Contour Loads Tool

Use the Contour Loads utility to create contour plots of applied loads and boundary conditions contained within load collectors.

Location: Access this tool using the search () in the top, right corner of the modeling window.

Load Collectors Options

In the Load collectors section you can select load collectors to contour. Every load collector in the current model's database displays in the load collector list.

Filter buttons allow for additional selection control, including a name filter that uses standard filtering syntax.

The Contour Loads utility generates a .res file that is automatically loaded into the Contour panel. The .res file contains simulation results named after each load collector, unless you select the combine load collectors option in the contour options section. If a load collector contains multiple load types, the simulation result will include multiple data types (that is load collector). Different load types support different data types.
Load Types
Data Types
Acceleration, Force, Moment, Velocity
X, Y, Z, MAG (unsigned).
MAG is simply the magnitude of the X/Y/Z components.
X, Y, Z, MAG, Signed MAG.
MAG is simply the magnitude of the X/Y/Z components. "Signed MAG" computes the dot product of the X/Y/Z components with the element normal to give a sign to the MAG value. If the dot product is >=0, the sign is positive, otherwise the sign is negative. MAG and "Signed MAG" always have the same absolute value.
Displacements, Rotations
X, Y, Z.
Coming from constraints, rotations and displacements each have 3 degrees of freedom.
Temperatures, Fluxes
Temperature and Flux (single data types only).
  • In the Abaqus solver interface, support is available for the *FILM, *RADIATE and *SFILM cards. *FILM and *RADIATE are supported for pressures assigned directly to elements only. *SFILM is supported for groups defined using elements, components or sets only, but only applies the contour to shell elements within the group, ignoring any non-shell elements within it. *SFILM has two possible data types: *SFILM - Film_Coeff and *SFILM - Sink_Temp.
  • The loadstep names in the results file are the selected load collector names. If the Combine load collectors option is checked, only a single loadstep is generated in the results file named Combined Results.
  • In all cases, a data type is only created if there is an applicable result for that data type. Some data types may not always be created. For example a force in the X direction will not create the Y and Z data types, but will create X and MAG.
  • If a non-rectangular local coordinate system is selected, the X/Y/Z labels change to R/T/Z (cylindrical system) or R/T/P (spherical system).

Contour Options

In the Contour Options section you can control options for generating contour data from the selected load collector(s).
Option Action
Combine load collectors Linearly superimposes all loads of the same load type from all selected load collectors into one simulation, named "Combined Results" within the .res file. If two load collectors are selected, and both contain force data, HyperWorks X linearly superimposes their forces and plots them in one contour, as opposed to a separate force contour for each load collector. Loads are summed - or in the case of constraints, only the maximum constraint value is used.
Result System Define the coordinate system in which the simulation data is transformed into and output to the contour. If a system does not currently exist, one can be created by clicking Proceed without selection of a coordinate system. If no results system is specified, HyperWorks X uses the system that the loads were created in.
Note: Not available for flux or temperature load types.
Save results Store the contour results in a HyperWorks X results file (.res) using a specific file directory and filename. These results can then be loaded into HyperWorks X or HyperView for review.

Command Buttons

Option Action
Accept Opens the Contour panel, where the selection of a simulation and a data type within that simulation are required to produce the desired contour. The simulation corresponds to the load collector, and the data type is the list of load types contained within the selected load collector(s).

Each simulation corresponds to one load collector. If multiple load types are contained inside a load collector, there will be multiple data types available. When using the Combine load collectors option, only one simulation will exist with the name "Combined Results" as discussed above.

Reset Clear all of the entry fields on the tab so that you can start over.
Close Close the tab without performing the contour plot.

Model Contour

Example of the Contour Loads tool setup and contour for the model.

Figure 1. Original Model

Figure 2. Contour Loads Utility

Figure 3. Contour Showing the Force - MAG Data Type

Figure 4. Contour Showing the Displacement - X Data Type