Checks if connectors are too close to an edge.
hm_ce_tooclosetoedgecheck entity_type1 mark_id1 entity_type2 mark_id2 distance feature_angle edge_option auto_fix
HyperWorks Tcl Query
Checks if connectors are too close to an edge.
It returns an array of data with {connector_id {comp_id element_id distance}}. The array is empty if all connectors are ok.
- entity_type1
- Must be set to connectors.
- mark_id1
- The ID of the mark containing the connectors to check. Valid values are 1 and 2.
- entity_type2
- Must be set to comps.
- mark_id2
- The ID of the mark containing the components to check. Valid values are 1 and 2.
- distance
- The minimum distance to the edge.
- feature_angle
- The feature angle to consider.
- edge_option
- 0 - Free edges
- auto-fix
- 0 - Do not auto fix bad connectors
To check all connectors against comps 2 and 3, using a distance of 3.0:
*createmark connectors 1 all
*createmark comps 2 2 3
hm_ce_tooclosetoedgecheck connectors 1 comps 2 3.0 0.3 0 0
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
# Handle error
Version History