
Returns the thickness of the specified component, element or property.


hm_getthickness entity_type entity_id ?ply_id?


HyperMesh Tcl Query


This command returns the thickness value for an entity.


The type of entity to query. Valid values are comps, elems and props.
For an entity_type of components the following applies:
If the component has a property directly assigned, the thickness of the property is returned.
If no property is assigned to the component, nothing is returned.
For an entity_type of elements the following applies:
If the element has a property assigned, the thickness of the property is returned.
If no property is assigned directly to the element, use the component rules as above.
The ID of the entity to query.
Optional argument that allows for additional control for querying the thickness of individual plies of composites.
Used as follows for metallic properties:If not specified, returns the thickness.
If specified as 1, returns the thickness as (a).
Any other value will return an error.
Used as follows for composite properties:
If not specified, returns the total thickness (sum of all ply thicknesses).
If a valid ply is specified, returns the thickness of that ply.
Any other value will return an error.


Get the thickness value of component 11 which has a PSHELL property with thickness of 0.25:

hm_getthickness comps 11

hm_getthickness comps 11 1

hm_getthickness comps 11 2
	2 is not a valid ply ID.

Get the thickness value of component 15 which has a PCOMP property with 4 plys (thickness values of 0.1, 0.25, 0.25, 0.1, total of 0.7):

hm_getthickness comps 15

hm_getthickness comps 15 1

hm_getthickness comps 15 2

hm_getthickness comps 15 3

hm_getthickness comps 15 4

hm_getthickness comps 15 5
	5 is not a valid ply ID.

Get the thickness value of element 20 which has a PSHELL property with thickness of 0.25:

hm_getthickness elems 20

Get the thickness value of element 20 which does not have a property assigned but belongs to a component that has a PSHELL property with thickness of 0.25:

hm_getthickness elems 20

Get the thickness value of element 20 which does not have a property assigned and belongs to a component that does not have a property assigned:

hm_getthickness elems 20


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History
