Use the ALE Setup panel to create and modify input data pertaining to the
Location: Analysis page
Important: Only avaiable in the LS-DYNA solver interface.
Create Subpanel
Use the Create subpanel to create ALE groups.
Option |
Action |
name |
Specify a name for the ALE card. |
type |
Specify a type for the ALE card.
- Type (HyperWorks X Card
- LS-DYNA Keyword
- ConstdLagSolid
- InitialGasMix
- InitialVoid
- DatabaseFsi
- DatabaseFsiSensor
- BoundAmbEos
- InitVolFractGeo
- InitialALEMapping
Additional cards related to ALE modeling:
(collector/property panel)
(*Element_Solid card image)
color |
Select a color for the ALE group. |
Add/Update Subpanel
Use the Add/Update subpanel to link entities such as components or a set to the ALE
cards created in the Create subpanel.
Option |
Action |
name |
Specify a name for the ALE card. |
options |
Use the entity selector to select entities to link to the ALE
card. |
Command Buttons
Button |
Action |
create |
Create the ALE card. |
update |
Update the selected card with the new information. |
create/edit |
Create the ALE card and immediately open the Card Editor with
the ALE card loaded. |
review |
Highlight the selected mass element. |
edit |
Open the Card Editor with the current ALE card
loaded. |
update color |
Update the ALE card color with the newly selected
color. |
return |
Exit the panel. |