Unless otherwise specified, data names are accessible in level 3 only.
- attributesmax
- The number of attributes owned by this entity. Type: unsigned int.
- axis
- The 3x3 matrix containing the x-, y- and z- axis unit vectors. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
- axiscode
- The code for the axis defining the system:
- axisnode
- Pointer to the node defining the axis of the system.
- axisnodeid
- The ID of the node defining the axis of the system.
- collector
- Pointer to the collector that owns the vector.
- definedentity
- True if the entity is defined, false otherwise.
- definitioncode
- The code for the formula used to derive a node-dependent system from its nodes.
- displayaxis
- The axis defining the system:
- displayplane
- The plane defining the system:
- globaloriginx
- The global x-coordinate of the origin.
- globalxaxisy
- The global y-coordinate of the x-axis unit vector.
- globalxaxisz
- The global z-coordinate of the x-axis unit vector.
- globalxaxisx
- globalxaxisx
- The global x-coordinate of the x-axis unit vector.
- globalxaxisy
- The global y-coordinate of the x-axis unit vector.
- globalyaxisz
- The global z-coordinate of the x-axis unit vector
- globalyaxisy
- The global y-coordinate of the y-axis unit vector.
- globalyaxisz
- The global z-coordinate of the y-axis unit vector.
- globalzaxisx
- The global x-coordinate of the z-axis unit vector.
- globalzaxisy
- The global y-coordinate of the z-axis unit vector.
- globalzaxisz
- The global z-coordinate of the z-axis unit vector.
- id
- The ID of the entity. Type: entity
- include
- The ID of the include file the entity is organized in. Type: entity
- includeid
- The ID of the include file the entity is organized in. Type: unsigned int.
- internalid
- The ID of the entity. Type: unsigned int.
- inputsystem
- Pointer to the input system.
- inputsystemid
- The ID of the input system.
- internalid
- The ID of the entity. Type: unsigned int.
- localxyzrotx
- The x orientation angle to the parent system when a rotation is done about the x axis, then the y axis, and then the z axis.
- localxyzroty
- The y orientation angle to the parent system when a rotation is done about the x axis, then the y axis, and then the z axis.
- localxyzrotz
- The z orientation angle to the parent system when a rotation is done about the x axis, then the y axis, and then the z axis.
- localzxyrotx
- The x orientation angle to the parent system when a rotation is done about the z axis, then the x axis, and then the y axis.
- localzxyroty
- The y orientation angle to the parent system when a rotation is done about the z axis, then the x axis, and then the y axis.
- localzxyrotz
- The z orientation angle to the parent system when a rotation is done about the z axis, then the x axis, and then the y axis.
- name
- The name of the entity. Type: string
- node
- Pointer to the node defining the origin of the system.
- nodeid
- The ID of the node defining the origin of the system.
- origin
- The x, y and z coordinates of the origin in the global system. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
- originnode
- Pointer to the node defining the origin of the system.
- originnodeid
- The ID of the node defining the origin of the system.
- originx
- The x-coordinate of the system origin.
- originy
- The y-coordinate of the system origin.
- originz
- The z-coordinate of the system origin.
- planecode
- The code for the plane defining the system:
- planenode
- Pointer to the node defining the plane of the system.
- planenodeid
- The ID of the node defining the plane of the system.
- position
- The position of the system in the database.
- setid
- The ID of the system set.
- type
- The type of system.
- typename
- The type name for the system.
- xaxis
- The x, y and z coordinates of the x-axis unit vector. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
- xaxisx
- The x-component of the x axis unit vector.
- xaxisy
- The y-component of the x axis unit vector.
- xaxisz
- The z-component of the x axis unit vector.
- xyzrotx
- The x orientation angle to the global coordinate system when a rotation is done about the x axis, then the y axis, then the z axis.
- xyzroty
- The y orientation angle to the global coordinate system when a rotation is done about the x axis, then the y axis, then the z axis.
- xyzrotz
- The z orientation angle to the global coordinate system when a rotation is done about the x axis, then the y axis, then the z axis.
- yaxis
- The x, y and z coordinates of the y-axis unit vector. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
- yaxisx
- The x-component of the y axis unit vector.
- yaxisy
- The y-component of the y axis unit vector.
- yaxisz
- The z-component of the y axis unit vector.
- zaxis
- The x, y and z coordinates of the z-axis unit vector. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
- zaxisx
- The x-component of the z axis unit vector.
- zaxisy
- The y-component of the z axis unit vector.
- zaxisz
- The z-component of the z axis unit vector.
- zxyrotx
- The x orientation angle to the global coordinate system when a rotation is done about the z axis, then the x axis, then the y axis.
- zxyroty
- The y orientation angle to the global coordinate system when a rotation is done about the z axis, then the x axis, then the y axis.
- zxyrotz
- The z orientation angle to the global coordinate system when a rotation is done about the z axis, then the x axis, then the y axis.