Measures the shortest distance between two entity selections.
hm_measureshortestdistance entity_type1 mark_id1 reserved1 entity_type2 mark_id2 reserved2 system_id
HyperMesh Tcl Query
This command measures the shortest distance between two entity selections. The return is a list of values:
- d – The value of the shortest distance
- dx – The x value of the shortest distance, measured relative to the specified local system
- dy – The y value of the shortest distance, measured relative to the specified local system
- dz – The z value of the shortest distance, measured relative to the specified local system
- id1 – ID of the closest entity from mark 1
- x1 y1 z1 – Coordinates of the closest location on entity id1
- id2 – ID of the closest entity from mark 2
- x2 y2 z2 – Coordinates of the closest location on entity id2
- entity_type1
- The type of entity on the first mark. Valid values are nodes, points, lines, surfaces and solids.
- mark_id1
- The ID of the first mark. Valid values are 1 and 2.
- reserved1
- Reserved for future use. Must be set to 0.
- entity_type2
- The type of entity on the second mark. Valid values are nodes, points, lines, surfaces and solids.
- mark_id2
- The ID of the second mark. Valid values are 1 and 2.
- reserved2
- Reserved for future use. Must be set to 0.
- system_id
- The ID of a local coordinate system to use for reporting the coordinate values dx, dy, dz, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2 and z2. If the value is specified as 0, the global coordinate system is used (default).
To get the shortest distance between nodes 100-200 and nodes 300-400:
*createmark nodes 1 100-200
*createmark nodes 2 300-400
hm_measureshortestdistance nodes 1 0 nodes 2 0 0
To get the shortest distance between surface 100 and lines 1-10, with the distance output relative to system ID 5:
*createmark surfs 1 100
*createmark lines 1 1-10
hm_measureshortestdistance surfs 1 0 lines 1 0 5
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
# Handle error
Version History