Deformed Panel

Use the Deformed (deformed shape) panel to plot displacement analysis results.

Location: Post page

Use this Deformed panel to see the motion of your structure after analysis. You can display both the original structure and the deformed shape to see the total amount of movement, or view the deformed shape by itself. You can also create an animation sequence of the structure's movement that shows the motion of the structure in a series of frames, based on what the analysis code has predicted the structure will do.

This function requires that you use a HyperWorks X results file containing displacement data.

Panel Options

Option Action
simulation Select the simulation that should be used to calculate the deformed shape of the structure.
data type Select the data type that should be used to calculate the deformed shape of the structure.

If your graphics device is not capable of generating stress contour animation sequences, data type = is ignored.

If stress contour animation is not desired, set the data type to none (blank). This allows HyperWorks X to bypass contour calculations when generating the animation sequences.

title Enter a title for the plot.
model units / scale factor Select the type of results multiplication to be performed.
undef color Select a color for the undeformed structure.
deform color Select a color for the deformed structure.
color options selections Select a method of coloring the undeformed structure.
use elem color
Colors the elements in the undeformed or deformed structure the same color as the element.
use contour
Color the undeformed or deformed structure the same color as your background.
Use this option for the undefromed structure to plot only the deformed structure.
as selected
Select a constant color for all of the elements in the undeformed or deformed structure.
frames Define the number of frames to be used in the animation sequence.

Command Buttons

Button Action
prev Move the simulation or data type to the previous simulation or data type.
next Move the simulation or data type to the next simulation or data type.
deform Plot the deformed structure.
linear Plot a deformation from a linear results file.
modal Animate the structure using modal results. Opens the Animation secondary panel.
reference Set the reference frame for animation. Select the three nodes that define the coordinate system to be used as a reference point.
return Exit the panel.