses to report.
- octave
- The responses can be calculated in octave bands instead of at each frequency. Depending on the selected octave band type, a single response is calculated for each band in the set of selected octave bands within the specified frequency range.
- octopt
- Defines the accumulation function used on narrow band frequency responses within each octave band, INT (default), SUM or AVG.
- option
- The attribute allows selection of options for attribute_a.
- outputsuppressed
- Returns non-zero if the entity is set "do not export", 0 otherwise. Type: integer
- plyselection
- This holds the value of attribute_b value selection control (AllPly, GlobalPly, GlobalPlynumber).
- plyvalue
- This updates the attribute_b.
- property
- Property type of the response.
- 1 - PSHELL
- 2 - PSOLID
- 3 - PSHEAR
- 4 - PCOMP
- 5 - PBAR
- 6 - PBEAM
- 7 - PELAS
- 8 - PROD
- 9 - PBEND
- 10 - PDAMP
- 11 - PBUSH
- 12 - PTUBE
- 13 - PGAP
- 14 - ELEM
- 15 - MAT
- 16 - SETS
- 17 - PBARL
- 18 - HM_ELAS
- 19 - PBEAML
- 20 - PWELD
- 21 - PMASS
- 22 - PCOMPG
- 23 - PCOMPP
- 24 - PVISC
- 25 - PLYS
- property_attrib_b
- The attribute maintains the state of option (Total, Entity, Sum).
- propertyname
- Name of property. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
- radiossconfig
- The Radioss config.
- randpsid
- The attribute RESPONSE_RANDPS_ID (3979).
- region
- Region identifier.
- response
- Response type that is defined.
- 1 – weight (Nastran)
- 2 – volume
- 3 – volumefrac
- 4 – eign (Nastran)
- 5 – frequency
- 6 – buckling
- 7 – static displacement
- 8 – static strain
- 9 – static stress
- 10 – static force
- 11 – composite stress
- 12 – composite strain
- 13 – composite failure
- 14 – FRF displacement
- 15 – FRF velocity
- 16 – FRF acceleration
- 17 – FRF SPCF (Nastran)
- 18 – FRF stress
- 19 – FRF force
- 20 – tdisp (Nastran)
- 21 – tvelo (Nastran)
- 22 – taccl (Nastran)
- 23 – tspcf (Nastran)
- 24 – tstre (Nastran)
- 25 – tforc (Nastran)
- 29 – mass 30 – massfrac
- 31 – compliance
- 32 – weighted comp
- 33 – weighted freq
- 34 – compliance index
- 35 – function 36 – COG
- 37 – inertia
- 38 – FRF strain
- 39 – beadfrac
- 40 – external
- 41 – fatigue
- 42 – FRF pressure
- 43 – PSD displacement
- 44 – PSD velocity
- 45 – PSD acceleration
- 46 – PSD pressure
- 47 – RMS displacement
- 48 – RMS velocity
- 49 – RMS acceleration
- 50 – RMS pressure
- 51 – temperature
- 52 – dsysid
- 53 – PSD stress
- 54 – PSD strain
- 56 – RMS stress
- 57 – RMS strain
- 59 – FRF erp
- 60 – SPC force
- 61 – GPFORCE
- 62 – mode shape
- 63 - thermal compliance
- responsegroup1, responsegroup2, responsegroup3, responsegroup4
- The combination of these attributes defines ATTA.
- scale
- Scaling and weighting the responses LIN (default), LOG, DBA, DBB, or DBC.
- spwld
- The SPWLD flag for fatigue response.
- subcasemodetracking
- Allows selection of loadsteps:
- systemlistmax
- The count for DgridlSystTab (9304) attribute.
- uallow
- Updates the upper bound on responses for reporting purposes.
- weightcount
- The count for weights.
- weights
- Pointer to the list of weights for DRESP1.
- weightvalue
- The weights value via Table.
DRESP2 response data names.
- attribute_b_selection_optifunction
- The value for DRESP2 for selection (sum, avg, ssq, etc..).
- desvarlist
- Pointer to the list of designvars for DRESP1/DRESP2 (pointer value is designvar ID).
- desvarlistmax
- The number of desvars for DRESP2.
- dvprellist
- Pointer to the list of dvprels referenced by DRESP2.
- dvprelmax
- The number of dvprels referenced by DRESP2.
- function_loadsteplist
- Pointer to the list of loadstep entries for DRESP2.
- function_loadsteplistmax
- The number of loadstep entries referenced by DRESP2.
- loadsteplist
- Pointer to the list of loadstep entries for DRESP1/DRESP2.
- loadsteplistmax
- The number of loadstep entries referenced by DRESP1.
- nodelist
- Pointer to the list of grids referenced by DRESP1/DRESP2.
- nodelistmax
- The number of nodes (DGRID) entries referenced by DRESP2.
- responselist
- Pointer to the list of response entries referenced by DRESP2.
- responselistmax
- The number of response entries referenced by DRESP2.
- responsename
- Name of response. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
- tableentrylist
- Pointer to the list of table entries referenced by DRESP2.
- tableentrylistmax
- The number of table entries (DTABLE) referenced by DRESP2.
DSYSID response variables.
- Number of DSYSIDs response per subcase.
- Array of response IDs
- Array of subcase identification numbers.
- Array of subcase identification strings, either ALL or blank.
- Array of DSYSID target values.
- Array of weighting factors.
- $Response_ExcludedElems
- Array of element IDs excluded from the response.
Version History
2017.1 - Added new data names coord, coordinateoptions, coordcid, dreport, dreport_loadsteps, lallow, nl, nu and uallow.
2017.2 - Added new data names dresp1lv, dresp1lvloadstep, dresp1lvopttable, dresp1lvrid, dresp1v, dresp1vrid, dresp2lv, dresp2lvloadstep, dresp2lvopttable, dresp2lvrid, dresp2v, dresp2vrid, dresp2vvopttable and drespvopttable.
2019 - Added new data names attj, cornerselection, extn, freq_val, highfq, lowfq, octave, octopt, option, radiossconfig, scale and subcasemodetracking.