Returns the coordinates of a node relative to a local coordinate system.
hm_xformnodetolocal node_id syst_id
HyperWorks Tcl Query
This command returns the coordinates of node_id relative to the coordinate system syst_id.
This is useful for finding distances relative to local coordinate systems.
- node_id
- The coordinates of node_id relative to the coordinate system syst_id are returned.
- syst_id
- If syst_id is a rectangular system, x, y, and z are returned. If syst_id is a cylindrical system, r, t, and z are returned. If syst_id is a spherical system, r, t, and p are returned. syst_id of 0 returns the global x, y, and z coordinates.
To get the coordinates of node ID 50 relative to system ID 5:
hm_xformnodetolocal 50 5
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
# Handle error
Node node_id could not be found.
System syst_id could not be found.