Identify and return information on thin solid surface groups.
hm_getgeometricthinsolidinfo entity_type mark_id ?option1=value1? ?option2=value2? ... ?optionN=valueN?
HyperMesh Tcl Query
Identify and return information on thin solid surface groups.
The output is a list of lists, which includes the below information.
- Estimated thickness value.
- Solid ID (for solids input) or first surface ID (for surfaces input).
- To get all surfaces within the connected section, take this surface ID and select all attached surfaces.
The basic output format looks like:
{thickness1 id1} {thickness2 id2} ... {thicknessN idN}
- Estimated thickness value.
- Solid ID (for solids input) or 0 (for surfaces input).
- 3 sub-lists containing the IDs of the surfaces in the master, slave and thickness groups.
The advanced output format looks like:
{thickness1 id1 {mastersurf1 mastersurf2 ... mastersurfN} {slavesurf1 slavesurf2 ... slavesurfN} {thicksurf1 thicksurf2 ... thicksurfN}} {thickness2 id2 {...} {...} {...}} ... {thicknessN idN {...} {...} {...}}
- entity_type
- The type of entity to query. Valid values are surfs and solids.
- mark_id
- The ID of the mark containing the input entities. Valid values are 1 and 2.
- <option>=<value>
- The advanced options that control the behavior. Multiple options can be
specified, in any order.
- feature_angle=<angle>
- The maximum angle for separating solid features. The default is the geometry feature angle.
- max_thickness=<thickness>
- The maximum thickness to be considered as a thin solid. Default is 0, meaning unlimited.
- mode=<mode>
- The output mode, either simple (default) or advanced. The advanced output includes the master, slave and thickness surface group details.
- thinsolid_ratio=<ratio>
- The ratio between the minimum (thickness) and middle (approximate width) dimensions. Default is 0.5.
Query thin solid info on solids 1-3 using defaults:
*createmark solids 1 1-3
hm_isgeometrythinsolid solids 1
{1.25 1} {2.5 3}
Query thin solid info on surfaces 1-10 using simple mode:
*createmark surfs 1 1-10
hm_isgeometrythinsolid surfs 1 mode=simple
{1.25 5}
Query thin solid info on solids 1-3 using advanced mode:
*createmark solids 1 1-3
hm_isgeometrythinsolid solids 1 mode=advanced
{1.25 1 {1 2 3 4 5 6} {7 8 9 10 11 12} {13 14 15 16}} {2.5 3 {101 102 103 104} {105 106 107 108} {109 110 111 112}}
Query thin solid info on surfaces 1-20 using advanced mode:
*createmark surfs 1-20
hm_getgeometricthinsolidinfo surfs 1 mode=advanced
{0.5 0 {1} {7} {13 14 15}} {1 0 {2 10 11 12 16} {3 4 5 6} {8 9 17 18}}
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
# Handle error
Version History