Unless otherwise specified, data names are accessible in level 3 only.
- activesuppressed
- Returns non-zero if the entity is set inactive, 0 otherwise. Type: integer
- attributesmax
- The number of attributes owned by this entity. Type: unsigned int.
- by_node
- The by node flag.
- config
- The config of the entity.
- definedentity
- True if the entity is defined, false otherwise.
- euler_alpha1
- The first Euler angle.
- euler_alpha2
- The second Euler angle.
- euler_alpha3
- The third Euler angle.
- id
- The ID of the entity. Type: entity
- include
- The ID of the include file the entity is organized in. Type: entity
- includeid
- The ID of the include file the entity is organized in. Type: unsigned int.
- internalid
- The ID of the entity. Type: unsigned int.
- IdNode1
- The A node ID of the reference plane.
- IdNode2
- The B node ID of the reference plane.
- IdNode3
- The C node ID of the reference plane.
- interface_mapped_entity
- A flag to differentiate interface mapped transformations from dummy-mechanism transformations.
- matrix_theta11
- The transformation matrix 11 value.
- matrix_theta12
- The transformation matrix 12 value.
- matrix_theta13
- The transformation matrix 13 value.
- matrix_theta21
- The transformation matrix 21 value.
- matrix_theta22
- The transformation matrix 22 value.
- matrix_theta23
- The transformation matrix 23 value.
- matrix_theta31
- The transformation matrix 31 value.
- matrix_theta32
- The transformation matrix 32 value.
- matrix_theta33
- The transformation matrix 33 value.
- name
- The name of the entity. Type: string
- node1
- The node 1 node ID.
- node2
- The node 2 node ID.
- outputsuppressed
- Returns non-zero if the entity is set "do not export", 0 otherwise. Type: integer
- position
- The coordinates of the point used for config 1 transformations.
- position_x
- The x-coordinate of the point used for config 1 transformations.
- position_y
- The y-coordinate of the point used for config 1 transformations.
- position_z
- The z-coordinate of the point used for config 1 transformations.
- preceding
- The ID of the preceding transformation entity.
- reference_plane1
- The A node coordinates of the reference plane.
- reference_plane1_x
- The A node x-coordinate of the reference plane.
- reference_plane1_y
- The A node y-coordinate of the reference plane.
- reference_plane1_z
- The A node z-coordinate of the reference plane.
- reference_plane2
- The B node coordinates of the reference plane.
- reference_plane2_x
- The B node x-coordinate of the reference plane.
- reference_plane2_y
- The B node y-coordinate of the reference plane.
- reference_plane2_z
- The B node z-coordinate of the reference plane.
- reference_plane3
- The C node coordinates of the reference plane.
- reference_plane3_x
- The C node x-coordinate of the reference plane.
- reference_plane3_y
- The C node y-coordinate of the reference plane.
- reference_plane3_z
- The C node z-coordinate of the reference plane.
- reflect_point1
- The coordinates of reflection point 1.
- reflect_point1_x
- The x-coordinate of reflection point 1.
- reflect_point1_y
- The y-coordinate of reflection point 1.
- reflect_point1_z
- The z-coordinate of reflection point 1.
- reflect_point2
- The coordinates of reflection point 2.
- reflect_point2_x
- The x-coordinate of reflection point 2.
- reflect_point2_y
- The y-coordinate of reflection point 2.
- reflect_point2_z
- The z-coordinate of reflection point 2.
- reflect_system
- The ID of the coordinate system used for config 5 transformations.
- reflect_x_axis
- Returns 1 if the x-axis is used for config 5 transformations, 0 otherwise.
- reflect_y_axis
- Returns 1 if the y-axis is used for config 5 transformations, 0 otherwise.
- reflect_z_axis
- Returns 1 if the z-axis is used for config 5 transformations, 0 otherwise.
- rotation_angle
- The angle of rotation used for config 3 transformations.
- rotation_direction
- The coordinates of the direction of rotation used for config 3 transformations.
- rotation_point
- The coordinates of the point of rotation used for config 3 transformations.
- rotation_point_x
- The x-coordinate of the point of rotation used for config 3 transformations.
- rotation_point_y
- The y-coordinate of the point of rotation used for config 3 transformations.
- rotation_point_z
- The z-coordinate of the point of rotation used for config 3 transformations.
- rotation_point1
- The coordinates of the first point defining the axis of rotation used for config 3 transformations.
- rotation_point1_x
- The x-coordinate of the first point defining the axis of rotation used for config 3 transformations.
- rotation_point1_y
- The y-coordinate of the first point defining the axis of rotation used for config 3 transformations.
- rotation_point1_z
- The z-coordinate of the first point defining the axis of rotation used for config 3 transformations.
- rotation_point2
- The coordinates of the second point defining the axis of rotation used for config 3 transformations.
- rotation_point2_x
- The x-coordinate of the second point defining the axis of rotation used for config 3 transformations.
- rotation_point2_y
- The y-coordinate of the second point defining the axis of rotation used for config 3 transformations.
- rotation_point2_z
- The z-coordinate of the second point defining the axis of rotation used for config 3 transformations.
- rotation_system
- The ID of the coordinate system used for config 3 transformations.
- rotational_vector
- The rotational vector components.
- rotational_vector_x
- The rotational vector x-component.
- rotational_vector_y
- The rotational vector y-component.
- rotational_vector_z
- The rotational vector z-component.
- scale_origin
- The coordinates of the scale origin point used for config 4 transformations.
- scale_origin_x
- The x-coordinate of the scale origin point used for config 4 transformations.
- scale_origin_y
- The y-coordinate of the scale origin point used for config 4 transformations.
- scale_origin_z
- The z-coordinate of the scale origin point used for config 4 transformations.
- scale_size
- The scale size when uniform scaling is used for config 4 transformations.
- scale_system
- The ID of the coordinate system used for config 4 transformations.
- scale_uniform
- 1 if uniform scaling is used for config 4 transformations, 0 if uniform vector is used.
- scale_vector
- The coordinates of the scale vector used for config 4 transformations.
- scale_vector_x
- The x-coordinate of the scale vector used for config 4 transformations.
- scale_vector_y
- The y-coordinate of the scale vector used for config 4 transformations.
- scale_vector_z
- The z-coordinate of the scale vector used for config 4 transformations.
- scalefactor_x
- The x scale factor.
- scalefactor_y
- The y scale factor.
- scalefactor_z
- The z scale factor.
- sequence_num
- The sequence number of transformations in I/O.
- symmetry_reset
- The element entity keyword SYMXY, SYMXZ, SYMYZ or RESET.
- translation_magnitude
- The magnitude of config 2 transformations.
- translation_source
- The coordinates of the first point used for config 2 transformations.
- translation_source_x
- The x-coordinate of the first point used for config 2 transformations.
- translation_source_y
- The y-coordinate of the first point used for config 2 transformations.
- translation_source_z
- The z-coordinate of the first point used for config 2 transformations.
- translation_system
- The ID of the coordinate system used for config 2 transformations.
- translation_target
- The coordinates of the second point used for config 2 transformations.
- translation_target_x
- The x-coordinate of the second point used for config 2 transformations.
- translation_target_y
- The y-coordinate of the second point used for config 2 transformations.
- translation_target_z
- The z-coordinate of the second point used for config 2 transformations.
- translation_x
- The translation along the global x-axis.
- translation_y
- The translation along the global y-axis.
- translation_z
- The translation along the global z-axis.
- vector_1
- The coordinates of the first vector used for config 1 transformations.
- vector_1_x
- The x-coordinate of the first vector used for config 1 transformations.
- vector_1_y
- The y-coordinate of the first vector used for config 1 transformations.
- vector_1_z
- The z-coordinate of the first vector used for config 1 transformations.
- vector_2
- The coordinates of the second vector used for config 1 transformations.
- vector_2_x
- The x-coordinate of the second vector used for config 1 transformations.
- vector_2_y
- The y-coordinate of the second vector used for config 1 transformations.
- vector_2_z
- The z-coordinate of the second vector used for config 1 transformations.
- vector_3
- The coordinates of the third vector used for config 1 transformations.
- vector_3_x
- The x-coordinate of the third vector used for config 1 transformations.
- vector_3_y
- The y-coordinate of the third vector used for config 1 transformations.
- vector_3_z
- The z-coordinate of the third vector used for config 1 transformations.
- vectorbytwonodes
- The option to select nodes defining a vector.
Version History
2019 - Added new data names by_node, euler_alpha1, euler_alpha2, euler_alpha3, IdNode1, IdNode2, IdNode3, interface_mapped_entity, matrix_theta11, matrix_theta12, matrix_theta13, matrix_theta21, matrix_theta22, matrix_theta23, matrix_theta31, matrix_theta32, matrix_theta33, node1, node2, reference_plane1, reference_plane1_x, reference_plane1_y, reference_plane1_z, reference_plane2, reference_plane2_x, reference_plane2_y, reference_plane2_z, reference_plane3, reference_plane3_x, reference_plane3_y, reference_plane3_z, reflect_point1, reflect_point1_x, reflect_point1_y, reflect_point1_z, reflect_point2, reflect_point2_x, reflect_point2_y, reflect_point2_z, rotational_vector, rotational_vector_x, rotational_vector_y, rotational_vector_z, scalefactor_x, scalefactor_y, scalefactor_z, sequence_num, symmetry_reset, translation_x, translation_y, translation_z and vectorbytwonodes.