OptiStruct Interface 2019 Release Notes

Altair HyperMesh

New Features

Generate 1D PLOTELs from DMIG grids
The PLOTEL from DMIG tool enables you to generate 1D PLOTELs from DMIG grids. You can then use an exported solver deck with PLOTELs to visualize DMIG in HyperView.
New entity type for Rigid Walls
RWALL keywords were originally mapped to the Group entity type, but HyperMesh now treats those keywords as an independent entity, with its own ID, icon, and graphics.
New keywords
TABLEMD bulk card defines multidimensional tabular functions.
EIGRD bulk card performs eigen value extraction using a Lapack-based dense solver.
LOADJG bulk card and subcase card applies loading on joint connectors.
PJOINTG bulk card defines properties for joint element.
NOLIN1, NOLIN2, NOLIN3, NOLIN4 and NLRGAP bulk cards can be referred in NONLINEAR subcase selection for transient response analysis.
TABLEG card defines general tabular function.
RSPINT defines rotor spin rate for transient analysis.
DMIGROT control card.
EL2PROP bulk card supports dmig with fatigue.
Contact force added as new response type in DRESP1 card.
Internal super element support include:
  • Case control cards: SEALL, SUPER, SERD
CQAXI element supports 4-node and 8-node quadrilateral axisymmetric solid elements.


Updated keywords
NLADAPT, STABILIZ activates static stabilization in a nonlinear static analysis.
CONTPRM, PREPRT,YES (default is NO) outputs Initial Contact condition in ASCII filename.cpr file.
STOP and LOCK options for JOINTG (connector) can be specified on the PJOINTG bulk entry.
OUTPUT, MATRIX,FULL, and OUTPUT,MATRIX,REDUCED write full or reduced matrices.
Damping coefficient GE field added to PCOMP, PCOMPP and PCOMPG.
DUCTILE option added to CRITERIA in MATF card.
RADIAL defines draw direction in topology optimization.
Multi material topology optimization.
Non-Structural mass support for solid elements and properties.
Discrete design variables are available for the composite free-sizing optimization PMDIS option in DSIZE card.
New response type FAILURE in dresp1 card.
ATTB=ZCF represents the Zero Crossing Frequency response based on the RMS response.
ACMODL card has been enhanced with the ALLSET option.
ELSET option selects element sets in NSM1/NSML1/NSGE/NSGE1 cards.
SYSSETTING card enhanced with the RESVEC option.
NLPARM subcase selection in transient heat transfer subcase performs nonlinear transient heat transfer analysis.
WR3R, WR4R and WRHR options in the RSPINR card.
SET card is enhanced with the subtype DMIG.
CIRCUL attribute was added to RTYPE BOREDST in DRESP1 card.
New option “Subcase mode tracking” added for frequency response type in the DRESP1 card to differentiate subcase-based mode tracking.
HISTORY option added to FOS I/O card. This option is valid only when Type=EVENT
FZTOSZ option enhanced with all supported fields in OUTPUT card.
DTPL card enhanced with OVERHANG continuation line.
AUTO option in DSIZE card for Automatic element grouping based on size or number of elements in groups.
FKM correction method enhancements in FATPARM and MATFAT cards.
New response type powerflow FRFLOW in DRESP1 card.
SWLDPRM enhanced with the PATEXT option.
AUTO option to RIGID card in Global case control.
INT0 option added to the ISOP field in PSOLID property.
A/R flag indicates whether SN curve is based on amplitude or range in the MATFAT card.
Segalman RMS von Mises stress and strain from random analysis as a response in the DRESP1 card.
EIGRA/EIGRL cards are enhanced to support ALL option in the NORM field.
CORNER option as solid stress response in ATTB for RTYPE STRESS in the DRESP1 card.
SQNTL option is added to the FATEVNT card.
ASSIGN enhanced to read .dac and .rpc files.
Sine sweep fatigue analysis support through the FATPARM and FATLOAD cards.
New option added in DOPTPRM, MANTHR, threshold.
CGAP force is a response type in the DRESP1 card.
Contact pressure is added as a new response type in the DRESP1 card.
Topography design variable (DTPG) has been enhanced with Element-Set ID to define local topography design regions.
Updated keywords - PARAM card
NLSNSINC triggers incremental sensitivity analysis for nonlinear static subcases.
MVASPCON option to not apply autopsc to dof with damping.
SHELLTI handles nodal shell thickness defined on the shell element entries.
PRTMGG prints mass matrix in .mgg file.
ALLFT Multiple Failure Theory output is activated and all supported failure theory output is calculated for the given model.
AMSE4EFM parameter controls the activation of the enforced motion static solution in the AMSES solver in conjunction with the normal modes calculation.
BUFFSIZE parameter defines the maximum size in 8 byte words of the records of data written to the .op2 file.
ERPEAREA the ERP output is normalized with the total area.
OSTTSPRT One-Step Transient Thermal Stress Analysis solution and convergence information is output in the .out file.
TCLTINIT defines lower threshold values used for the HyperMesh command files.
TCLTSTEP defines step or interval values used for the HyperMesh command files.
ROMAX 4th field refers to the recovery matrix with YES being the default.
REFPNT defines reference points for Inertia Relief at geometric center of gravity or center of gravity of the model.
DDMNGRPS combine DDM and LDM.
The MMO , OP4DMIG and SIMPINP options were added to the ASSIGN card.
FIXRBE3 automatically fixes invalid RBE3s.
PSDPRINC outputs maximum principal stress as a component in PSD/RMS stress results.
PRTNORM option
Updated keywords - SYSETTNG card
RESVEC option controls the generation of extra global residual vectors for Component Mode Synthesis (CMSMETH).
UNKNDATA=WARN/ERROR based on user setting, posts warning or error messages in .out file for unrecognized and misspelled entries in the input deck.
IR4MECH option with YES/NO attributes for automatically support EIGRL card for all the static subcases with SPCs.
Updated keywords - I/O cards
HDF5 format output request.
ESE card enhanced with Plastic, Neuber, and Group options.
H3D added as an output option in the GPFORCE output card.
THRESH/RTHRESH/RTOP/TOP options are supported for DAMAGE/LIFE/FOS output.
PSDM option in STRESS output card was added for random response results.
Create PARAM, CASE CONTROL and GLOBAL OUTPUT from Model Browser using the Create option in the right-click context menu.
Review DMIG
Review DMIG and visualize in spider form.
Ply orientation support for PCOMPLS property NLGEOM and IMPDYN analysis types
The NLGEOM and IMPDYN analysis types are removed from the OptiStruct solver interface. These analysis types can be activated using the environment variable HM_ACTIVATE_NLGEOM_IMPDYN = YES.
Performance improvements
Performance improvements of up to 70% when using the By HM comments import option to import an input deck that contains the direct property "HMDPRP".

Resolved Issues

  • All critical defects resolved in 2017 hotfixes are included in this release.
  • OptiStruct reader crashes due to embedded blanks in PARAM cards.
  • When there are more than 7 panels to define RADSND, continuation cards are created by HyperMesh, which causes an OptiStruct syntax error due to incorrect format.
  • STRESS TOP TOPN field is not exported properly.
  • Entity Editor does not show available SET_GRID when defining SET_ID on DISP or PRESSURE output request cards.
  • Many other critical defects are resolved in this release.