Returns empty or unused entities.
hm_getunusedoremptyentities mode=<mode> outputmark=<mark_id> <select_type>=<selection> ?type=<entity_type>?
HyperMesh Tcl Query
Returns empty or unused entities, and places them on a mark. The return value is a list of lists. Each sub-list contains the empty or unused entity type as its first value, and the found entity IDs as the remainder of the sub-list. For example:
{sets 1 2} {comps 3} {mats 3 4}
- mode=<mode>
- The query mode. Valid values are empty and unused.
- outputmark=<mark_id>
- The ID of the mark to use for the output entities.
- <select_type>=<selection>
- The entity or entities that are to be queried. There are several ways to provide the
entities to be queried. Only one option can be used at a time:
- id=<id>
- The ID of the single entity to query.
- name=<name>
- The name of the single entity to query.
- mark=<mark_id>
- The ID of the mark containing the entities to query. If specified, this must be different from outputmark.
- type=<entity_type>
- The type of entity to query. If not specified, all entities in the database are queried.
To get the empty sets out of sets ids 1 2 3:
*createmark sets 1 1 2 3
hm_getunusedoremptyentities mode=empty type=sets inputmark=1 outputmark=2
To query all unused entities in database:
hm_getunusedoremptyentities mode=unused outputmark=2
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
# Handle error
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