Altair HyperLife 2019 Release Notes
Altair HyperLife is a Fatigue analysis software developed on solver neutral framework. It’s a comprehensive and easy to use durability analysis tool directly interfacing with major FEA result files. With an embedded material database, HyperLife offers solutions for fatigue life predictions under static and transient loading across a range of industrial applications.
- HyperLife
- Primary profile (default) with solution options to perform Fatigue analysis for Stress-Life (SN), Strain Life (EN), Factor of Safety calculations, and Weld fatigue.
- HyperLife Weld Certification*
- Specialty module for Fatigue strength assessments according to numerous design codes and guidelines for both welded and unwelded material. Supported guidelines include FKM, EC3, DVS1608, DVS1612.
- HyperLife Crack Growth*
- Specialty module for Crack growth analysis based on the Un-cracked Model approach that predicts cycles to failure based on cyclic loading information. The implementation is specific to Cracks in NASA-STD-5009. The module has intelligent functionality to detect the geometric features and export the stress histories which can also be used on a stand-alone crack propagation analysis code.
New Menu System
All supported tools are organized in a ribbon, located along the top of the application. The ribbon allows you to quickly access tools and standard functions.
File Management
- Opening models
- You can directly import commonly used FEA result files.
- Measure tool
- The Measure tool enables you to measure the distance between any two points on geometry.
- Explode tool
- The Explode tool enables you to explode a model or selected component for improved visualization.
- Loadcase tool
- The Loadcase tool allows you to create a derived load case from other load cases, or from a combination of other load cases and simulation steps.
- Create Sets
- The Sets tool allows you to create, import, and export sets/groups of components (parts), elements, and nodes.
Setup Analysis
- Fatigue Analysis method
- The collated icons enable you to choose the following analysis options:
- Stress Life (SN)
- Uniaxial and Multiaxial assessment options with multiple Mean stress correction theories. Various stress combination methods are available for Uniaxial assessment. Critical plane implementation for Multiaxial assessment.
- Strain Life (SN)
- Uniaxial and Multiaxial assessment options with multiple Mean stress correction theories. Various stress combination methods are available for Uniaxial assessment. Critical plane implementation for Multiaxial assessment. Neuber plasticity option available for Uniaxial and Jiang’s plasticity model (default) for Multiaxial assessment.
- Factor of Safety (FOS)
- Factor of Safety calculations based on Dang Van fatigue limit criterion which is used to predict if a component will fail in its entire load history.
- Weld Fatigue
- Weld Fatigue assessment type is available for Spot Welds and Seam Welds.
- Spot Weld
- Structural stress method implementation for Spot welds in thin sheets and nuggets idealized with Cbar, Cbeam, Cweld, or Chexa. The approach is based on RUPP method.
- Seam Weld
- Structural stress method implementation for Seam welds idealized with plate or shell elements. The approach is based on VOLVO method. Supported weld type is FILLET weld and the weld lines (root and toe) are automatically identified.
- Material tool
- The Material tool allows you to create, store, and manage the Fatigue material property assigned to parts. This tool is preloaded with a library of Fatigue material properties, from which you can choose from. You can also load materials from your own database or create new materials in the session.
- Load Mapping tool
- The Load Map tool serves as a typical Signal processing utility where you can import repetitive load history files. You can also create a simple constant amplitude or block loading cycles with a single click.
- Evaluate tool
- The Evaluate tool allows you to run the Fatigue Analysis, and subsequently load your results in the Results Explorer to visualize the Damage and Number of Cycles to Failure contour.