Altair HyperView 2019 Release Notes



Session browser with Entity Editor
The new Session browser has an Entity Editor section to modify page and window properties. This will allow you to manage large sessions more efficiently by editing multiple entities simultaneously.
Filter entities in the Session browser
You can now use Boolean operations and wildcards in the find/filter fields, and you can quickly create search keywords and filter values using the 'Add as Filter' context menu option in the Entity Editor.
Filtering on properties from different entity types is now possible, for example filtering for all HyperView clients on pages with a specific string in the page title.
Results browser enhancements
The interaction between the graphics window and Results browser has been improved.
Find and filter functionality has also been enhanced. You can now use Boolean operations and wildcards in the find/filter fields, and you can quickly create filters using the Add as Filter context menu option in the Entity Editor.
A new Sets view has also been added.
Complex filter added to Deformed panel
A complex filter with two options- mag*cos(wt-phase) and mag*cos(wt+phase) – is added to the Deformed panel, which is useful when viewing modal animations of complex analyses such as frequency response.
Reading H3D files
The Organize entire model into a single component and Mask systems when loading options are available when reading H3D files, and improve graphical performance when loading H3D files with a large number of components or systems.
Contouring tensor datatypes
A new computed result called Absolute Max Principal is available when contouring tensor datatypes. It is calculated as largest of the three Principal stresses or strains in absolute terms.
Resolution of contour
Resolution of contour in global system for envelope load cases is supported.
FBD display controls plot
Options to display X+Y, Y+Z and Z+X vectors are added to the FBD display controls plot tab.
Reading ply systems
Ply systems associated with composite solid elements can now be read from RADIOSS Animation files.
Corner data force results
Corner data force results are supported for Nastran OP2 and XDB result files.
Copying notes
The Copy Notes context menu option adds a new note with the same settings as the original one.
Displaying value, subcase and simulation step information
The query, measure, and notes functionality have been enhanced to display contour value, subcase, and simulation information in case of envelope load case trace plots.
Signed vonMises legend color scheme
A new preference statement is added to control color scheme used for Signed vonMises legends.
Freebody diagram
The Freebody Diagram tool now supports OP2 files generated using PARAM, OGEOM, NO option.
Failure criteria for Composite Library in Result Math
Yamada-Sun 2D failure criteria has been added to the Composite Library in Result Math. This criterion is an extension of the Yamada-Sun, considering in this case as well, the contribution to the evaluation of the FI of the ply stresses in ply Y-Direction. The criterion evaluates the FI on x direction and on y direction and takes the maximum value among the two as final output.
Reading of Animator database file
Animator database (a4db) files (v 2.2 or greater) can now be read. Only the first animation model in the file is read. Plots (curve data) will not be read from the file.
Performance enhancements
Manipulation of section cuts on large transient animations with eroded elements.
Generation and deletion of large number of notes.
Editing colors of category-based legends
The colors of a category-based legends (example: legend shown for an envelope trace plot contour) can be modified.

Resolved Issues

  • Issue launching Free body diagram (FBD) tool for some OptiStruct .h3d files and ANSYS .rst files.
  • Position measure does not report coordinates in local system when tracking system is used.
  • Certain ODBs and H3Ds created from ODBs do not animate or partially animate.
  • Incorrect reading of Nastran input decks containing duplicate systems.
  • Wrong node identified in some cases when selecting by contour max of window option.
  • Slightly negative PEEQ values shown on extremely distorted elements in certain ODB result files. Values set to zero in such cases.
  • BCNodetoPart and BCMattoElem Result math operators do not consider triangular shell elements in Radioss result files.
  • Derived result displays null ZZ-stress values on 3D elements when postprocessing HVTrans created H3D files.
  • Application stops working when attempting to copy a non-active window in Session browser.
  • Curves from the Build Plots panel are not plotted in specified window.
  • BCNodeToCorner operator displays NaN values in certain cases.
  • Wrong vonMises strain using the Expression Builder (Derived Results) for solid elements.
  • PPT shows blurry preview image after exiting from the embedded HyperView Player.
  • Bounding box calculations return different values compared to previous versions.
  • Extended entity with by Component Id does not work as intended when visibility filter is set to All.
  • H3D with special characters in filename does not load in HyperView.
  • Apply style works on all components instead of displayed components.
  • Graphical issue when applying contour on transparent elements.
  • By Contour selection method does not work properly with top/bottom contour.
  • Reversing legend leads to wrong contour plot.
  • Copy/pasting a page with measures and corresponding plots and accessing the pasted page leads to application crash.
  • Coarse preview images when publishing PPT with H3Ds.
  • FLD plot in exported H3D file does not match original plot.
  • Unable to import sets into HyperView in Nastran/OptiStruct format.
  • Refreshing page using the draw command does not update legend title's font size.
  • Unable to load H3D exported by PERMAS solver.
  • Animation in exported H3D does not match animations in the original Adams result file.
  • Memory leak when clearing session using New Model or New Session options.
  • Segmentation error when plotting results in material system on 3D elements in Nastran result files.
  • Application error when exporting sets in HyperView format.
  • Sorting by column not possible in HVP browser.
  • Model does not animate when using a large mismatch in node count between model and result files.
  • Result files loaded in random order in Derived Load Case dialog on Linux.

Solver Interfaces

Abaqus Interface


ODB results data enhancements
The reading and processing of Abaqus ODB results data has been enhanced.
Abaqus ODB 2018 and 2019
Abaqus ODB version 2018 and 2019 are supported in both HyperView and HVTrans.
Post-processing of cylindrical elements
Post-process cylindrical elements results in Abaqus ODB files.

Resolved Issues

  • RMISES result cannot be contoured in Abaqus ODB result files.
  • Report template does not load ODB files when the auto-upgrade option is set to false.
  • HyperView does not list S13 and S23 stress components from Abaqus ODB result files.

AcuSolve Interface


AcuSolve reader
AcuSolve reader supports AcuSolve 2018 solver result files.

ADVC Interface


Contact force results
Contact force results in ADVC result files is supported.

Resolved Issues

  • Eigen mode frequencies not displayed in Simulation step label for ADVC result files.

ANSYS Interface

New Features

Support for Newton Raphson residual files in HyperView
The ANSYS solver stores Newton Raphson residual information in *.nr output files. You can now read and contour this data in HyperView.
If you have more than one *.nr file, use the Add multiple result file option. ANSYS follows a file format of *.nrXXX to store data from each step in a file. Where XXX stands for an integer. HyperView reads this data, and is available as separate subcase information.
The Result type option now supports the Newton Raphson Residual forces and moments vector options have been added to support this residual information.


Contact force results
Contact force results in ADVC result files is supported.

LS-DYNA Interface


Read second order shell elements
Read second order shell elements in d3plots.
Femzip support
Femzip version of LS-DYNA intfor files is supported.
Updated Femzip version
Femzip version updated to v8.73.

Resolved Issues

  • Unable to display component labels from LS-Dyna R10 version d3plot files.
  • Duplicate eigen modes in LS-DYNA d3eigv file cause files to be read incorrectly in HyperView.
  • Issue reading single LS-DYNA d3plot file of a very large file size.
  • Issue reading d3eigv files created by LS-DYNA MPP job.

OptiStruct/Nastran OP2 Interface


Complex composite stress and strain results
Complex composite stress and strain results in Nastran OP2 result files is supported.
Updated Femzip version
Femzip version updated to v8.73.

Resolved Issues

  • Nastran XDB reader sends global Grid Point forces/moments in an analysis system instead of a global system leading to issues with FBD calculation.
  • CBUSH moment is missing from available scalar results when reading certain Nastran XDB files.
  • Unable to read element forces from OP2 with BARS-100 config.
  • Results are not read correctly for NX Nastran generated op2 files with SOL111.
  • Solid elements not read from SOL400 Nastran OP2 result files.
  • Issue displaying results from Nastran OP2 file on Linux machine.
  • Memory leak when reading certain Nastran input decks.
  • RBE2 & CWELD not read from SOL400 Nastran OP2 result files.
  • Unable to import certain sets in OptiStruct/Nastran format into HyperView.

PAM-CRASH 2G Interface

New Features

Support of Modular ERF (HDF5)
The ERF reader supports ERF (HDF5) results that use modular input definition.
Entity pools have been added for nodes, elements and parts to handle duplicate IDs shared across different modules in the same model. These entities will be represented by their module IDs along with their parent entity module IDs.


PAM-CRASH ERF (HDF5) and DSY readers
The PAM-CRASH ERF (HDF5) and DSY readers have been enhanced to handle higher version result files.
The MPC-PLINK Force (Global and Local) result type is supported for PAM-CRASH ERF (HDF5) result files.
ID management
Entity IDs for JOINT, KJOIN, PLINK, SPRING and SPRGBM keywords are maintained upon reading PAM-CRASH ERF (HDF5) result files.
Updated Femzip version
Femzip version updated to v8.73 for DSY result files.

RADIOSS Interface


Updated Femzip version
Femzip version updated to v8.73.

Resolved Issues

  • RADIOSS Animation (Annn) files are locked after being read into HyperView.
  • RADIOSS result files cannot be imported when the ALTAIR_FILE_DELAY_DESTRUCT environment variable is set.