HyperBeam Panel
Use the HyperBeam panel to create beam cross-section entities that you can use to simplify complex portions of your model into simple bar elements.
The HyperBeam panel is arranged into several subpanels. Each subpanel covers a different type of beam section, except for the more general edit section and section utils (utilities) subpanels. You can move freely between subpanels. Your work on one subpanel will not be lost if you switch to a different subpanel.
Shell Section Subpanel
A thin-shell cuts through one or more separate pieces of sheet metal. When HyperBeam calculates their section properties, it uses thin-shell finite element theory.
Delete newly created beam sections using the HyperBeam module or the Model browser's context menu.
In the background, the lines are meshed with plot elements and passed to HyperBeam. HyperBeam then uses planar thin shell theory to calculate their section properties.
Option | Action |
entity selector | Select the lines or elements from which you wish to create a beam section. These must be in the form of a perpendicular cut through a part made of welded pieces of sheet metal or similar. |
section cut | To create a shell
section, cut through the selected entities at the plane location
and then use the resulting section lines. HyperWorks X centers the beam section at the centroid
of the section, the shear center, or at an arbitrary point that
you define. Optionally, you can create nodes at the centroid and
shear center of the beam section. The section plane normal forms the beam section's local x-axis (length) and the orient vector forms the beam section's local y-axis (height). Additionally, you can assign a boundary. HyperWorks X will crop the section lines where they cross the boundary. For shell beam section, HyperWorks X will discard the portions of the section lines which lie outside the boundary. |
merge tol = | Specify the tolerance used to determine if nodes or the ends of lines are coincident when generating the cross-section for HyperBeam. |
Create node at centroid: | Create a node at the section's centroid. |
Create node at Shear Center: | Create a node at the section's shear center. |
part gen | Choose how the lines
or elements will be sorted.
cross section plane:fit to entities / project to plane |
section base node: | Select where to locate the section base node. This helps determine its orientation. |
orientation vector: | The section is
oriented normal to this vector at the specified base node.
Solid Section Subpanel
Solid sections cut through cast or molded parts, or when the sheet metal thicknesses are so large that thin-shell theory is inappropriate. When HyperBeam calculates their section properties, it uses planar solid finite element theory.
Delete newly created beam sections using the HyperBeam module or the Model browser's context menu.
In the background, the lines or surfaces are meshed with quad and tria elements and passed to the HyperBeam module. HyperBeam then uses planar solid finite element theory to calculate their section properties.
Option | Action |
elems / lines / surfs | Select the surface, lines or elements that form the solid section. These must be in the form of a perpendicular cut through a solid part. The only elements recognized are trias and quads. |
section cut | To create a solid type
beam section, cut through the selected entities at the plane
location and then use the resulting section lines. HyperWorks X centers the beam section at the centroid
of the section, the shear center, or at the arbitrary point that
you define. Optionally, you can create nodes at the centroid and
shear center of the beam section. If you are creating a solid beam section, HyperWorks X will fill the interior of the section lines with beam section elements, as long as the section lines form one or more loops. The section plane normal forms the beam section's local x-axis (length) and the orient vector forms the beam section's local y-axis (height). Additionally, you can assign a boundary. HyperWorks X will crop the section lines where they cross the boundary. For solid beam sections, HyperWorks X will use the boundary in place of the portions of the section lines, which lie outside the boundary when the section is being filled in. |
merge tol = | Specify the tolerance used to determine if nodes or the ends of lines are coincident when generating the cross-section for HyperBeam. |
Create node at centroid: | Create a node at the section's centroid. |
Create node at Shear Center: | Create a node at the section's shear center. |
analysis type: | Choose the order of quads or trias used. |
cross section plane:fit to entities / project to plane |
section base node: | Select where to locate the section base node. This helps determine its orientation. |
orientation vector: | The section is
oriented normal to this vector at the specified base node.
Standard Section Subpanel
Use the Standard Section subpanel to quickly generate models using a few standard shapes such as boxes or tubes. HyperBeam uses the closed-form equations for their section properties.
Delete newly created beam sections using the HyperBeam module or the Model browser's context menu.
HyperBeam calculates the section properties of the chosen standard section using closed-form equations.
Option | Action |
standard section library: | Select the solver for
which you wish to create a standard section. This determines the options available for standard section type. |
standard section type: | Select the standard beamsection you wish to create. The options available depend on the solver library chosen for standard section library. |
Generic Section Subpanel
Included for backward compatibility with older models. For these, you have to explicitly enter all of the necessary quantities for the section properties.
Clicking create opens a new generic section in the HyperBeam view of the Model Browser, allowing you to specify the section properties.
Edit Section Subpanel
Use the Edit Section subpanel to open the selected cross-section in HyperBeam for review or modification.
This subpanel contains only a single input: a beamsect collector. Use this to select the desired beam section, then click edit to open the selected section in the HyperBeam view of the Model Browser.
Section Utils Subpanel
Option | Action |
(function switch) | Use the first switch on the subtab to select the type of operation you wish to perform. |
beamsects | Select the beam
sections that you wish to connect or position. Note: Only
available when function is set to auto-connect shell
sections or position shell/solid sections is
tolerance = | Sections within this
distance from each other will be connected. Note: Only available
when function is set to auto-connect shell
thickness = |
Note: Only available when function is set to auto-connect shell
at shear center / at centroid / translate | Select where the beam
section will be repositioned. Note: Only available when function
is set to position shell/solid sections.
y val = | Specify the distance
to move the beam section along the Y axis. Note: Only available
when function is set to position shell/solid sections and
location is set to translate.
z val = | Specify the distance
to move the beam section along the Z axis. Note: Only available
when function is set to position shell/solid sections and
location is set to translate.
Command Buttons
Button | Action |
create | Create the beamsection entity based on the specified inputs. |
edit | Open the selected beamsection in the HyperBeam view of the Model Browser. |
save referenced | Save a list of referenced beamsections in memory for retrieval on other panels via the extended entity selection menu's retrieve option. |
save unreferenced | Save a list of unreferenced beamsections in memory for retrieval on other panels via the extended entity selection menu's retrieve option. |
connect | Auto-connect the specified beam sections based on the specified tolerance and thickness. |
position | Reposition the specified beam sections based on the specified location inputs. |
return | Exit the panel. |