Altair SimLab 2019.1 Release Notes
- Supported CAD
- Parasolid (Version 30.0)
- CATIA (Up to CATIA V5 R27)
- Creo (Wildfire 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, Creo 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)
- JT
- NX (Upto UG NX 12.0)
- SolidWorks
- Inventor
- System
- New Solutions approach supported to perform model setup for OptiStruct, AcuSolve,
Radioss, Molding and Flux interfaces.
- Loads will be displayed in the Analysis ribbon based on the analysis type selected during create solution.
- Once the solution is created, the boundary conditions will not be listed in Loads and Constraints Browser.
- The AcuSolve database from version prior to SimLab V2019.1 can be exported using option. From V2019.1 Solution should be defined to export in AcuSolve format.
New Features
- Mesh
- Shortcut key “Q” is added to display the failed elements
periodically based on defined quality criteria.Note: Shortcut key will be activated only after computed and display the failed elements.
- Failed element display is improved.
- Undo support added for Tet clean up.
- Shortcut key “Q” is added to display the failed elements
periodically based on defined quality criteria.
- Geometry
- New option added to split Hex/Wedge elements.
- Analysis
- Option added to create RBE by selecting dependent nodes, the independent node will be created automatically at the centroid.
- Export
- Nastran
- Support added to export CORD3R coordinate definition.
- Advanced
- New tool added to compute excitation load on the stator tooth faces by calling Altair Flux in background and automatically setup modal frequency response analysis in OptiStruct.
- Optimization
- Scripting
- Added a utility function to pause the script execution and post a message. This will be helpful to pause the script, do some manual operations and then continue.
- CAD Import / Export
- Solver Input File Import
- Graphics/User Interface
- Geometry
- Enhanced the tool to resolve the intersection within single face. Earlier, it will resolve the intersection across the faces.
- Break intersecting face tool is moved to the main ribbon. Earlier, this tool is under .
- Mesh
- Assembly
- Support to create general bodies as Boolean output. Earlier, after Boolean operation, the output will have only single volume whereas now, the same output body will have multiple volumes.
- Features
- Solid body support added for transform features tool
- Toggle added to update the associated RBEs to the mid nodes during lower to higher order element conversion.
- Support added to give RBE bodies as input for element order conversion.
- Analysis
- Support added to define Friction Co-efficient table for OptiStruct contact under ‘USE_CONTACT_PARAM’ contact type.
- Support added to define below parameters for ADVC contacts:
- Adjust to interface
- Auto shrink
- Use thickness
- Search angle
- Interface
- Penalty scale factor
- Critical penetration
- Export
- OptiStruct
- Direct Frequency Response analysis type is supported.
- Support added to define Axisymmetric elements for Shell Bodies through Property dialog.
- Support added to define Degrees of Freedom for RBE3 independent nodes through Property dialog.
- Supported to defining Bore distortion output request for static analysis. This can be defined through output request option on Solver Settings or Load Case Setting.
- Added support to export temperature dependent thermal expansion table and thermal conductivity table for Isotropic material.
- Support added to export CORD3R coordinate definition.
- Support added to define separate eigenvalue extraction method for Fluid for Normal Mode and Modal Frequency Response analysis types in OptiStruct solver settings.
- Support added to define nonlinear result monitor cards for Nonlinear analysis type in OptiStruct solver settings.
- Support added to define fluid structure interface parameters in modal frequency response solver settings
- Added support for below Param cards.
- Added support to export below output request cards from OptiStruct solver settings.
- Support added to export contact parameters (CONTPRM) for Nonlinear Static analysis type.
- Support added to define large displacement Nonlinear static method (LGDISP) and initial load increment (DT) parameter from Nonlinear Static loadcase settings.
- New parameters are added for Lanczos (SHFSCL, MAXSET and MAXTT) and AMSES (AMPFACT) normal mode extraction method
- “Write as Nonlinear steady state heat transfer analysis” is supported in Heat transfer Analysis to activate nonlinear heat transfer analysis (NLHEAT).
- Results
- OptiStruct: Added support to import materials (MAT1 and MAT2) and property (PSHELL and PSOLID) from h3d results.
- Advanced
- Added an option ‘Connect bolt edge’ for both top and bottom RBE of the bolt head. Turn on this toggle will consider the slave nodes only on the bolt hole circular edge.
- Support added to create template for 1D bolt head definition which can be further used to automate 1D bolt creation.
- This template will be listed under automation object in LBC
Browser.Note: This is controlled by an env SL_CREATE_1D_BOLT_USING_TEMPLATES = TRUE.
- Scripting
- Enhanced the delete mesh quality script function to delete all the mesh qualities.