Deprecated Tcl Query Commands
The list of deprecated Tcl query commands, and the new commands to use.
Deprecated Commands | New Commands to Use |
hm_attributearray2dcols | hm_getvalue |
hm_attributearray2drows | hm_getvalue |
hm_attributearray2dvalue | hm_getvalue |
hm_attributearraylength | hm_getvalue |
hm_attributearrayvalue | hm_getvalue |
hm_attributeentityid | hm_getvalue |
hm_attributeindexarray2dcols | hm_getvalue |
hm_attributeindexarray2drows | hm_getvalue |
hm_attributeindexarray2dvalue | hm_getvalue |
hm_attributeindexarraylength | hm_getvalue |
hm_attributeindexarrayvalue | hm_getvalue |
hm_attributeindexentityid | hm_getvalue |
hm_attributeindexmax | hm_getvalue |
hm_attributeindexvalue | hm_getvalue |
hm_attributemax | hm_getvalue |
hm_attributevalue | hm_getvalue |
hm_bag_getentitylistall | hm_getvalue |
hm_bag_getentitylistmax | hm_getvalue |
hm_baglist | hm_entitylist |
hm_buffercommandfile | *setoption/hm_getoption buffer_command_file |
hm_ce_getcollector | hm_ce_detailget |
hm_ce_removelinkentity | *CE_MarkRemoveLink |
hm_ce_size | *CE_GlobalSetDouble |
hm_commandfilestate | *setoption/hm_getoption command_file_state |
hm_complist | hm_entitylist |
hm_curve_getnumberofpoints | hm_getvalue |
hm_curve_getpointcords | hm_getvalue |
hm_dlinkgetdesvarcoeffs | hm_getvalue |
hm_dvprelgetdesvarcoeffs | hm_getvalue |
hm_dvprelgetdesvars | hm_getvalue |
hm_elempropertyget | hm_getvalueH |
hm_entity_setproperty | *propertyupdate |
hm_entityinfo bbox | hm_getboundingbox |
hm_evaluatemathexpr | Tcl math expressions |
hm_fe_setdiameter | *CE_DetailSetDouble or *CE_DetailSetDoubleByMark |
hm_fe_setpropscript | *CE_DetailSetDouble or *CE_DetailSetDoubleByMark |
hm_feoutputselect | *feoutput_select |
hm_getcardimagename | hm_getvalue |
hm_getcardimagenamemark | hm_getvalue |
hm_getcardimagetype | hm_getvalue |
hm_getcardimagetypemark | hm_getvalue |
hm_getcentroidofsolids | hm_getcentroid |
hm_getcleanuptol | hm_getoption cleanup_tolerance |
hm_getcompthickness | hm_getthickness |
hm_getcontrolcardattribute | hm_getvalue |
hm_getcoordinates | hm_getvalue |
hm_getdeleteelementsmode | hm_getoption delete_elements_mode |
hm_getdisplaycolor | hm_getoption background_colors |
hm_getelementsize | hm_getoption element_size |
hm_getentityarray | hm_getvalue |
hm_getentityvalue | hm_getvalue |
hm_getgeometrybox | hm_getboundingbox |
hm_getincludechildren | hm_getvalue |
hm_getincludeid | hm_getvalue |
hm_getincludename | hm_getvalue |
hm_getloadoption | hm_getoption equation_handle hm_getoption load_handle hm_getoption load_label hm_getoption load_size_magnitude hm_getoption load_size_type hm_getoption load_size_uniform hm_getoption load_solver_label |
hm_getmarkarray | hm_getvalue |
hm_getmarkvalue | hm_getvalue |
hm_getmeshlinecolor | hm_getoption mesh_line_color |
hm_getnodetol | hm_getoption node_tolerance |
hm_getoption displayscale | hm_getoption display_scale |
hm_getoption fixed_points | hm_getoption fixed_point_handle |
hm_getoption geometry_handle | hm_getoption line_handle |
hm_getoption geomstitching | hm_getoption geom_stitching |
hm_getoption loadvisualvector | hm_getoption load_visual_vector |
hm_getoption perspective_value | hm_getoption perspective_view |
hm_getoption outputtimeinfo | hm_getoption feoutput_time_info |
hm_getoption shrink_value | hm_getoption shrink_factor hm_getoption shrink_mode |
hm_getoption tagdisplay | hm_getoption tag_display |
hm_getoption tagtextdisplaymode | hm_getoption tag_text_display_mode |
hm_getoption view_acceleration | hm_getoption graphics_simplification_mode |
hm_getsystemoption | hm_getoption system_size_uniform |
hm_gettablecelldata | hm_getvalue |
hm_gettablecolumndata | hm_getvalue |
hm_gettablecolumnlabel | hm_getvalue |
hm_gettablecolumnsize | hm_getvalue |
hm_gettablecolumntype | hm_getvalue |
hm_gettablerowdata | hm_getvalue |
hm_gettopologyoption | hm_getoption solid_transparency hm_getoption topology_edge_display_mode hm_getoption topology_solid_display_mode |
hm_getvectoroption | hm_getoption vector_auto_scale hm_getoption vector_handle hm_getoption vector_label hm_getoption vector_size_magnitude hm_getoption vector_size_type hm_getoption vector_size_uniform |
hm_grouplist | hm_entitylist |
hm_info automeshcolormode | hm_getoption auto_mesh_color_mode |
hm_info blockredraw | hm_getoption block_redraw |
hm_info clipboundaryelements | hm_getoption clip_boundary_elements |
hm_info displayimporterrors | hm_getoption display_import_errors |
hm_info duplicateids | hm_getoption duplicate_ids |
hm_info elementcolormode | hm_getoption element_color_mode |
hm_info elementinternaledgesmode | hm_getoption element_internal_edges_mode |
hm_info elems_cleanup | hm_getcurrentmenu |
hm_info entityhighlighting | hm_getoption entity_highlighting |
hm_info fieldofview | hm_getoption perspective_fov |
hm_info geomrefinelevel | hm_getoption geom_refine_level |
hm_info geomstitching | hm_getoption geom_stitching |
hm_info lodthreshold | hm_getoption lod_threshold |
hm_info meshtransparency | hm_getoption mesh_transparency |
hm_info mixedpropertywarning | hm_getoption mixed_property_warning |
hm_info perspectiveview | hm_getoption perspective_view |
hm_info picktolerance | hm_getoption pick_tolerance |
hm_info plythicknessfactor | hm_getoption ply_thickness_factor |
hm_info retainloads | hm_getoption retain_loads |
hm_info rotationangle | hm_getoption rotation_angle |
hm_info rotationcentermode | hm_getoption rotation_center_mode |
hm_info rotationcenteroffscreen | hm_getoption rotation_center_off_screen |
hm_info scalecolor | hm_getoption scale_color |
hm_info scaleheight | hm_getoption scale_height |
hm_info scaleposition | hm_getoption scale_position |
hm_info scalewidth | hm_getoption scale_width |
hm_info showcompositelayers | hm_getoption show_composite_layers |
hm_info showglobalaxes | hm_getoption show_global_axes |
hm_info showscale | hm_getoption show_scale |
hm_info shrinkoptionvalue | hm_getoption shrink_factor |
hm_info shrinkvalue | hm_getoption shrink_mode |
hm_info stereodisplay | hm_getoption stereo_display |
hm_info surfaceuvlines | hm_getoption surface_uv_lines |
hm_info topologydisplaymode | hm_getoption topology_display_mode |
hm_info transparentwithmeshlines | hm_getoption transparent_with_mesh_lines |
hm_info zoomfactor | hm_getoption zoom_factor |
hm_materiallist | hm_entitylist |
hm_morph_getdomainelems | hm_getvalue |
hm_morph_getdomainhandles | hm_getvalue |
hm_morph_getdomainnodes | hm_getvalue |
hm_morph_domaintypecount | hm_morph_getinfo |
hm_morph_getcountercurrent | hm_morph_getinfo |
hm_morph_getcountermaximum | hm_morph_getinfo |
hm_morph_getinfo parameter domainicons | hm_getoption domain_handle |
hm_morph_getparameter | hm_morph_getinfo |
hm_nodelist | hm_getvalue |
hm_nodergb | |
hm_nodevalue | hm_getvalue |
hm_parentcomplist | hm_getvalue |
hm_propertylist | hm_entitylist |
hm_setlist | hm_entitylist |