Nastran Interface 2019 Release Notes

Altair HyperMesh

New Features

Generate 1D PLOTELs from DMIG grids
The PLOTEL from DMIG tool enables you to generate 1D PLOTELs from DMIG grids. You can then use an exported solver deck with PLOTELs to visualize DMIG in HyperView.
NX Nastran with comments written from FEMAP
The following formats are supported for FEMAP comments written to NX Nastran models: $ Femap with NX Nastran Property: name and $ Femap Property: name.
New keywords
New bulk cards include: NOLIN1, NOLIN2, NOLIN3, NOLIN4 and NLRGAP. These can be referred in NONLINEAR subcase selection for transient response analysis P2G, B2PP, M2PP and A2GG DMIG selection support.


Updated keywords
WR3R, WR4R and WRHR options in RSPINR card.
Imaginary values (9th field) for the DMIG matrix column entry is supported.
Specify GRID DOFs for diagnostic request for structural grids can now be defined in the SET card.
Create PARAM, CASE CONTROL and GLOBAL OUTPUT in the Model Browser using the Create option in the right-click context menu.
Manage DMIG
Review DMIG and visualize in spider form.
DMIG matrices names can now be written in multiple entries using one case card.
Expand formula sets on import
The Expand formula sets on import option has been added to the Import Browser.
The BCPARA card can be defined in the browser similar to BCONPRG.
The same BCONECT card can be referenced by different BCTABL1 cards.
The BCONECT card now allow the same BCBODY1 to be selected for the slave and master.
Create sets based on PATRAN groups in decks
The Create sets based on PATRAN groups in deck solver option has been added to the Import browser.
Export format export as a new solver
The Free format export as new solver option has been added to the Export Browser.
New warning check
The warning, Loadcol has two or more different load types, has been added to the Model Checker.
Performance improvements
Performance improvements of up to 70% when using the By HM comments import option to import an input deck that contains the direct property "HMDPRP".

Resolved Issues

  • All critical defects resolved in 2017 hotfixes are included in this release.
  • Import issue of ACCEL I/O card with following form (SORT2,PHASE) = 1.
  • PBEAM cards that has extension lines with different HyperBeam comments is not read correctly.
  • Incorrect node ID is printed for for missing CP/CD.
  • 1D element length does not consider offset value.
  • PSHELL and PSHEAR with the same ID do not stay the same on import.
  • Other critical defects have been resolved.

Altair HyperView


Complex composite stress and strain results
Complex composite stress and strain results in Nastran OP2 result files is supported.
Updated Femzip version
Femzip version updated to v8.73.

Resolved Issues

  • Nastran XDB reader sends global Grid Point forces/moments in an analysis system instead of a global system leading to issues with FBD calculation.
  • CBUSH moment is missing from available scalar results when reading certain Nastran XDB files.
  • Unable to read element forces from OP2 with BARS-100 config.
  • Results are not read correctly for NX Nastran generated op2 files with SOL111.
  • Solid elements not read from SOL400 Nastran OP2 result files.
  • Issue displaying results from Nastran OP2 file on Linux machine.
  • Memory leak when reading certain Nastran input decks.
  • RBE2 & CWELD not read from SOL400 Nastran OP2 result files.
  • Unable to import certain sets in OptiStruct/Nastran format into HyperView.