Renumber Panel

Use the Renumber panel to renumber entities. You may also enter a value by which to offset the IDs of entities.

Location: Organize menu bar

When the ID to be assigned to an entity is already assigned to another entity, HyperWorks X adds the increment to the ID until a unique ID is found. Because of this, it may be necessary to move the entities out of the way by initially renumbering all of the entities starting with a large ID, and then renumber again with the desired IDs.

Single Subpanel

Use the Single subpanel to renumber individual entities or specific, manually selected groups of entities.
Option Action
entity selector Select the type of entity to renumber, then select the entities that you wish to renumber.
When you select nodes or elems, click the switch to change the selection mode.
Select individual nodes.

Figure 1. Example: Nodes Selection
Select all of the nodes on 2D and 3D faces. If there are discontinuities on a 2D face, then only the nodes inbetween the discontinuities will be selected.

Figure 2. Example: Faces Selection
2D faces ext
Select all of the nodes on a 2D face that contain discontinuities.

Figure 3. Example: 2D Faces Ext Selection
Select all of the nodes on continuous free edges that make a closed loop simultaneously, such as the perimeter of a hole.
Important: Only valid for SHELL elements.

Figure 4. Example: Loops Selection
free edges
Select all of the nodes on free edges of elements. If there are discontinuities on an edge, then only the nodes on the free edges inbetween the discontinuities will be selected.
Important: Only valid for SHELL elements.

Figure 5. Example: Free Edges Selection
free edges ext
Select all of the nodes on free edges of elements that contain discontinuities.
Important: Only valid for SHELL elements.

Figure 6. Example: Free Edges Ext Selection
Select all of the nodes on free edges or shared edges (butt joints, L/corner joints, and T-joints) of elements. If there are discontinuities on an edge, then only the nodes on the edge inbetween the discontinuities will be selected.
Important: Only valid for SHELL elements.

Figure 7. Example: Edges Selection
edges ext
Select all of the nodes on free edges or shared edges (butt joints, L/corner joints, and T-joints) of elements that contain discontinuities.
Important: Only valid for SHELL elements.

Figure 8. Example: Edges Ext Selection
Select individual elements, or select all of the elements contained by a component or on a surface.

Figure 9. Example: Elems Selection
Select all of the elements on 2D and 3D faces. If there are discontinuities on a 2D face, then only the elements in between the discontinuities will be selected.

Figure 10. Example: Faces Selection
2D faces ext
Select all of the elements on a 2D face that contain discontinuities.

Figure 11. Example: 2D Faces Ext Selection
start with = Specify the starting ID for the entities you selected.
increment by = Specify the value by which to increment the entity IDs.
offset = Specify the value with which to offset the selected entities.

It is possible to offset by both positive and negative values, provided that the offset IDs of all selected entities are greater than zero.

face angle / individual selection
face angle
Angle between the normal of facets that share an element edge. A facet can either be a shell element itself, or one of the faces of a solid element. The normal of triangular facets is that of the plane defined three corner vertices. Whereas, the normal of quadrilateral facets is calculated by taking the cross-product between its two diagonals. This special treatment for quadrilaterals is because a warped shape does not lie completely on a plane.
individual selection
Select individual elements on a face or select individual free/shared edges of elements.
edge angle
Split edges that belong to a given face. When the edge angle is 180 degrees, edges are the continuous boundaries of faces. For smaller values, these same boundary edges are split wherever the angle between segments exceeds the specified value. A segment is the edge of a single element.
Important: Only available when the entity selector is set to nodes and the selection mode is set to free edges, free edges ext, edges, or edges ext.

All Subpanel

Use the All subpanel to renumber all entities in the model, regardless of type.
Option Action
start with = Specify the starting ID for the entities you selected.
increment by = Specify the value by which to increment the entity IDs.
offset = Specify the value with which to offset the selected entities.

It is possible to offset by both positive and negative values, provided that the offset IDs of all selected entities are greater than zero.

Command Buttons

Button Action
renumber Renumber the selected entities according to the input settings.
min/max Causes the total number and the range of numbers of the selected entity type to display as a message in the status bar. If entities are selected, the total number and range of numbers includes only the selected entities; otherwise, all entities of the type specified by the entity switch are counted.
Note: Available in the Single subpanel.
offset Offset the numbers by the value specified in offset = each time you click offset.
reject Undo the renumbering of entities.
return Exit the panel.