Groups with config 5 (rigid walls) contain the following additional data:
- base
- The x-, y- and z-coordinates of the base node of the rigid wall.
- basenode
- Pointer to the base node of the rigid wall.
- Type: pointer
- basenodeid
- The ID of the base node of the rigid wall.
- Type: integer
- basex
- The x-coordinate of the base node of the rigid wall.
- Type: double
- basey
- The y-coordinate of the base node of the rigid wall.
- Type: double
- basez
- The z-coordinate of the base node of the rigid wall.
- Type: double
- cornernode1
- The ID of the first corner node in a rigid wall finite plane or finite prism
- Type: integer
- cornernode2
- The ID of the second corner node in a rigid wall finite plane or finite prism.
- Type: integer
- geometrytype
- The type of geometry used to define the rigid wall.
- 1 - infinite plane
- 2 - finite plane
- 3 - infinite prism
- 4 - finite prism
- 5 - cylinder
- 6 - sphere
- 7 - MADYMO plane
- 8 - MADYMO ellipse
- Type: integer
- length
- Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
- Finite planes - Returns the length x and y. (Type: double double)
- Finite prisms - Returns the length x, y and z. (Type: triple double)
- Cylinders - Returns the length and the radius. (Type: double double)
- Spheres - Returns the radius. (Type: double)
- lengthx
- The length of the rigid wall in the local x direction.
- Type: double
- lengthy
- The length of the rigid wall in the local y direction.
- Type: double
- lengthz
- The length of the rigid wall in the local z direction.
- Type: double
- madymoid
- The ID of the associated MADYMO entity.
- Type: integer
- midpoint
- The x, y and z coordinates of the midpoint of the finite plane when geometrytype is
2 . Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
- Type: triple double
- midpointx
- The x coordinate of the midpoint of the finite plane when geometrytype is 2.
- Type: double
- midpointy
- The y coordinate of the midpoint of the finite plane when geometrytype is 2.
- Type: double
- midpointz
- The z coordinate of the midpoint of the finite plane when geometrytype is 2.
- Type: double
- motion
- The x, y and z components of the motion vector. Valid for
hm_getvalue query only.
- Type: triple double
- motiondirection
- The x, y and z components of the motion vecto. Valid for
hm_getvalue query only.
- Type: triple double
- motionmagnitude
- The magnitude of the motion vector.
- Type: double
- motiontype
- The type of motion.
- 0 - none
- 1 - velocity
- 2 - displacement
- Type: integer
- motionx
- The x component of the motion vector.
- Type: double
- motiony
- The y component of the motion vector.
- Type: double
- motionz
- The z component of the motion vector
- Type: double
- normal
- The x, y and z components of the normal unit vector. Valid for
hm_getvalue query only.
- Type: triple double
- normalmotionangle
- The angle between the motion and the normal vector.
- Type: double
- normalx
- The x component of the normal unit vector.
- Type: double
- normaly
- The y component of the normal unit vector.
- Type: double
- normalz
- The z component of the normal unit vector.
- Type: double
- pointa
- The x, y and z coordinates of Point A on a finite plane as defined in PAMCRASH .
Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
- Type: triple double
- pointax
- The x coordinate of Point A on a finite plane as defined in PAMCRASH.
- Type: double
- pointay
- The y coordinate of Point A on a finite plane as defined in PAMCRASH.
- Type: double
- pointaz
- The z coordinate of Point A on a finite plane as defined in PAMCRASH.
- Type: double
- radius
- The radius of a cylinder or spherical rigid wall.
- Type: double
- radiusnode
- Pointer to the radius node assigned to a cylinder or spherical rigid wall.
- Type: pointer
- xaxis
- The x, y and z components of the local x axis unit vector. Valid for
hm_getvalue query only.
- Type: triple double
- xaxisx
- The x component of the local x axis unit vector.
- Type: double
- xaxisy
- The y component of the local x axis unit vector.
- Type: double
- xaxisz
- The z component of the local x axis unit vector.
- Type: double
- yaxis
- The x, y and z components of the local y axis unit vector. Valid for
hm_getvalue query only.
- Type: triple double
- yaxisx
- The x component of the local y axis unit vector.
- Type: double
- yaxisy
- The y component of the local y axis unit vector.
- Type: double
- yaxisz
- The z component of the local y axis unit vector.
- Type: double