Contour Panel

Use the Contour panel to create contour and assigned plots of your model, and view your analysis results, in either a contour or assigned plot mode.

Location: Post page

A contour plot allows you to see results represented as bands of color, based on the values returned from an analysis code. An assigned plot lets you see the values of each element by coloring the entire element, which provides an alternate way to view your analysis results. When you create a plot, default values are assigned to the colors in the legend. The legend subpanel allows you to redefine the colors in the legend of the plot.

In HyperWorks X, values are located at either the nodes or the centroids of the elements. If you have results based on values at the nodes, the contour plot is created without averaging. An assigned plot can be created from nodal results, but the nodes are first averaged to create a value at the centroid of the element.

If you have values at the centroid of the elements, the assigned plot is created without averaging. A contour plot can be created if your results are based on values at the centroid, but the values must first be averaged. First, the nodes of the element are given the same value as the centroid of the element. Then the values at each node are added to the corresponding nodes of the neighboring elements. The sum of those nodes is then divided by the number of elements that contributed to the value at that node. The resulting value is assigned to the node at that point.

Both assigned and contour plots are available to provide a no-averaging option, whether your results are based on values at the nodes or at the centroids.
Note: You must load an analysis results file before you can create a contour.

Contour Plot

Figure 1. Model

Figure 2. Contour Plot of Model

Assigned Plot

Figure 3. Model

Figure 4. Assigned Plot of Model

Params Subpanel

Option Action
simulation Select a simulation type.
data type Select a data type.
title Enter a title for the plot.
magnitude / x, y, z comp A component of displacement can be used by selecting x comp, y comp, or z comp.
undeformed / model units / scale factor Mode of the assigned plot.
  • If you select model units, specify the number of model units to use in calculations.
  • If you select scale factor, enter the scale factor.
mult = To multiply the values in the results file by a scale factor other than 1.0, enter a new scale factor.
min / max titles Display the titles to the entities with the least and greatest results values.

For contour plots, the titles are attached to nodes.

info titles Display an informational title in the modeling window.

Legend Subpanel

Option Action
simulation Select a simulation type.
data type Select a data type.
title Enter a title for the plot.
find maximum / maximum The value to be assigned to the highest color in the plot.
find minimum / minimum The value to be assigned to the lowest color in the plot.

Cutting Subpanel

Once a plane has been activated, it can be moved through the model by picking the plane in the graphics area and dragging the mouse along the normal of the plane.

Planes can be trimmed and colored.

Planes can be single planes or double planes. If double is selected the menu item t = represents the thickness of the plane or the offset from the base cutting plane.
Option Action
simulation Select a simulation type.
data type Select a data type.
title Enter a title for the plot.
xy, yz, xz plane Select the desired plane(s) to use as a cutting surface.
trim planes Masked the model so that only the parts beyond the cutting plane display.

Clear this checkbox to only display the plane.

reset planes Reset the cutting planes to default values.
clip boundary elements Cut the model flat long the planar surface.

Clear this checkbox to draw complete elements, often resulting in a bumpy surface.

Isosurface Subpanel

Isosurfaces may be displayed based on the values contained within the legend or based on a single value.

If a single value isosurface is displayed, you can modify the value of the isosurface. To modify the value:
  1. Move the mouse into the legend and select the pointer that appears after the color boxes.
  2. Hold the mouse button down and move the mouse to the desired location.

You may also set the value by using the menu item, iso surface =, or increment by using increment = and the add and sub menu items.

The color of the displayed isosurface can be the legend color or a constant user- selected value. See the menu item, legend color, while displaying a value-based isosurface.

While a value-based isosurface is displayed, you can choose to display the faces in the model that are above the isosurface value by selecting include faces above.

While a value-based isosurface is displayed, you can choose to display the faces in the model that are above the isosurface value by selecting transparent below.
Option Action
simulation Select a simulation type.
data type Select a data type.
title Enter a title for the plot.
value based / legend based
value based
Enter a contour value for elements/nodes that you wish to display.
legend based
Use legend-based to pick the desired value with the mouse via the onscreen legend.
increment Specify the amount to add or subtract from the selected values (which determine the displayed elements/nodes) when the add or sub buttons are clicked.
include faces above Display elements/nodes with values equal to or above the selected value.
include faces below Display elements/nodes with values equal to or below the selected value.

Command Buttons

Button Action
contour Create the contour.
prev / next The prev or next which is on the same line as the simulation changes only the simulation. The prev or next which is on the same line as the data type changes only the data type.

If the simulation or data type is at the first position as found in the results file, selecting prev results in the simulation or data type being assigned to the last position in the file.

If the simulation or data type is at the last position as found in the results file, selecting next results in the simulation or data type being assigned to the first position in the file.

assign An assigned plot is element-based, creating the contour with lower resolution because each element has exactly one value. The default smooth contour averages element values at each node.
add When a contour legend value is selected, this increases the value that it represents by the increment.
sub When a contour legend value is selected, this decreases the value that it represents by the increment.
return Exit the panel.