Altair HyperCrash 2019 Release Notes


New Features

Import of recent files
When importing a model using File > Import, you can access recently loaded or exported files from the Recent Files field in the import dialog.


Entity icon in all panels
The icons of entities that have a graphical representation are displayed in their associated panels.
Position nodes in reference geometry
Nodes defined in airbag reference geometry can be selected to enable the modification of their positions.
Reverse display of parts
The reverse display behavior is modified to only swap the parts from the display.
LS-DYNA to RADIOSS conversion
Several improvements have been made related to the LS-DYNA to RADIOSS conversion.

Resolved Issues

  • Export selection does not take into account the parameters used in parameter expressions.
  • Unresolved parameter listing are not added in the Model browser when the view is set to Include-SubModel.
  • Issues related to the Result Mapper with MoldFlow batch mapping.

Solver Interfaces

LS-DYNA Interface

New Features

Dummy pre-simulation with puppet method
The dummy pre-simulation method has been updated to the puppet method, or cable method.
Support of local parameters
LS-DYNA local parameter expressions are supported.


Matrix transformation
Matrix transformations can now be created.
Define Function
*DEFINE_FUNCTION is supported.

Resolved Issues

  • Issues with reviewing seatbelt slipring and pre-tensioner.
  • Issues with contact display for sets defined by box.

RADIOSS Interface

New Features

Replace part by pairing
The Replace Part by Pairing tool has been added, and can be accessed from the Part context menu in the Model browser.


Element orthotropy orientation review
The display of orthotropy orientation now considers the delta_phi angle defined in /PROP/TYPE19.
Updated keywords
Multiple keywords have been updated and added to support the RADIOSS 2017.2 and RADIOSS 2018 versions.
Model Checker checks
Multiple new checks are added to enhance the Model Checker for RADIOSS.

Resolved Issues

  • Keep RBODY ID when slave nodes are modified.
  • Set nodal time step scale factor to 0.67 per default for the dummy pre-simulation.
  • Mass calculation for parts with /PROP/TYPE51.
  • Issues with /MAT/GAS conversion during /MONVOL/COMMU to /MONVOL/COMMU1 conversion.
  • Accuracy of penetrations check for interface TYPE7 with solid elements.
  • Issue with creating duplicated solid elements after a model merge operation.
  • Issue with /ADMAS/3 code when iflag=0.
  • ID offsets are not considerd for the ID ranges in /GRNOD/GENE when defined into //SUBMODEL. This behavior is managed by an option in the Preferences.