
Sets the entities used for a WAD lines analysis.


hm_wadlinessetentities entity_type_front mark_id_front mode_or_entity_type_rear mark_id_rear


HyperMesh Tcl Query


Sets the entities used for a WAD lines analysis.


The entity type denoting the front of the vehicle (bumper, bonnet, fenders). Valid values are elems, surfs and comps (elems take priority over surfs).
The ID of the mark containing the front entities. Valid values are 1 and 2.
One of the following:
- The entity type denoting the rear of the vehicle (windshield, a-pillars). Valid values are elems, surfs and comps (elems take priority over surfs).
- The string all_in_one to denote all entities are given in mark_id_front, or front_only to run only a front bumper analysis.
The ID of the mark containing the rear entities if mode_or_entity_type_rear is a specific entity type, or blank if one of the strings is used. Valid values are 1 and 2.


To setup and extract WAD lines data:

hm_wadlinessetparameters 45.0 50.0 100.0 100.0 50.0 20.0 25.0 60.0
hm_wadlinessetaxes 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
*createmark comps 1 "bonnet" "bumper" "fenderL" "fenderR"
*createmark comps 2 "windshield" "a-pillars"
hm_wadlinessetentities comps 1 comps 2
*createmark elems 1 "by collector" wipers
hm_wadlinessetwipers elems 1 0 1
hm_wadlinesgetreferenceline 0
hm_wadlinesgetreferenceline 1
hm_wadlinesgetreferenceline 2
hm_wadlinesgetreferenceline 3
hm_wadlinesgetreferenceline 4
hm_wadlinesgetreferenceline 5
hm_wadlinesgetreferenceline 6
hm_wadlinesgetreferenceline 7
hm_wadlinesgetwadline 1000.0
hm_wadlinesgetwadline 1500.0
hm_wadlinesgetwadline 1700.0
hm_wadlinesgetwadline 2100.0
hm_wadlinesgetgridpoints 1000.0 1500.0 1700.0 2100.0 50.0

The above example can be modified instead to put all entities on the first mark:

*createmark comps 1 "bonnet" "bumper" "fenderL" "fenderR" "windshield" "a-pillars"
hm_wadlinessetentities comps 1 all_in_one

The example can be modified instead to only run a bumper analysis:

*createmark comps 1 "bonnet" "bumper" "fenderL" "fenderR"
hm_wadlinessetentities comps 1 front_only


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History
