Aerospace 2019 Release Notes

New Features

Aeroelasticity browser
Aerodynamic and aeroelasticity solutions for preprocessing can be performed in the Aeroelasticity browser, available in the Engineering Solution Aerospace - NastranMSC user profile.
Supported solution sequence setup include SOL 144, 145, and 146. SOL 144 contains all entity definitions with solver card support.
Aero panel and aero body meshing is supported.
The definition of spline, aero control surface, monitor point, and load (Flutter, Gust, Aero-Force, and so on), is supported. The definition of input/output controls, spline binding and relaxation, panel properties and so on is also supported.


XRef tool
Systems have been added to the selection for cross-reference.
System-Node Review
The checkboxes in the start-up of the tool on selected by default.
A column showing system type (CORD1C, CORD2R, and so on) has been added.
A checkbox to activate review mode for systems has been added.
Control IDs from Selection
New options have been added to the context menu to add or remove an entity from existing elemental or nodal sets.

Resolved Issues

  • Wrong orientation review for materials in LS-DYNA shell elements.
  • No card image is assigned to plies after importing the layup file in OptiStruct.
  • Issues with Ply Absorption, Visualization, and the Drape Estimator.
  • Issues with the Matrix browser for Excel I/O, and column labels in Macro access notes to HyperView and Shift selections on rows.