Abaqus Interface 2019 Release Notes

Altair HyperMesh

New Features

Parts and Instances
Parts and Instances format input files are supported for import and export only without any modifications to the input file. The hierarchy can be viewed in the Part Browser.
You can import an Abaqus Parts and Instances input file and export it in the same format.
You can import an Abaqus Parts and Instances input file and export the same as a flattened format input file.
Contact browser support
The Contact browser is now available in the Abaqus solver interface, and can be used for auto-contact and detailed specification of contact conditions.
New Elements
New elements include: C3D8S, C3D8HS, C3D10S, C3D10HS, ITSUNI, ITSCYL, CCL12, GK3D12M, GK3D12MN, GK3D18, GK3D18N
New keywords
New keywords are added for the coverage and some selective examples are: *CLAY PLASTICITY, *BRITTLE FAILURE, *FILM PROPERTY, *FLUID CAVITY behavior, *FABRIC material, *LOW DENSITY FOAM material, *COHESIVE BEHAVIOR for debonding study, *BASE MOTION keywords for vibrational studies


Support for CCL12 and Gasket elements
The Gasket element tool supports CCL12 elements, since CC12 elements require mid-side nodes along the stack direction.
Show stack direction for solid face alignment
The stack direction is shown with an arrow once the direction has been assigned in the Face Alignment tool.
*MODEL CHANGE enhancement
The *MODEL CHANGE keyword supports direct element definition along with element sets.
Orientation review
Show the element system and material system for solid elements based on the *DISTRIBUTION TABLE data in the Orientation review tool.
Updated Keywords
Keywords that have been updated to include new features with selective examples include: *SELECT EIGENMODES for steady-state dynamics, softening behavior for *CONNECTOR DAMAGE EVOLUTION, default integration point for *SHELL SECTION, element deletion option in *SECTION CONTROLS, additional support for *GEOSTATIC analysis set-up

Resolved Issues

  • Cannot contour loads such as pressure, film and so on for elements when using the Contour Loads tool.
  • FBD tool in HyperMesh breaks due to ODB reader.
  • When exporting *INITIAL CONDITION, datalines are not exported as intended.
  • Issue with reading and exporting nested Include files.
  • Importing an Abaqus input deck into other solver interfaces causes an application error.
  • Issue with element face selection using the Solid Face Alignment tool.
  • Cannot organize and map loads in the Loadsteps Browser.
  • Formula sets with negative increment creates floating point errors. The starting and ending ID are now swapped from smaller to greater so that the increment stays positive.
  • Model Checker for Abaqus cannot be accessed from the Search tool.
  • The Face Selection panel disappears when creating *SURFACE.
  • Gasket elements surface are not recognized with face ID as SPOS/SNEG.
  • The original name for *DISTRIBUTION and *DISTRIBUTION TABLE are not retrained upon import.
  • The dataline for *RIGID BODY keyword has unnecessary comma.
  • Importing Abaqus explicit input decks causes segmentation error.
  • Clash with element flagging between C3D8S and CCl12 elements.
  • ELSET that are referenced in a *FASTENER is lost.
  • Acoustic elements AC3D15 and AC3D20 are lost in the standard 3D profile.

Altair HyperView


ODB results data enhancements
The reading and processing of Abaqus ODB results data has been enhanced.
Abaqus ODB 2018 and 2019
Abaqus ODB version 2018 and 2019 are supported in both HyperView and HVTrans.
Post-processing of cylindrical elements
Post-process cylindrical elements results in Abaqus ODB files.

Resolved Issues

  • RMISES result cannot be contoured in Abaqus ODB result files.
  • Report template does not load ODB files when the auto-upgrade option is set to false.
  • HyperView does not list S13 and S23 stress components from Abaqus ODB result files.