
Returns a valid entity ID that can be used to renumber both the creating and mapping entities.


hm_getentitycreationid entity_type_c pool_id entity_type_m entity_id


HyperMesh Tcl Query


This command returns a valid entity ID that can be used to renumber both the creating and mapping entities. If the command returns 0, it means the new entity can use any ID. If the command returns a valid ID, both the new entity and mapped entity need to be renumbered to use the returned ID.


The entity type for the creating entity.
The solver ID pool number for the creating entity. A value of 0 indicates no solver ID pool.
The entity type for the mapping entity.
The entity ID for the mapping entity. A value of 0 indicates the command should find an ID for renumbering both the creating and mapping entities.


To create a new component named myComp whose ID should map with its assigned property ID of 100:

set propID 100
set newID [hm_getentitycreationid comps 0 props $propID]
*createentity comps name=myComp color=5;
set compID [hm_entityinfo id comps "myComp"];
if { $ newID != 0 } {
    if { $propID != $ newID } {
        #Renumber the property
        *createmark properties 1 "by id only" $propID;
        *renumbersolverid properties 1 $newID 1 0 0 0 0 0;
    if { $compID != $ newID } {
        #Renumber the component
        *createmark comps 1 "by name only" myComp
        *renumbersolverid comps 1 $newID 1 0 0 0 0 0;


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History
