
Query information about a part replace preview operation.


hm_getreplacequerryonentities option


HyperMesh Tcl Query


This command can be used to query information about a part replace preview operation. This must always be used in conjunction with the *replacentitywithentity command.


1 - Get the replace status of all replaced entities. The status are 1 (not OK), 2 (OK) and 3 (partial OK).
2 - Get the replace entity list.
3 - Get the replace pass/fail status for common nodes shared between the replace component and other components.


To get the replace status for all entities:

hm_getreplacequerryonentities 1
{loadcols {3 7 } {2 2 } {{1 of 1nodes replaced} {4 of 4 loads replaced} }} {groups { 2 1 } {2 2 } {{Master - 1 of 1 comps replaced} {Master - on all10 of 10 nodes 
replaced( Set - slave_set(grp1))} }} {outputblocks { 1 2 } {2 2 } {{4 of 4 nodes replaced} {4 elements replaced by69 elements} }}

To get the replace entity list:

hm_getreplacequerryonentities  2
{loadcols 3 7 } {systcols 1 } {groups 2 1 } {outputblocks 1 2 } {elements 7614 7615 7624 7616 7617 7618 7619 7620 7621 7622 7623 } {components 135 } {sets 1 7 2 9 13 4 15 16 18 20 } {contactsurfs 1 11 12 }

To get the pass/fail status:

hm_getreplacequerryonentities  3
{PASS 162473 162476 162497 162509 162516 162528 162530 162533 162535 162536 162538 162593 162650 162658 162676 162704 162707 162728 253082 } {FAIL }


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History
