Unless otherwise specified, data names are accessible in level 3 only.
- attributesmax
- The number of attributes owned by this entity. Type: unsigned int.
- centerx
- The x coordinate of the element centroid. Type: double
- centery
- The y coordinate of the element centroid. Type: double
- centerz
- The z coordinate of the element centroid. Type: double
- collector
- Pointer to the collector that owns the element.
- config
- The value 1 for mass elements.
- definedentity
- True if the entity is defined, false otherwise
- entityids
- The IDs of the entities the mass is created on (nodes, components or sets).
- id
- The ID of the entity. Type: entity
- include
- The ID of the include file the entity is organized in. Type: entity
- includeid
- The ID of the include file the entity is organized in. Type: unsigned int.
- internalid
- The ID of the entity. Type: unsigned int.
- mass
- The value of the mass.
- node1
- Pointer to the first node.
- nodecount
- The number of nodes for the element. Valid for hm_getvalue query only. Type: integer
- nodes
- The list of nodes for the element. Valid for hm_getvalue query only. Type: entity array
- property
- Pointer to the property assigned to the element. Type: pointer
- propertyid
- The ID of the property assigned to the element. Type: integer
- propertyidflag
- 1 if a property is assigned directly to the element, 0 otherwise. Type: integer
- system
- Pointer to the input coordinate system.
- systemid
- The ID of the input coordinate system.
- type
- The solver dependent type code for the element. Type: integer
- typename
- The solver dependent type name for the element. Type: string