
Sets the graphical transparency mode for non-reviewed entities.


hm_comparesettransparentmode mode ?color?


HyperMesh Tcl Query


Sets the graphical transparency mode for non-reviewed entities. This includes entities not part of the comparison, as well as entities turned off for review by hm_comparesetreviewtypes. This must be followed by a call to hm_comparesetreview to refresh the graphics.


0 - Source and target entities with their review type on are shown in their review color. Source and target entities with their review type off, and all non-compared entities, are shown in black.
1 - Source entities are shown as fully transparent. Target entities are shown in their review color, or as transparent if their review type is off. All non-compared entities are shown as transparent.
2 - Target entities are shown as fully transparent. Source entities are shown in their review color, or as transparent if their review type is off. All non-compared entities are shown as transparent.
3 - Both source and target entities are shown as transparent if their review type is off. All non-compared entities are shown as transparent.
0 - Transparent entities shown in gray (default if not specified).
1 - Transparent entities shown in their review color.


To set the transparent mode to 1 for a same side comparison of elems 1-20 and 101-120:

*createmark elems 1 1-20
*createmark elems 2 101-120
hm_compareentitiessameside surfs 1 surfs 2 0.1 2 0:
hm_comparesettransparentmode 1
hm_comparesetreview 1


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History
