
Get a list of associated nodes from the set of geometric entities.


hm_getgeometrynodes geometry_list


HyperMesh Tcl Query


Get a list of associated nodes from the set of geometric entities.


Geometric entities description list in a form:
entityType1 ID1_1 ID1_2 ... entityType2 ID2_1 ID2_2 .. entityType1, entityType2. The types of entities. Can be surfs, lines, or points.
ID1_1, ID1_2, ... IDs of the entities of the type entityType1, entityType2, ...
ID2_1, ID2_2.. List containing node IDs of all the nodes that are associated with any of geometric entities specified by the input parameters list.


To get nodes associated to the surface with ID 12:

hm_getgeometrynodes 12

To get nodes associated to the line with ID 13:

hm_getgeometrynodes [list lines 13]

To get nodes associated to the line with ID 13, including its endpoints:

hm_getgeometrynodes [concat lines 13 points [hm_getverticesfromedge 13]]

Parameters specifying the type of entities can appear any place in the parameter list. They define the type for all entities that follow in the list, until the next occurrence of type parameter.

If no type parameter is specified at the beginning of the parameter list, surfs type is assumed for all parameters until the first occurring type parameter.

Nodes have a unique association. If the node is associated to the vertex, no association with the edge connected to this vertex will be reported for this node. Also, if the node is associated to the edge, no association to the surface connected to the edge will be reported for this node. In order to get all nodes associated to the line including its endpoints, both the line and its vertices should be included in the list of input geometric entities.

Geometric entities can be duplicated in the input list but associated node IDs are unique in the output.

