Altair OptiStruct Online Help
  • 1
    • 1D elements[1]
    • 1-plane symmetry constraint[1]
  • 3
    • 3D (rounded edges) contacts benchmark 2[1]
    • 3D loaded pin test problem[1]
    • 3D sheet metal forming problem[1]
    • 3D steel roller on rubber problem[1]
    • 3-point bending using RBODY example[1]
  • _
    • _bdst.mvw file[1]
    • _des.h3d file[1]
    • _e.nlm file[1]
    • _err.grid file[1]
    • _frames.html file[1]
    • _freq.#.mvw file[1]
    • _freq.mvw file[1]
    • _gauge.h3d file[1]
    • _gso.slk file[1]
    • _hist.mvw file[1]
    • _mass.#.mvw file[1]
    • _mass.mvw file[1]
    • _mbd.h3d file[1]
    • _mbd.log file[1]
    • _mbd.mrf file[1]
    • _mbd.mvw file[1]
    • _mbd.xml file[1]
    • _menu.html file[1]
    • _modal.#.mvw file[1]
    • _modal.mvw file[1]
    • _nlm.mvw file[1]
    • _rand.mvw file[1]
    • _s#_a.#.frf file[1]
    • _s#_a.frf file[1]
    • _s#_a.mbd file[1]
    • _s#_a.trn file[1]
    • _s#_d.#.frf file[1]
    • _s#_d.frf file[1]
    • _s#_d.mbd file[1]
    • _s#_d.trn file[1]
    • _s#_v.#.frf file[1]
    • _s#_v.frf file[1]
    • _s#_v.mbd file[1]
    • _s#_v.trn file[1]
    • _s#.h3d file[1]
    • _sens.#.mvw file[1]
    • _shuffling.#.fem file[1]
    • _sizing.#.fem file[1]
    • file[1]
    • _topol.h3d file[1]
    • _tran.mvw file[1]
  • /
  • .
    • .#.#.#.dis file[1]
    • .#.#.dis.# file[1]
    • .#.#.dis file[1]
    • .#.#.els file[1]
    • .#.#.fat file[1]
    • .#.dis.# file[1]
    • .#.dis file[1]
    • .#.eigv file[1]
    • .#.els.# file[1]
    • .#.els file[1]
    • .#.grid file[1]
    • .#.h3d file[1]
    • .#.mass file[1]
    • .#.rnf file[1]
    • .#.sens file[1]
    • file[1]
    • .#.slk file[1]
    • .amls_singularity.cmf file[1]
    • .amses_singularity.cmf file[1]
    • .bdst file[1]
    • .cntf file[1]
    • .contgap.fem file[1]
    • .cpr file[1]
    • .cstr file[1]
    • .dens file[1]
    • .desvar file[1]
    • .dis.# file[1]
    • .disp file[1]
    • .dvgrid file[1]
    • .echo file[1]
    • .els.# file[1]
    • .force file[1]
    • .fsthick file[1]
    • .gpf file[1]
    • .grid file[1]
    • .h3d file[1]
    • .hdf5 file[1]
    • .hgdata file[1]
    • .hist file[1]
    • .HM.autospc.cmf file[1]
    • .HM.comp.tcl file[1]
    • .HM.conn.tcl file[1]
    • .HM.elcheck.###.cmf file[1]
    • .HM.elcheck.cmf file[1]
    • .HM.ent.tcl file[1]
    • .HM.gapstat.cmf file[1]
    • .html file[1]
    • .interface file[1]
    • .joint file[1]
    • .k.op2 file[1]
    • .kpi file[1]
    • .load file[1]
    • .m.op2 file[1]
    • .mass file[1]
    • .mgg file[1]
    • .mnf file[1]
    • .monitor file[1]
    • .mpcf file[1]
    • .op2 file[1]
    • .oss file[1]
    • .out file[1]
    • .pch file[1]
    • .pcomp file[1]
    • .peak file[1]
    • .pret file[1]
    • .prop file[1]
    • .rand file[1]
    • .rengy file[1]
    • .res file[1]
    • .secres file[1]
    • .seplot file[1]
    • .sh file[1]
    • .spcd file[1]
    • .spcf file[1]
    • .stat file[1]
    • .strn file[1]
    • .strs file[1]
  • @
    • @hyperform -I/O options and subcase information entry[1]
  • <
    • <BODY_NAME>.h3d file[1]
  • A
    • A2GG - subcase information entry[1]
    • ACCEL1 -[1]
    • ACCEL2 -[1]
    • ACCEL -[1]
    • ACCELERATION - I/O options and subcase information entry[1]
    • acceleration punch file[1]
    • acceleration punch file - frequency response analysis[1]
    • acceleration punch file - linear transient analysis[1]
    • acceleration punch file - linear transient analysis by Fourier transformation[1]
    • acceleration punch file - random response analysis[1]
    • accessing model files[1][2]
    • accessing model files - verification problem[1][2]
    • ACCLR -[1]
    • ACDISP -[1]
    • ACMODL -[1]
    • acoustic analysis[1]
    • acoustic analysis - coupled FRF analysis[1]
    • acoustic analysis of a 2.1 speaker using infinite elements[1]
    • acoustic infinite elements[1]
    • acoustic infinite elements - implementation[1]
    • acoustic infinite elements - input/output[1]
    • ACSRCE -[1]
    • ADAMS[1]
    • additional control of used memory[1]
    • advanced small displacement fea tutorials[1]
    • air conditioner bracket example - topology optimization[1]
    • AMLS - solvers[1]
    • AMSES - solvers[1]
    • analysis of composites - laminates[1]
    • analysis of pressure vessel (plane strain)[1]
    • analysis of pretensioned assemblies[1]
    • analysis output - defaults[1]
    • ANALYSIS - subcase information entry[1]
    • analysis techniques[1]
    • analytical background - radiated sound output[1]
    • and guidelines[1]
    • appendix - parts and instances[1]
    • applied forces and motions - MBD[1]
    • apply heat flux loads[1]
    • applying heat flux loads[1]
    • arbitrary beam section definition[1]
    • ASET1 -[1]
    • ASET -[1]
    • ASSEMBLY -[1]
    • ASSIGN -[1]
    • automated reanalysis - lattice structure optimization[1]
    • automated transfer path analysis process - nvh[1]
    • automatic memory allocation[1]
    • automatic multi-level sub-structuring[1]
    • Automatic Multi-level Sub-structuring Eigensolver[1]
    • automatic time stepping - nonlinear direct transient analysis[1]
    • AUTOSPC -[1]
    • AVL EXCITE[1]
    • axisymmetric element property[1]
  • B
    • B2GG - subcase information entry[1]
    • basic small displacement fea tutorials[1]
    • BCS - solvers[1]
    • BEAD -[1]
    • beam bending using nonlinear transient analysis example[1]
    • beam cleaning - lattice structure optimization[1]
    • BEGIN -[1]
    • BLKHDF -[1]
    • BMFACE -[1]
    • BNDFIX1 -[1]
    • BNDFIX -[1]
    • BNDFRE1 -[1]
    • BNDFREE -[1]
    • bodies - MBD[1]
    • BORE -[1]
    • bore distortion responses[1]
    • boundary conditions for structural analysis and optimization[1]
    • brake squeal analysis[1]
    • brake squeal analysis - implementation[1]
    • brake squeal analysis - input/output[1]
    • BSET1 -[1]
    • BSET -[1]
    • buckling analysis - linear[1]
    • buckling of shells and composites with offset[1]
    • build external libraries[1]
    • build external libraries - optimization responses[1]
    • bulk data entries by function[1]
    • bulk data entries by function for explicit analysis[1]
    • bulk data input file[1]
    • bulk data section[1]
  • C
    • CAABSF -[1]
    • CACINF3 -[1]
    • CACINF4 -[1]
    • campbell diagram - rotor dynamics[1]
    • cantilever beam in bending example[1]
    • cantilevered tapered membrane (Test No. FV32)[1]
    • cantilevered thin square plate (test no. FV16)[1]
    • cantilever with off-center point masses (Test No. FV4)[1]
    • capabilities[1]
    • car bumper impact using nonlinear transient analysis[1]
    • CBAR -[1]
    • CBEAM -[1]
    • CBUSH1D -[1]
    • CBUSH -[1]
    • CDAMP1 -[1]
    • CDAMP2 -[1]
    • CDAMP3 -[1]
    • CDAMP4 -[1]
    • CDSMETH -[1][2]
    • cds superelement[1]
    • CELAS1 -[1]
    • CELAS2 -[1]
    • CELAS2F -[1]
    • CELAS3 -[1]
    • CELAS4 -[1]
    • CELAS4F -[1]
    • CELL -[1]
    • CFAILURE -[1]
    • CFAST -[1]
    • CGAP -[1]
    • CGAPG -[1]
    • CGASK6 -[1]
    • CGASK6 element checks and default bound values[1]
    • CGASK8 -[1]
    • CGASK8 element checks and default bound values[1]
    • CGASK12 -[1]
    • CGASK12 element checks and default bound values[1]
    • CGASK16 -[1]
    • CGASK16 element checks and default bound values[1]
    • CHACAB -[1]
    • change length of bodies - MBD system level response optimization[1]
    • CHBDYE -[1]
    • CHECK -[1]
    • CHEXA -[1]
    • CHEXA element checks and default bound values[1]
    • clamped thick rhombic plate (Test No. FV22)[1]
    • clamped thin rhombic plate (Test No. FV15)[1]
    • CMASS1 -[1]
    • CMASS2 -[1]
    • CMASS3 -[1]
    • CMASS4 -[1]
    • CMBEAM -[1]
    • CMBEAMM -[1]
    • CMBUSH -[1]
    • CMBUSHC -[1]
    • CMBUSHE -[1]
    • CMBUSHM -[1]
    • CMBUSHT -[1]
    • CMDE -[1]
    • CMETHOD - subcase information entry[1]
    • CMKE -[1]
    • CMSE -[1]
    • CMSMETH -[1]
    • CMSMETH - subcase information entry[1]
    • CMSPDP -[1]
    • CMSPDPC -[1]
    • CMSPDPE -[1]
    • CMSPDPM -[1]
    • CMSPDPT -[1]
    • CNTNLSUB - subcase information entry[1]
    • CNTSTB -[1]
    • CNTSTB - subcase information entry[1]
    • combination joints (elements)[1]
    • Combined Topology and Topography Tutorials[1]
    • combine pattern repetition and pattern grouping with other manufacturing constraints[1]
    • complex eigenvalue analysis[1]
    • compliance management - lattice structure optimization[1]
    • compliant elements - MBD[1]
    • component dynamic analysis (cdsmeth) superelement generation[1]
    • composite laminates[1]
    • composite shell bending[1]
    • composite structures[1]
    • composite structures - free-sizing[1]
    • composite structures - phase transitions[1]
    • composite structures - ply-based sizing[1]
    • composite structures - stacking sequence[1]
    • composite topology and free-size optimization[1]
    • composite topology and free-size optimization problem formulation[1]
    • compression of helical springs example[1]
    • compression run[1]
    • configuration file entries and format[1]
    • configuration file location[1]
    • conjugate heat transfer analysis (TFSI) of inline-4 engine head[1]
    • CONM1 -[1]
    • CONM2 -[1]
    • CONNECT -[1]
    • connecting rod of a slider crank example - optimization with ESLM[1]
    • connectivity - parts and instances[1]
    • connectors (elements)[1]
    • CONROD -[1]
    • constraints ball joint[1]
    • constraints constant velocity joint[1]
    • constraint screening - gradient-based optimization[1]
    • constraints cylindrical joint[1]
    • constraints - MBD[1]
    • constraints on grids in the design region[1]
    • constraints planar joint[1]
    • constraints revolute joint[1]
    • constraints translational joint[1]
    • constraints universal joint[1]
    • CONTACT -[1]
    • contact analysis output[1]
    • contact-based thermal analysis[1]
    • contact discretization[1]
    • contact discretization - node-to-surface[1]
    • contact - friction[1]
    • contact - friction models[1]
    • contact implementation[1]
    • contact interface parameters[1]
    • contact interface types[1]
    • contact - Lagrange multipliers[1]
    • contact - lattice structure optimization[1]
    • contact - MBD[1]
    • contact pressure response example[1]
    • contact smoothing with two concentric rings[1]
    • contact - surface-to-surface discretization[1]
    • CONTF -[1]
    • CONTPRM -[1]
    • control file (C-File)[1]
    • CONTX11 -[1]
    • CONV -[1]
    • convergence considerations for small displacement nonlinear analysis[1]
    • convergence enhancement for ESLM[1]
    • CORD1C -[1]
    • CORD1R -[1]
    • CORD1S -[1]
    • CORD2C -[1]
    • CORD2R -[1]
    • CORD2S -[1]
    • CORD3R -[1]
    • CORD4R -[1]
    • coupled frequency response analysis of fluid-structure models[1]
    • coupled FRF analysis on a fluid-structure model[1]
    • coupled thermal-structural analysis[1]
    • coupled thermal structural analysis and optimization[1]
    • coupled thermal-structural analysis - nonlinear transient heat transfer[1]
    • coupled thermal structure analysis - powertrain applications[1]
    • COUPLER -[1]
    • CPENTA -[1]
    • CPENTA element checks and default bound values[1]
    • CPYRA -[1]
    • CPYRA element checks and default bound values[1]
    • CQAXI -[1]
    • CQUAD4 -[1]
    • CQUAD4 element checks and default bound values[1]
    • CQUAD8 -[1]
    • CQUAD8 element checks and default bound values[1]
    • CQUADR -[1]
    • Craig Bamptom nodal method (CBDN)[1]
    • Craig-Bampton method - flexible body generation[1]
    • Craig-Chang method - flexible body generation[1]
    • critical plane approach[1]
    • CROD -[1]
    • cross-section optimization of a spot welded tube example[1]
    • CSEAM -[1]
    • CSEC2 -[1]
    • CSEC3 -[1]
    • CSEC4 -[1]
    • CSEC6 -[1]
    • CSEC8 -[1]
    • CSET1 -[1]
    • CSET -[1]
    • CSHEAR -[1]
    • CSTRAIN -[1]
    • CSTRESS -[1]
    • CSUPEXT -[1]
    • CTAXI -[1]
    • CTAXI / CTRIAX6 element checks and default bound values[1]
    • CTETRA -[1]
    • CTETRA element checks and default bound values[1]
    • CTRIA3 -[1]
    • CTRIA3 element checks and default bound values[1]
    • CTRIA6 -[1]
    • CTRIA6 element checks and default bound values[1]
    • CTRIAR -[1]
    • CTRIAX6 -[1]
    • CTUBE -[1]
    • curved cantilever beam verification problem[1]
    • CVISC -[1]
    • CWELD -[1]
    • cyclical pattern grouping[1]
    • cylinder shell patch (test no. LE2[1]
    • cylindrical pattern grouping[1]
  • D
    • DAMAGE -[1]
    • Dang Van criterion[1]
    • Dang Van fatique optimization example[1]
    • DAREA -[1]
    • DCOMP -[1]
    • DCONADD -[1]
    • DCONSTR -[1]
    • DDVAL -[1]
    • DEBUG -[1]
    • deep simply-supported beam (Test No. FV5)[1]
    • defaults summary -[1]
    • define free-shape design regions[1]
    • definition file - external fluid-structure coupling[1]
    • DEFORM -[1]
    • DEFORM - subcase information entry[1]
    • DELAY -[1]
    • DENSITY -[1]
    • DENSRES -[1]
    • DEQATN -[1]
    • DESGLB -[1]
    • DESHIS -[1]
    • design characterists of topology and free-size[1]
    • design interpretation - OSSmooth[1]
    • design sensitivity analysis example[1]
    • design variables for shape optimization[1]
    • design variables for size (parameter) optimization[1]
    • design variables for topography optimization[1]
    • design variables - topology optimization[1]
    • DESOBJ - subcase information entry[1]
    • DESSUB - subcase information entry[1]
    • DESVAR -[1]
    • DESVARG -[1]
    • DESVAR - subcase information entry[1]
    • DGLOBAL -[1][2]
    • diagnosing non-converged solution using NLMON example[1]
    • DIM -[1]
    • direct frequency response analysis[1]
    • direct matrix input (superelements)[1]
    • direct matrix input for Finite Element Analysis (superelements)[1]
    • direct solvers[1]
    • direct transient response[1]
    • direct transient response - rotor dynamics example[1]
    • displacement punch file[1]
    • displacement punch file - complex eigenvalue analysis[1]
    • displacement punch file - frequency response analysis[1]
    • displacement punch file - linear and nonlinear static analysis[1]
    • displacement punch file - linear buckling analysis[1]
    • displacement punch file - linear transient analysis[1]
    • displacement punch file - normal modes analysis[1]
    • displacement punch file - random response analysis[1]
    • displacement punch file - response spectrum analysis[1]
    • displacements - results of finite element analysis[1]
    • dlattice -[1]
    • DLINK1 -[1]
    • DLINK2 -[1]
    • DLINK -[1]
    • DLOAD -[1]
    • DLOAD - subcase information entry[1]
    • DMIG -[1]
    • DMIGMOD -[1]
    • DMIGNAME -[1]
    • DMIGROT -[1]
    • DMVREL: types -[1]
    • DOBJREF -[1]
    • domain decomposition method (DDM)[1]
    • DOPTPRM -[1]
    • DOPTPRM, APPROX -[1]
    • DOPTPRM, BARCON -[1]
    • DOPTPRM, BKLOCAL2 -[1]
    • DOPTPRM, BKLOCLA1 -[1]
    • DOPTPRM, CONTOL -[1]
    • DOPTPRM, DDVOPT -[1]
    • DOPTPRM, DELSHP -[1]
    • DOPTPRM, DELSIZ -[1]
    • DOPTPRM, DELTOP -[1]
    • DOPTPRM, DESMAX -[1]
    • DOPTPRM, DISCRT1D -[1]
    • DOPTPRM, ESLMAX -[1]
    • DOPTPRM, GBUCK -[1]
    • DOPTPRM, LATLB -[1]
    • DOPTPRM, MAX_BUCK -[1]
    • DOPTPRM, MINDIM -[1]
    • DOPTPRM, OBJTOL -[1]
    • DOPTPRM, OLDPEN -[1]
    • DOPTPRM, PNORM -[1]
    • DOPTPRM, REMESH -[1]
    • DOPTPRM, TOPDV -[1]
    • DOPTPRM, TOPRST -[1]
    • DPHASE -[1]
    • DRAPE -[1]
    • draw direction constraint - free-shape optimization[1]
    • draw direction constraints - topology optimization[1]
    • DREPADD -[1]
    • DREPORT -[1]
    • DRESP1 -[1]
    • DRESP1 - center of gravity and moments of inertia item codes[1]
    • DRESP1 - composite static failure item codes[1]
    • DRESP1 - contact force response item codes[1]
    • DRESP1 - frequency response displacement, velocity, and acceleration item codes[1]
    • DRESP1 - frequency response force item codes[1]
    • DRESP1 - frequency response pressure item codes[1]
    • DRESP1 - frequency response stress/strain item codes[1]
    • DRESP1 - MBD displacement item codes[1]
    • DRESP1 - MBD force item codes[1]
    • DRESP1 - MBD velocity/acceleration item codes[1]
    • DRESP1 - PSD/RMS displacement, velocity, and acceleration item codes[1]
    • DRESP1 - PSD/RMS pressure item codes[1]
    • DRESP1 - PSD/RMS stress/strain item codes[1]
    • DRESP1 - responses and attributes[1]
    • DRESP1 - section property item codes[1]
    • DRESP1 - static failure item codes[1]
    • DRESP1 - static force item codes[1]
    • DRESP1 - static stress/strain item codes[1]
    • DRESP1 - static stress/strain item codes for composites[1]
    • DRESP1 - static stress item codes for bar elements using PBARL, PBEAML properties[1]
    • DRESP2 -[1]
    • DRESP3 -[1]
    • DRESPONSE -[1]
    • DSA -[1]
    • DSCREEN -[1]
    • DSHAPE -[1]
    • DSHUFFLE -[1]
    • DSIZE -[1]
    • DSYSID -[1]
    • DTABLE -[1]
    • DTI,SPECSEL -[1]
    • DTI,UNITS -[1]
    • DTPG -[1]
    • DTPL -[1]
    • DVCREL1 -[1]
    • DVCREL2 -[1]
    • DVCREL: types -[1]
    • DVGRID -[1]
    • DVLREL1 -[1]
    • DVLREL2 -[1]
    • DVMBRL1 -[1]
    • DVMBRL2 -[1]
    • DVMREL1 -[1]
    • DVMREL2 -[1]
    • DVPREL1 -[1]
    • DVPREL2 -[1]
    • DVPREL: Types -[1]
    • dynamic/nonlinear analysis - internal responses[1]
    • dynamic behavior of fluid-containing structure using MFLUID example[1]
    • dynamic condensation[1]
  • E
    • ECHO -[1]
    • ECHOOFF -[1]
    • ECHOON -[1]
    • EDE -[1]
    • EDGEBH -[1]
    • EDRAWB -[1]
    • EIGC -[1]
    • eigenvalue maximization with topography optimization[1]
    • eigenvalue solvers[1]
    • eigenvector orthonormalization[1]
    • EIGRA -[1]
    • EIGRD -[1]
    • EIGRL -[1]
    • EIGVNAME -[1]
    • EIGVRETRIEVE - subcase information entry[1]
    • EIGVSAVE - subcase information entry[1]
    • EKE -[1]
    • EL2PROP -[1]
    • elastic, damper and mass elements[1]
    • elastic-plastic large displacement analysis[1]
    • element problems[1]
    • element quality check[1]
    • element results representation for models[1]
    • elements[1]
    • elements - non-structural mass[1]
    • ELEMQUAL -[1]
    • ELFORCE -[1]
    • ELIST -[1]
    • elliptic membrane (test no. LE1)[1]
    • ELSM - convergence enhancement[1]
    • ELSTRESS -[1]
    • E-N approach - fatigue analysis[1]
    • E-N approach - multiaxial fatigue analysis[1]
    • END -[1]
    • ENDLOAD -[1]
    • ENERGY -[1]
    • enhance the design process[1]
    • environment variables[1]
    • equivalent static load - displacement[1]
    • equivalent static load method (ESLM)[1]
    • ERP -[1]
    • ERPPNL -[1]
    • error message database[1]
    • Error Messages[1][2][3][4][5]
    • ESE -[1]
    • ESLM example - MBD system level response optimization[1]
    • ESLM for MBD[1]
    • ESLM for MBD method[1]
    • ESLM for nonlinear response optimization[1]
    • ESLM output requests[1]
    • ESLM parameters[1]
    • ESLM parameters MBD[1]
    • ESLTADD -[1]
    • ESLTIME -[1]
    • ESLTIME - subcase information entry[1]
    • example, manifold: nonlinear transient heat transfer[1]
    • example cantilever beam using equations - size (parameter) optimization[1]
    • example - direct matrix input for finite element analysis (superelements)[1]
    • example problems for shape optimization[1]
    • example shell cantilever - size optimization[1]
    • examples - symbolic substitution[1]
    • example ten bar truss - size (parameter) optimization[1]
    • EXCLUDE - subcase information entry[1]
    • expanded error message file[1]
    • expanded error message file location[1]
    • explicit dynamic analysis[1]
    • explicit dynamic analysis - loads and boundary conditions[1]
    • explicit dynamic analysis - problem setup[1]
    • explicit dynamic analysis - solution method[1]
    • explicit dynamic analysis - user's consideration[1]
    • external fluid-structure coupling definition file[1]
    • external optimization responses (DRESP3) example[1]
    • external responses[1][2]
    • extrusion constraint - free-shape optimization[1]
    • extrusion constraints - topology optimization manufacturability[1]
  • F
    • factor of safety - Dang Van Criterion[1]
    • failsafe topology optimization[1]
    • failsafe topology optimization of 3D column[1]
    • FAILURE -[1]
    • failure evaluation - seam weld fatigue analysis[1]
    • faq - optimization setup[1]
    • faq - post-processing and results output[1]
    • faq - SPMD: DDM[1]
    • FASTFR - solvers[1]
    • FastFRS - solvers[1]
    • FATDEF -[1]
    • FATDEF - subcase information entry[1]
    • FATEVNT -[1]
    • fatigue analysis[1]
    • fatigue analysis - output for third party software[1]
    • fatigue analysis - powertrain applications[1]
    • fatigue analysis setup[1]
    • fatigue - internal responses[1]
    • fatigue properties - seam weld analysis[1]
    • FATLOAD -[1]
    • FATMCRV -[1]
    • FATPARM -[1]
    • FATPARM - subcase information entry[1]
    • FATSEAM -[1]
    • FATSEQ -[1]
    • FATSEQ - subcase information entry[1]
    • FE analysis - defaults[1]
    • FEA solution with pretensioning[1]
    • FEA solution with pretensioning - 1D bolt[1]
    • FEA solution with pretensioning - 3D bolt[1]
    • FEA topography for reanalysis[1]
    • FEA topology for reanalysis[1]
    • features - optimization[1]
    • Features - Shape Optimization[1]
    • features - size (parameter) optimization[1]
    • Features - Structural Optimization in Multibody Dynamics Systems[1]
    • file location - configuration file[1]
    • file names, headers, and locations default[1]
    • file output controls[1]
    • finite element analysis[1]
    • finite element analysis results[1]
    • finite sliding contact example[1]
    • FLDATA -[1]
    • flexible body generation[1]
    • Flexible Body Generation Input/Output[1]
    • FLLWER -[1]
    • FLLWER - subcase information entry[1]
    • FLSPOUT -[1]
    • fluid-structure interaction[1]
    • fluid structure interaction analysis[1]
    • fluid structure interaction input[1]
    • Fluid Structure Interaction Output[1]
    • fluid structure interaction - workflow[1]
    • fluid-structure interface[1]
    • fluid-structure interface visualization and refinement[1]
    • FLUX -[1]
    • Flux OptiStruct[1]
    • FORCE1 -[1]
    • FORCE2 -[1]
    • FORCE -[1][2]
    • forge a design concept out of a solid block example[1]
    • FORMAT -[1][2]
    • formats[1]
    • formats - output files[1]
    • FOS -[1]
    • fourier transformation - transient response analysis[1]
    • free cylinder: axi-symmetric vibration (test no. FV41)[1]
    • free-shape design regions - define[1]
    • free-shape optimization[1]
    • Free-shape Optimization - Features[1]
    • free-shape parameters[1]
    • free-size optimization[1]
    • Free-size Optimization - Features[1]
    • free-size optimization member size control[1]
    • free-size optimization - pattern grouping[1]
    • free-size pattern repetitiion[1]
    • free-sizing optimization - manufacturability[1]
    • free thin square plate (Test No. FV12)[1]
    • FREQ1 -[1]
    • FREQ2 -[1]
    • FREQ3 -[1]
    • FREQ4 -[1]
    • FREQ5 -[1]
    • FREQ -[1]
    • frequency response analysis[1]
    • frequency response analysis of 3D rotor dynamics model[1]
    • frequency response function - internal responses[1]
    • frequency response loadcases[1][2]
    • frequency response loads and boundary conditions[1]
    • FREQUENCY - subcase information entry[1]
    • FRF analysis[1]
    • friction - contact[1]
    • friction models - contact[1]
    • FSI -[1]
    • FSI - subcase information entry[1]
    • fully-qualified references - parts and instances[1]
    • function expressions - MBD[1]
  • G
    • GAPPRM -[1]
    • GAPPRM, PRTSW[1]
    • Gasket and Engine Block System Connected Using Head Bolts[1][2]
    • GENEL -[1]
    • general acceleration PCH format - punch file[1]
    • general - create output for third party software[1]
    • general displacement PCH format - punch file[1]
    • general method (GM)[1]
    • general output information[1]
    • general stress PCH format - punch file[1]
    • general velocity PCH format - punch file[1]
    • generate and evaluate a design using topology optimization[1]
    • generate the matrices[1]
    • global-local modeling[1]
    • global-local modeling - subcase specific[1]
    • global search option - design optimization[1]
    • global search option NVH[1]
    • GLOBSUB - subcase information entry[1]
    • GMATCH -[1]
    • governing equations - normal modes analysis[1]
    • governing equations - random spectrum analysis[1]
    • GPFORCE -[1]
    • GPFOS -[1]
    • GPKE -[1]
    • GPSTRAIN -[1]
    • gradient-based optimization method[1]
    • gradient-based optimization - regular or soft convergence[1]
    • graphics processing unit[1]
    • GRAV -[1]
    • GRDSET -[1]
    • GRID -[1]
    • grid point stresses - results of a finite element analysis[1]
    • grid point stress response for free-shape optimization[1]
    • GRIDS -[1]
    • GROUND -[1]
    • GROUNDCHECK - subcase information entry[1]
    • GSO - global search option[1]
    • GT-SUITE[1]
    • guidelines[1]
  • H
    • hardware - OptiStruct[1]
    • hardware recommendations[1]
    • Hashin failure criteria[1]
    • heat flux loads - apply[1]
    • heat flux loads - applying[1]
    • heat transfer analysis - internal responses[1]
    • HISOUT -[1]
    • hoe normal offset of 3-node edge[1]
    • hoe tangent offset of 3-node edge[1]
    • hot spot stress - seam weld fatigue analysis[1]
    • HYBDAMP -[1][2]
    • hybrid shared/distribution memory parallelization (SPMD)[1]
    • Hyper3D binary file (.h3d)[1]
    • hyperelastic material verification[1]
    • hyperelastic - pressurized rubber disk[1]
    • HyperGraph[1]
    • HyperMesh[1][2][3][4][5][6]
    • HyperView[1][2][3][4][5][6][7]
    • HyperWorks[1]
  • I
    • I/O options by function[1]
    • i/o options section[1]
    • IC - subcase information entry[1]
    • IDGLOBALIC - subcase information entry[1]
    • id resolution guidelines - parts and instances[1]
    • implementation SMP[1]
    • INCLUDE -[1][2]
    • inertia relief[1]
    • INFILE -[1]
    • INISTRS -[1]
    • INISTRS - subcase information entry[1]
    • initial velocity - MBD[1]
    • input data[1]
    • input data - thermal structural analysis[1]
    • input - random response fatigue analysis[1]
    • input - sine sweep fatigue analysis[1]
    • input specification - response spectrum analysis[1]
    • input specifications - normal modes analysis[1]
    • input - transient response analysis by fourier transformation[1]
    • INSTANCE -[1]
    • instances - parts and instances[1]
    • INSTNCE -[1]
    • internal response - OptiStruct[1]
    • internal responses[1]
    • interpretation of results for composites[1]
    • interpretation of topogrpahy optimziation results[1]
    • interpretation of topology optimization results[1]
    • interpret free-size results[1]
    • interpret topology and free-size results[1]
    • introductory example of topology optimization[1]
    • introductory example shape optimization[1]
    • INVELB -[1]
    • INVELJ -[1]
    • INVEL - subcase information entry[1]
    • ISTSADD -[1]
    • iterative solution - gradient-based optimization[1]
    • iterative solvers[1]
  • J
  • K
    • K2GGIC - subcase information entry[1]
    • K2PP - subcase information entry[1]
    • K42GG - subcase information entry[1]
    • keywords - symbolic substitution[1]
  • L
    • LABEL - subcase information entry[1]
    • Lagrange multipliers (MPC-based)[1]
    • laminated strip[1]
    • Lanczos - Solvers[1]
    • Laplacian smoothing[1]
    • large displacement analysis of chassis[1]
    • Large Displacement FEA Tutorials[1]
    • Large Displacement FEA Tutorials OptiStruct[1]
    • large displacement subcase example[1]
    • large number of design variables - MBD system level response optimization[1]
    • large scale optimization algorith (BIGOPT)[1]
    • laser edge overlap - seam weld fatigue analysis[1]
    • LATPRM -[1]
    • LATPRM, BUCKSF -[1]
    • LATPRM, CLEAN -[1]
    • LATPRM, LATLB -[1]
    • LATPRM, LATTICE -[1]
    • LATPRM, MAXRAD -[1]
    • LATPRM, MINRAD-[1]
    • LATPRM, OSSRMSH -[1]
    • LATPRM, R2LRATIO -[1]
    • LATPRM, STRMETH -[1]
    • LATPRM, TETSPLT -[1]
    • lattice generation (phase 1) - lattice structure optimization[1]
    • lattice structure optimization[1]
    • lattice structure optimization, example[1]
    • lattice structure optimization - automated reanalysis[1]
    • lattice structure optimization - compliance management[1]
    • lattice structure optimization - contact[1]
    • lattice structure optimization - size (parameter) optimization (phase 2)[1]
    • lattice structure optimization - smoothing and remeshing[1]
    • lattice structure optimization - stiffness penalization[1]
    • lattice structure optimization - stress constraints[1]
    • lattice structure optimizatio - porosity control[1]
    • launch FSO[1]
    • launch mmo[1]
    • layered solid-shell composites using PCOMPLS[1]
    • level set method (Beta)[1]
    • level-set optimization setup[1]
    • LIFE -[1]
    • limitations - MBD system level response optimization[1]
    • LINE -[1]
    • linear analysis - MBD[1]
    • linear buckling analysis[1]
    • linear buckling analysis - internal responses[1]
    • linear penalty curve (nonlinear analysis[1]
    • linear static analysis[1]
    • linear static analysis - rotor dynamics example[1]
    • linear steady-state heat transfer analysis[1]
    • linear transient analysis[1]
    • linear transient analysis by fourier transformation - displacement[1]
    • linear transient analysis by Fourier Transformation - velocity punch file[1]
    • linear transient heat transfer analysis[1]
    • Linux[1]
    • LOAD -[1]
    • LOADADD -[1]
    • LOADJG -[1]
    • LOADJG - subcase information entry[1]
    • LOADLIB -[1]
    • Load on Flexible Body[1]
    • loads and boundary conditions[1]
    • loads on the fluid mesh - coupled frequency response analysis by fourier[1]
    • LOAD - subcase information entry[1]
    • load time history compression[1]
    • local and global entries - parts and instances[1]
    • local coordinate systems for JOINTG[1]
    • LOCATE -[1]
    • LOCATE - subcase information entry[1]
  • M
    • M2GG - subcase information entry[1]
    • manufacturability for free-sizing optimization[1]
    • manufacturability for topography optimization[1]
    • manufacturability for topology optimization[1]
    • manufacturing constraints[1]
    • MARKER -[1]
    • markers - MBD[1]
    • mass elements[1]
    • MASSTOH3D -[1]
    • MASTA[1]
    • MAT1 -[1]
    • MAT2 -[1]
    • MAT3 -[1]
    • MAT4 -[1]
    • MAT5 -[1]
    • MAT8 -[1]
    • MAT9 -[1]
    • MAT9ORT -[1]
    • MAT10 -[1]
    • material property check[1]
    • material property checks for MAT1[1]
    • material property checks for MAT2[1]
    • material property checks for MAT3[1]
    • material property checks for MAT8[1]
    • material property checks for MAT9[1]
    • materials[1]
    • MATF1 -[1]
    • MATF2 -[1]
    • MATF3 -[1]
    • MATF8 -[1]
    • MATF9 -[1]
    • MATF10 -[1]
    • MATF -[1]
    • MATFAT -[1]
    • MATHE -[1]
    • MATHF -[1]
    • MATPE1 -[1]
    • matrices in a finite element analysis[1]
    • MATS1 -[1]
    • MATT1 -[1]
    • MATT2 -[1]
    • MATT3 -[1]
    • MATT4 -[1]
    • MATT5 -[1]
    • MATT8 -[1]
    • MATT9 -[1]
    • MATUSR -[1]
    • MATX0 -[1]
    • MATX02 -[1]
    • MATX13 -[1]
    • MATX21 -[1]
    • MATX25 -[1]
    • MATX27 -[1]
    • MATX28 -[1]
    • MATX33 -[1]
    • MATX36 -[1]
    • MATX38 -[1]
    • MATX42 -[1]
    • MATX43 -[1]
    • MATX44 -[1]
    • MATX60 -[1]
    • MATX62 -[1]
    • MATX65 -[1]
    • MATX68 -[1]
    • MATX70 -[1]
    • MATX82 -[1]
    • Maximum Bead Width Constrain for Topology Optimization of Oil Pan[1]
    • maximum member size control[1]
    • MAXMIN - subcase information entry[1]
    • MBACT -[1]
    • MBCNTDS -[1]
    • MBCNTR -[1]
    • MBCRV -[1]
    • MBCVCV -[1]
    • MBDCRV -[1]
    • MBDEACT -[1]
    • MBD - ESLM[1]
    • MBD parameters for ESLM[1]
    • MBDSRF -[1]
    • MBD system level response optimization[1]
    • MBFORCE -[1]
    • MBFRC -[1]
    • MBFRCC -[1]
    • MBFRCE -[1]
    • MBLIN -[1]
    • MBMNT -[1]
    • MBMNTC -[1]
    • MBMNTE -[1]
    • MBPCRV -[1]
    • MBPTCV -[1]
    • MBPTDCV -[1]
    • MBPTDSF -[1]
    • MBREQ -[1]
    • MBREQE -[1]
    • MBREQM -[1]
    • MBSEQ -[1]
    • MBSFRC -[1]
    • MBSFRCC -[1]
    • MBSFRCE -[1]
    • MBSIM -[1]
    • MBSIMP -[1]
    • MBSIM - subcase information entry[1]
    • MBSMNT -[1]
    • MBSMNTC -[1]
    • MBSMNTE[1]
    • MBVAR -[1]
    • MECHCHECK -[1]
    • member size control for topology optimization[1]
    • member size control - free-size optimization[1]
    • member size control - maximum member size control[1]
    • member size control - minimum member size control[1]
    • membrane with hot-spot (test no. T1)[1]
    • memory limitation - automatic memory allocation vs fixed memory runs[1]
    • memory limitation - virtual vs physical memory[1]
    • memory - solvers[1]
    • mesh barrier constraints - free-shape optimization[1]
    • METADATA -[1]
    • METHOD - subcase information entry[1]
    • MFLUID -[1]
    • MFLUID - subcase information entry[1]
    • MGASK -[1]
    • microphone location - radiated sound output analysis[1]
    • Microsoft Excel example - external responses[1]
    • minimize objective function - design optimization[1]
    • minimum member size control[1]
    • minmax objective function - design optimization[1]
    • MINMAX - subcase information entry[1]
    • miscellaneous - defaults[1]
    • MLOAD -[1]
    • MLOAD - subcase information entry[1]
    • modal and panel participation - coupled frequency response analysis by fourier[1]
    • modal complex eigenvalue analysis - rotor dynamics example[1]
    • MODALDE -[1]
    • modal frequency response analysis[1]
    • modal frequency response analysis output[1]
    • MODALKE -[1]
    • modal participation example[1]
    • MODALSE -[1]
    • modal transient response[1]
    • modal transient response output[1]
    • MODCHG -[1]
    • MODCHG - subcase information entry[1]
    • MODEL -[1]
    • modeling errors - rigid body modes[1]
    • modeling techniques[1]
    • MODELMPC - subcase information entry[1]
    • model restrictions - rotor dynamics[1]
    • MODESELECT - subcase information entry[1]
    • MODEWEIGHT - subcase information entry[1]
    • MODOUT -[1]
    • MODTRAK - subcase information entry[1]
    • MOMENT1 -[1]
    • MOMENT2 -[1]
    • MOMENT -[1]
    • MONITOR -[1]
    • monitor nonlinear structural analysis and structural FSI[1]
    • MONITOR - subcase information entry[1]
    • MOTION -[1]
    • MotionSolve[1]
    • MOTION - subcase information entry[1]
    • MOTNG -[1]
    • MOTNGC -[1]
    • MOTNGE -[1]
    • MOTNJ -[1]
    • MOTNJC -[1]
    • MOTNJE -[1]
    • MOTNJG -[1]
    • MOTNJG - subcase information entry[1]
    • move limit adjustments - gradient-based optimization[1]
    • MPC -[1]
    • MPCADD -[1]
    • MPCFORCE -[1]
    • MPC - subcase information entry[1]
    • MSGLMT -[1]
    • multiaxial fatigue analysis[1]
    • multiaxial fatigue analysis - .rnf file[1]
    • multibody dynamic analysis[1]
    • multibody dynamics analysis - internal responses[1]
    • multibody dynamics analysis tutorials[1]
    • multibody dynamics features[1]
    • multibody dynamics simulation[1]
    • multi-dimensional table[1]
    • multi-model optimization (MMO)[1]
    • multi-model optimization (MMO) – design scaling with pattern-repetition in two different C-clips[1]
    • multi-model optimization (MMO) – pattern repetition of an excavator arm[1]
    • multi-plane symmetric reinforcement optimization for a pressure vessel example[1]
    • multiple rotors - rotor dynamics[1]
    • MUMPS - solvers[1]
  • N
    • N2S contact-based fast contact[1]
    • NAFEMS composite benchmark problems[1]
    • NAFEMS free vibration problems[1]
    • NAFEMS heat transfer problem[1]
    • NAFEMS linear elastic problems[1]
    • NAFEMS Test 5H – Deep Simply-Supported Beam Harmonic Forced Vibration Response[1]
    • NAFEMS Test 5P – Deep Simply-Supported Beam Periodic Forced Vibration Response[1]
    • NAFEMS Test 5R – Deep Simply-Supported Beam Random Forced Vibration Response[1]
    • NAFEMS Test 5T – Deep Simply-Supported Beam Transient Forced Vibration Response[1]
    • NAFEMS Test 13H – Simply-Supported Thin Square Plate Harmonic Forced Vibration Response[1]
    • NAFEMS Test 13P – Simply-Supported Thin Square Plate Periodic Forced Vibration Response[1]
    • NAFEMS Test 13R – Simply-Supported Thin Square Plate Harmonic Forced Vibration Response[1]
    • NAFEMS Test 13T – Simply-Supported Thin Square Plate Transient Forced Vibration Response[1]
    • NAFEMS Test 21H – Simply-Supported Thick Square Plate Harmonic Forced Vibration Response[1]
    • NAFEMS Test 21P – Simply-Supported Thick Square Plate Periodic Forced Vibration Response[1]
    • NAFEMS Test 21R – Simply-Supported Thick Square Plate Random Forced Vibration Response[1]
    • NAFEMS Test 21 – Simply-Supported Thick Square Plate[1]
    • NAFEMS Test 21T – Simply-Supported Thick Square Plate Transient Forced Vibration Response[1]
    • NAFEMS Test No. 13 – simply-supported thin square plate[1]
    • nafems test no. FV41 - free cylinder: axi-symmetric vibration[1]
    • nafems test no. LE5 - Z-section cantilever[1]
    • nafems test no. LE6 - skew plate normal pressure[1]
    • nafems test no. LE10 -thick plate pressure[1]
    • nafems test no. LE11 - solid cylinder/taper/sphere - temperature[1]
    • nafems test no. T1 - membrane with hot-spot[1]
    • nafems test no. T4 - two-dimensional heat transfer with convection[1]
    • NAFEMS test problem (LE3) - radial point load[1]
    • NAFEMS thermo-elastic problems[1]
    • Nastran[1][2][3][4][5][6]
    • nastran punch file (.pch)[1]
    • NLADAPT -[1]
    • NLADAPT - subcase information entry[1]
    • NLLOAD -[1]
    • NLMON -[1]
    • NLMON - subcase information entry[1]
    • NLOAD1 -[1]
    • NLOAD -[1]
    • NLOAD - subcase information entry[1]
    • NLOUT -[1]
    • NLOUT - subcase information entry[1]
    • NLPARM -[1]
    • NLPARM - subcase information entry[1]
    • NLRESTART -[1]
    • NLRGAP -[1]
    • node-to-surface discretization[1]
    • noise vibration and harshness (NVH) analysis - powertrain applications[1]
    • NOISEXYZ -[1]
    • NOLIN1 -[1]
    • NOLIN2 -[1]
    • NOLIN3 -[1]
    • NOLIN4 -[1]
    • nonlinar transient thermal subcase continuation[1]
    • Nonlinear Adaptive Criteria and Nonlinear Intermediate Results[1]
    • nonlinear analysis of cantilever beam example[1]
    • nonlinear analysis of cantilever beams with follower forces[1]
    • nonlinear analysis of inline-4 engine head example[1]
    • nonlinear analysis of rack and pinion using restart[1]
    • nonlinear analysis static of wheel rail interface using fast contact[1]
    • nonlinear convergence criteria[1]
    • nonlinear direct transient analysis[1]
    • nonlinear direct transient analysis problem setup[1]
    • nonlinear implicit analysis[1]
    • nonlinearity sources - nonlinear direct transient analysis[1]
    • nonlinearity sources - nonlinear quasi-static analysis[1]
    • nonlinear larg displacement quasi-static analysis examples[1]
    • nonlinear optimization monitoring[1]
    • nonlinear penalty curve (nonlinear analysis)[1]
    • nonlinear quasi-static analysis[1]
    • nonlinear quasi-static analysis - powertrain applications[1]
    • nonlinear quasi-static analysis problem setup[1]
    • nonlinear quasi-static analysis types[1]
    • nonlinear quasi-static analysis with contacts and pretensioning of bolts example[1]
    • nonlinear small displacement quasi-static analysis examples[1]
    • nonlinear solution method[1]
    • nonlinear static (large displacement) analysis of snap fit assembly using continuous sliding example[1]
    • nonlinear static analysis with hyperelastic material model, under compression loading and unloading example[1]
    • nonlinear steady-state heat transfer analysis[1]
    • nonlinear steady-state heat transfer - powertrain applications[1]
    • nonlinear structural analysis - monitor[1]
    • NONLINEAR - subcase information entry[1]
    • nonlinear transient heat transfer analysis (Beta)[1]
    • nonlinear transient heat transfer analysis - input[1]
    • non-reflecting boundary - coupled frequency response analysis by fourier[1]
    • non-structural mass elements[1]
    • normal modes analysis[1]
    • normal modes analysis - governing equations[1]
    • normal modes analysis - internal responses[1]
    • normal modes analysis of a compressor wheel example[1]
    • normal modes analysis output[1]
    • normal modes with pre-load analysis of chair frame[1]
    • NORM - subcase information entry[1]
    • no symmetry[1]
    • NSGE1 -[1]
    • NSGE -[1]
    • NSGEADD -[1]
    • NSGE - subcase information entry[1]
    • NSM1 -[1]
    • NSM -[1]
    • NSMADD -[1]
    • NSML1 -[1]
    • NSML -[1]
    • NSM - subcase information entry[1]
    • NVH applications and techniques[1]
  • O
    • offset elements - buckling analysis[1]
    • OFREQUENCY -[1]
    • OLOAD -[1]
    • OMODES -[1]
    • one dimensional transient heat transfer (test no. T3)[1]
    • one plane - simple symmetry options[1]
    • one step thermal transient stress analysis, example[1]
    • one step transient thermal stress analysis[1]
    • one step transient thermal stress optimization[1]
    • optimization - defaults[1]
    • optimization - features[1]
    • optimization of a cantilever beam modeled with solid elements[1]
    • optimization of arbitrary beam sections[1]
    • optimization of a two-layer stamped control arm[1]
    • optimization of composite structures[1]
    • optimization of MBD system level response optimization example[1]
    • optimization of the modal frequencies of a disc using constrained beading patterns example[1]
    • optimization of thin-walled sections - arbitrary beam[1]
    • optimization output - defaults[1]
    • optimization output files[1]
    • optimization output - OUTPUT[1]
    • optimization process[1]
    • optimization setup - faq[1]
    • optimization shape[1]
    • optimization size (parameter)[1]
    • optimization topography[1]
    • optimization topology[1]
    • optimization using compose function[1]
    • optimization with ESLM - connecting rod of a slider crank example[1]
    • optimization with ESLM example problems[1]
    • optimization with ESLM - rotating bar example[1]
    • optimization with ESLM - rotating shell example[1]
    • OptiStruct[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58][59][60][61][62]
    • OptiStruct 2019[1][2]
    • OptiStruct AcuSolve[1]
    • OptiStruct Linux[1][2]
    • OptiStruct reference guide[1]
    • OptiStruct tutorials[1]
    • OS-0010: Running OptiStruct from HyperMesh[1]
    • OS-E: 0010[1]
    • OS-E: 0015[1]
    • OS-E: 0020[1]
    • OS-E: 0100[1]
    • OS-E: 0105[1]
    • OS-E: 0110[1]
    • OS-E: 0115[1]
    • OS-E: 0120[1]
    • OS-E: 0125[1]
    • OS-E: 0130[1]
    • OS-E: 0135[1]
    • OS-E: 0140[1]
    • OS-E: 0145[1]
    • OS-E: 0150[1]
    • OS-E: 0155[1]
    • OS-E: 0160[1]
    • OS-E: 0165[1]
    • OS-E: 0170[1]
    • OS-E: 0175[1]
    • OS-E: 0180[1]
    • OS-E: 0185[1]
    • OS-E: 0190[1]
    • OS-E: 0195[1]
    • OS-MBD stress recovery[1]
    • OSSmooth input file example[1]
    • OSSmooth parameter file[1]
    • OSSmooth - running[1]
    • OS-T: 1000 Linear Static Analysis of a Plate with a Hole[1]
    • OS-T: 1010 Thermal Stress Analysis of a Coffee Pot Lid[1]
    • OS-T: 1020 Normal Modes Analysis of a Splash Shield[1]
    • OS-T: 1030 3D Inertia Relief Analysis[1]
    • OS-T: 1040 3D Buckling Analysis[1]
    • OS-T: 1050 Connection of Dissimilar Meshes using CWELD Elements[1]
    • OS-T: 1060 Analysis of a Composite Aircraft Structure using PCOMPG[1]
    • OS-T: 1070 Analysis of an Axi-symmetric Structure[1]
    • OS-T: 1080 Coupled Linear Heat Transfer/Structure Analysis[1][2]
    • OS-T: 1085 Linear Steady State Heat Convection Analysis[1]
    • OS-T: 1090 Linear Transient Heat Transfer Analysis of an Extended Surface Heat Transfer Fin[1]
    • OS-T: 1100 Thermal Stress Analysis of a Printed Circuit Board with Anisotropic Material Properties[1]
    • OS-T: 1110 Setting up a Modal Analysis[1]
    • OS-T: 1300 Direct Frequency Response Analysis of a Flat Plate[1]
    • OS-T: 1305 Modal Frequency Response Analysis of a Flat Plate[1]
    • OS-T: 1310 Direct Transient Dynamic Analysis of a Bracket[1]
    • OS-T: 1315 Modal Transient Dynamic Analysis of a Bracket[1]
    • OS-T: 1320 Nonlinear Gap Analysis of an Airplane Wing Rib[1]
    • OS-T: 1325 Random Response Analysis of a Flat Plate[1]
    • OS-T: 1330 Acoustic Analysis of a Half Car Model[1]
    • OS-T: 1340 Fatigue (Stress - Life) Method[1]
    • OS-T: 1340 Fatigue Process Manager (FPM) using S-N (Stress - Life) Method[1]
    • OS-T: 1340 Fatigue using S-N (Stress - Life) Method[1]
    • OS-T: 1350 Fatigue (Strain - Life) Method[1]
    • OS-T: 1350 Fatigue Process Manager (FPM) using E-N (Strain - Life) Method[1]
    • OS-T: 1350 Fatigue using E-N (Strain - Life) Method[1]
    • OS-T: 1360 NLSTAT Analysis of Gasket Materials in Contact[1][2]
    • OS-T: 1365 NLSTAT Analysis of Solid Blocks in Contact[1][2]
    • OS-T: 1370 Complex Eigenvalue Analysis of a Reduced Brake System[1]
    • OS-T: 1371 Brake Squeal Analysis of Brake Assembly[1]
    • OS-T: 1372 Rotor Dynamics of a Hollow Cylindrical Rotor[1]
    • OS-T: 1375 Response Spectrum Analysis of a Structure[1]
    • OS-T: 1380 Computation of Equivalent Radiated Power[1]
    • OS-T: 1385 Heat Transfer Analysis on Piston Rings wth GAP Elements[1]
    • OS-T: 1390: 1D and 3D Pretensioned Bolt Analysis of an IC Engine Cylinder Head[1][2]
    • OS-T: 1392 Node-to-Surface versus Surface-to-Surface Contact[1][2]
    • OS-T: 1393 Basics of Contact Properties and Debugging[1]
    • OS-T: 1500: bending of plate[1]
    • OS-T: 1510 Follower Loads[1]
    • OS-T: 1520 Finite Sliding of Rack and Pinion Gear Model[1]
    • OS-T: 1600 Fluid-Structure Interaction Analysis of Piezoelectric Harvester Assembly[1]
    • OS-T: 1610 Thermal Fluid-Structure Interaction Analysis on a Manifold[1]
    • OS-T: 1900 Dynamic Analysis of a Three-body Model[1]
    • OS-T: 1910 Dynamic Analysis of a Slider Crank with a Flexible Connecting Rod[1]
    • OS-T: 1920 Large Displacement Analysis of a Cantilever Beam[1]
    • OS-T: 1940 MBD Rigid Contact[1]
    • OS-T: 1950 Curve to Curve Constraint[1]
    • OS-T: 1960 Defining Point to Deformable[1]
    • OS-T: 2000 Design Concept for a Structural C-Clip[1]
    • OS-T: 2005 Design Concept for a Structural C-Clip with Minimum Member Size Control[1]
    • OS-T: 2010 Design Concept for an Automotive Control Arm[1]
    • OS-T: 2020 Increasing Natural Frequencies of an Automotive Splash Shield with Ribs[1]
    • OS-T: 2030 Control Arm Topology Optimization with Draw Direction Constraints[1]
    • OS-T: 2040 Spot Weld Reduction using CWELD and 1D[1]
    • OS-T: 2050 Pattern Repetition using Topology Optimization[1]
    • OS-T: 2060 Symmetry and Draw Direction Applied Simultaneously in Topology Optimization[1]
    • OS-T: 2070 Topology Optimization of a Reduced Model using DMIG[1]
    • OS-T: 2080 Topology Optimization of a Hook with Stress Constraints[1]
    • OS-T: 2090 Extrusion Constraints[1]
    • OS-T: 2095 Frequency Response Optimization of a Rectangular Plate[1]
    • OS-T: 2098 Excavator Arm Model[1]
    • OS-T: 3000 Topography Optimization of a Plate Under Torsion[1]
    • OS-T: 3010 Topography Optimization of an L-bracket[1]
    • OS-T: 3020 Automatic Recognition of Bead Results of an L-bracket[1]
    • OS-T: 3030 Random Response Optimization[1]
    • OS-T: 3100 Combined Topology and Topography Optimization of a Slider Suspension[1]
    • OS-T: 3200 Optimization-driven Design of a Composite Aircraft Underbelly Fairing[1]
    • OS-T: 3300 Using the Lattice Optimization Process[1]
    • OS-T: 3400 Design an Open Hole Tension (OHT)[1]
    • OS-T: 4000 3D Size Optimization of a Rail Joint[1]
    • OS-T: 4010 Size Optimization of a Welded Bracket[1]
    • OS-T: 4020 Composite Bike Frame Optimization[1]
    • OS-T: 4030 Discrete Size Optimization of a Welded Bracket[1]
    • OS-T: 4040 Size Optimization of a Shredder[1]
    • OS-T: 4050 Optimization of a Horizontal Tail Plane[1]
    • OS-T: 4070 Free-sizing Nonlinear Gap Optimization on an Airplane Wing Rib[1]
    • OS-T: 4080 Minimization of the Maximum Stress of a Rotating Bar: A Size Optimization[1]
    • OS-T: 4090 Manufacturing Constraints in a Free-size Optimization of a Composite Structure[1]
    • OS-T: 4095 Size Optimization using External Responses (DRESP3)[1]
    • OS-T: 5000 2D Shape Optimization of a Cantilever Beam[1]
    • OS-T: 5010 Cantilever L-beam Shape Optimization[1]
    • OS-T: 5020 3D Bracket Model using the Free-shape Method[1]
    • OS-T: 5030 Buckling Optimization of a Structural Rail[1]
    • OS-T: 5040 Rail Joint[1]
    • OS-T: 5050 4 Bar Linkage[1]
    • OS-T: 5060 3D Model using the Free-shape Method with Manufacturing Constraints[1]
    • OS-T: 5070 Fatigue Optimization of a Torque Control Arm[1]
    • OS-T: 5080 Global Search Optimization[1]
    • OS-T: 5090 Thermal Optimization on Aluminum Fins[1]
    • other factors affecting fatigue[1]
    • other output controllers - defaults[1]
    • OTIME -[1]
    • OUTFILE -[1]
    • output[1]
    • output2 file (.op2[1]
    • OUTPUT -[1]
    • output data[1]
    • output files - general run and troubleshooting info[1]
    • output files generated by the optimization process[1]
    • output format controls[1]
    • output from contact analysis[1]
    • output - modal frequency response analysis[1]
    • output - normal modes analysis[1]
    • output requests and ESLM[1]
    • output - transient response analysis by fourier transformation[1]
    • overlap - seam weld fatigue analysis[1]
    • overview[1]
  • P
    • P2G - subcase information entry[1]
    • P2GSUB - subcase information entry[1]
    • PAABSF -[1]
    • PACABS -[1]
    • PACINF -[1]
    • PANEL -[1]
    • PANELG -[1]
    • PARAM -[1]
    • PARAM, ACMODL12-[1]
    • PARAM, AGGPCH -[1]
    • PARAM, AKUSMOD -[1]
    • PARAM, ALLFT -[1]
    • PARAM, ALPHA1 -[1]
    • PARAM, ALPHA1FL -[1]
    • PARAM, ALPHA2 -[1]
    • PARAM, ALPHA2FL -[1]
    • PARAM, AMLS -[1]
    • PARAM, AMLSASPC -[1]
    • PARAM, AMLSMAXR -[1]
    • PARAM, AMLSMEM -[1]
    • PARAM, AMLSNCPU -[1]
    • PARAM, AMLSUCON -[1]
    • PARAM, AMSE4CMS -[1]
    • PARAM, AMSE4EFM -[1]
    • PARAM, AMSESLM -[1]
    • PARAM, ASCOUP -[1]
    • PARAM, AUTOMSET -[1]
    • PARAM, AUTOSPC -[1]
    • PARAM, AUTOSPRT -[1]
    • PARAM, BUFFSIZE -[1]
    • PARAM, BUSHRLMT -[1]
    • PARAM, BUSHSTIF -[1]
    • PARAM, BUSHTLMT -[1]
    • PARAM, CB2 -[1]
    • PARAM, CDITER -[1]
    • PARAM, CDPCH -[1]
    • PARAM, CDPRT -[1]
    • PARAM, CHECKEL -[1]
    • PARAM, CHECKMAT -[1]
    • PARAM, CHKELSET -[1]
    • PARAM, CK2 -[1]
    • PARAM, CK3 -[1]
    • PARAM, CM2 -[1]
    • PARAM, CMFTINIT -[1]
    • PARAM, CMFTSTEP -[1]
    • PARAM, CMSALOAD -[1]
    • PARAM, CMSDIRM -[1]
    • PARAM, CMSOFST -[1]
    • PARAM, COEFFC -[1]
    • PARAM, COMP2SHL -[1]
    • PARAM, CONTFEL -[1]
    • PARAM, COUPMASS -[1]
    • PARAM, CP2 -[1]
    • PARAM, CSTEVAL -[1]
    • PARAM, CSTOL -[1]
    • PARAM, CTSTF4PL -[1]
    • PARAM, CURVSHL2 -[1]
    • PARAM, DDMNGRPS -[1]
    • PARAM, DFREQ -[1]
    • PARAM, DISIFMCK -[1]
    • PARAM, DISJOINT -[1]
    • PARAM, DSZERO -[1]
    • PARAM, DUPTOL -[1]
    • PARAM, EFFMAS -[1]
    • PARAM, EHD -[1]
    • PARAM, ELASRLMT -[1]
    • PARAM, ELASSTIF -[1]
    • PARAM, ELASTLMT -[1]
    • PARAM, ENFMOTN -[1]
    • PARAM, ERPAREA -[1]
    • PARAM, ERPC -[1]
    • PARAM, ERPREFDB -[1]
    • PARAM, ERPRHO -[1]
    • PARAM, ERPRLF -[1]
    • PARAM, EXCEXB -[1]
    • PARAM, EXCOP2 -[1]
    • PARAM, EXCOUT -[1]
    • PARAM, EXPERTNL -[1]
    • PARAM, EXTOUT -[1]
    • PARAM, FASTCONT -[1]
    • PARAM, FASTFR -[1]
    • PARAM, FFRS -[1]
    • PARAM, FFRSMEM -[1]
    • PARAM, FFRSNCPU -[1]
    • PARAM, FIXRBE3 -[1]
    • PARAM, FLEXH3D -[1]
    • PARAM, FLIPOK -[1]
    • PARAM, FLLWER -[1]
    • PARAM, FRIC -[1]
    • PARAM, FZERO -[1]
    • PARAM, G -[1]
    • PARAM, GAPOFFST -[1]
    • PARAM, GE_MOD -[1]
    • PARAM, GFL -[1]
    • PARAM, GLOBEXPT -[1]
    • PARAM, GMAR1 -[1]
    • PARAM, GMAR -[1]
    • PARAM, GPSLOC -[1]
    • PARAM, GRDPNT -[1]
    • PARAM, GRDPNTCM -[1]
    • PARAM, GRIDFORM -[1]
    • PARAM, GYRO1D -[1]
    • PARAM, GYROAVG -[1]
    • PARAM, GYROTIMO -[1]
    • PARAM, HASHASSM -[1]
    • PARAM, HFREQ -[1]
    • PARAM, HFREQFL -[1]
    • PARAM, HGHCMPOK -[1]
    • PARAM, INREL -[1]
    • PARAM, INRGAP -[1]
    • PARAM, INTRFACE -[1]
    • PARAM, ISTRSBAL -[1]
    • PARAM, ITAPE -[1]
    • PARAM, K4CUTOFF -[1]
    • PARAM, K4METH -[1]
    • PARAM, KDAMP -[1]
    • PARAM, KGRGD -[1]
    • PARAM, KISSSOFT -[1]
    • PARAM, KTPLAST -[1]
    • PARAM, LFREQ -[1]
    • PARAM, LFREQFL -[1]
    • PARAM, LGDISP -[1]
    • PARAM, LMSOUT -[1]
    • PARAM, LOWRANK -[1]
    • PARAM, LSNLEXP -[1]
    • PARAM, MASSDMIG -[1]
    • PARAM, MAXDAMP -[1]
    • PARAM, MAXRATIO -[1]
    • PARAM, MBDH3D -[1]
    • PARAM, MBDREC -[1]
    • PARAM, MDK4OPT -[1]
    • PARAM, MEMTRIM -[1]
    • PARAM, MFILTER -[1]
    • PARAM, MODETRAK -[1]
    • PARAM, MVASPCON -[1]
    • PARAM, NBZRCSR -[1]
    • PARAM, NEGMASS -[1]
    • PARAM, NEWCRD -[1]
    • PARAM, NLAFILE -[1]
    • PARAM, NLFAT -[1]
    • PARAM, NLINISOL -[1]
    • PARAM, NLMON -[1]
    • PARAM, NLRFILE -[1]
    • PARAM, NLRUN -[1]
    • PARAM, NPRBAR -[1]
    • PARAM, NPRBE2 -[1]
    • PARAM, NPRGDE -[1]
    • PARAM, NUMEG -[1]
    • PARAM, ODS -[1]
    • PARAM, OGEOM -[1]
    • PARAM, OMACHPR -[1]
    • PARAM, OMID -[1]
    • PARAM, OP2GM34 -[1]
    • PARAM, ORIGK4[1]
    • PARAM, OSTTSPRT -[1]
    • PARAM, PBUSHT -[1]
    • PARAM, PBUSHTF -[1]
    • PARAM, PELAST -[1]
    • PARAM, PLIGEXT -[1]
    • PARAM, PNLSIZ -[1]
    • PARAM, POST -[1]
    • PARAM, POSTEXT -[1]
    • PARAM, PRESUBNL -[1]
    • PARAM, PRGPST -[1]
    • PARAM, PRINFACC -[1]
    • PARAM, PRTDES -[1]
    • PARAM, PRTMGG -[1]
    • PARAM, PRTRENUM -[1]
    • PARAM, PRTRET -[1]
    • PARAM, PSDPRINC -[1]
    • PARAM, RBE2FREE -[1]
    • PARAM, RBE3COL -[1]
    • PARAM, RBE3FREE -[1]
    • PARAM, RBMEIG -[1]
    • PARAM, REANAL -[1]
    • PARAM, RECOVER -[1]
    • PARAM, REFPNT -[1]
    • PARAM, RENUMOK -[1]
    • PARAM, RFIOUT -[1]
    • PARAM, RHOCP -[1]
    • PARAM, RICARDO -[1]
    • PARAM, ROMAX -[1]
    • PARAM, RSPLICOR -[1]
    • PARAM, S2K -[1]
    • PARAM, SBTOLRTR -[1]
    • PARAM, SEP1XOVR -[1]
    • PARAM, SEPLOT -[1]
    • PARAM, SH4NRP -[1]
    • PARAM, SHELLTI -[1]
    • PARAM, SHELOS11 -[1]
    • PARAM, SHL2MEM -[1]
    • PARAM, SHPBCKOR -[1]
    • PARAM, SIMPACK -[1]
    • PARAM, SIMVER -[1]
    • PARAM, SMDISP -[1]
    • PARAM, SNAPTHRU -[1]
    • PARAM, SORTCON -[1]
    • PARAM, SPLC -[1]
    • PARAM, SPLFAC -[1]
    • PARAM, SPLREFDB -[1]
    • PARAM, SPLRHO -[1]
    • PARAM, SRCOMPS -[1]
    • PARAM, SS2GCR -[1]
    • PARAM, STRTHR -[1]
    • PARAM, TCLTINIT -[1]
    • PARAM, TCLTSTEP -[1]
    • PARAM, THCNTPEN -[1]
    • PARAM, TOLRSC -[1]
    • PARAM, TPS -[1]
    • PARAM, TRAKMETH -[1]
    • PARAM, TRAKMTX -[1]
    • PARAM, UCORD -[1]
    • PARAM, UHT -[1]
    • PARAM, UNSYMSLV -[1]
    • PARAM, VMASS -[1]
    • PARAM, VMOPT -[1]
    • PARAM, W3 -[1]
    • PARAM, W4 -[1]
    • PARAM, WR3 -[1]
    • PARAM, WR4 -[1]
    • PARAM, WRH -[1]
    • PARAM, WTMASS -[1]
    • PARAM, XPOST -[1]
    • Parameters: Linear Solver[1]
    • Parameters: Static Solver[1]
    • Parameters: Transient Solver[1]
    • parameters for ESLM - nonlinear response optimization[1]
    • parts and instances - connectivity[1]
    • parts and instances - parts[1]
    • pattern grouping[1]
    • pattern grouping - circular[1]
    • pattern grouping - cyclical[1]
    • pattern grouping - cylindrical[1]
    • pattern grouping - linear[1]
    • pattern grouping - none[1]
    • Pattern Grouping Options[1]
    • pattern grouping - planar[1]
    • pattern grouping - radial 2D[1]
    • pattern grouping - radial 2D and linear[1]
    • pattern grouping - radial 3D[1]
    • pattern grouping - topology optimization[1]
    • pattern grouping - vector defined[1]
    • pattern repetition for topography optimization[1]
    • pattern repetition for topology optimization[1]
    • pattern repetition - free-size[1]
    • PAXI -[1]
    • PBAR -[1]
    • PBARL -[1]
    • PBARX -[1]
    • PBEAM -[1]
    • PBEAML -[1]
    • PBEAMX -[1]
    • PBUSH1D -[1]
    • PBUSH -[1]
    • PBUSHFX -[1]
    • PBUSHT -[1]
    • PCG - solvers[1]
    • PCNTX2 -[1]
    • PCNTX5 -[1]
    • PCNTX7 -[1]
    • PCNTX11 -[1]
    • PCNTX20 -[1]
    • PCNTX24 -[1]
    • PCOMP -[1]
    • PCOMPG -[1]
    • PCOMPLS -[1]
    • PCOMPP -[1]
    • PCOMPX -[1]
    • PCONT -[1]
    • PCONTHT -[1]
    • PCONTX -[1]
    • PCONV -[1]
    • PDAMP -[1]
    • PEAKOUT -[1]
    • PEAKOUT - subcase information entry[1]
    • PELAS -[1]
    • PELASFX -[1]
    • PELAST -[1]
    • penalty-based contact[1]
    • PERBC -[1]
    • periodic boundary conditions example[1]
    • PFAST -[1]
    • PFAT -[1]
    • PFATSMW -[1]
    • PFATSPW -[1]
    • PFBODY -[1]
    • PFGRID -[1]
    • PFMODE -[1]
    • PFPANEL -[1]
    • PFPATH -[1][2]
    • PGAP -[1]
    • PGAPHT -[1]
    • PGASK -[1]
    • phase transitions in the optimization of composite structures[1]
    • PHFSHL -[1]
    • pin-ended double cross (Test No. FV2)[1]
    • PJOINTG -[1]
    • plate in torsion example - topography optimization[1]
    • plate with central hole using NLOUT example[1]
    • platforms - OptiStruct[1]
    • PLOAD1 -[1]
    • PLOAD2 -[1]
    • PLOAD4 -[1]
    • PLOAD -[1]
    • PLOADX1-[1]
    • PLOTEL3 -[1]
    • PLOTEL4 -[1]
    • PLOTEL -[1]
    • PLSOLID -[1]
    • PLY -[1]
    • ply-based laminate modeling[1]
    • PMASS -[1]
    • poroelastic materials[1]
    • poroelastic materials supported solution sequences[1]
    • porosity control - lattice structure optimization[1]
    • Post-process - Features[1]
    • post-process transfer path analysis[1]
    • POST - subcase information entry[1]
    • POWERFLOW -[1]
    • powertrain applications[1]
    • PRBODY -[1]
    • preloaded modal frequency response analysis[1]
    • preload to linear subcases example[1]
    • Pre-process - Features[1]
    • PRESSURE -[1]
    • prestressed complex eigenvalue analysis[1]
    • prestressed linear analysis[1]
    • prestressed linear analysis results[1]
    • prestressed linear analysis types[1]
    • prestressed normal modes analysis[1]
    • prestressed static analysis[1]
    • PRETBOLT -[1]
    • PRETENS -[1]
    • pretension analysis of piston[1]
    • pretension analysis using gasket material example[1]
    • pretensioned bolt analysis[1]
    • pretensioned bolt analysis comments[1]
    • PRETENSION - subcase information entry[1]
    • PRETPRM -[1]
    • previous (OS3.5) input format[1]
    • problem formulation - free-size optimization[1]
    • problem setup - nonlinear direct transient analysis[1]
    • problem setup - nonlinear quasi-static analysis[1]
    • PROD -[1]
    • PROPERTY -[1]
    • PSD and RMS responses[1]
    • PSEAM -[1]
    • PSEC -[1]
    • PSHEAR -[1]
    • PSHELL -[1]
    • PSHELLX -[1]
    • PSLDX6 -[1]
    • PSOLID -[1]
    • PSOLIDX -[1]
    • PTADD -[1]
    • PTADJS1 -[1]
    • PTADJST -[1]
    • PTFORC1 -[1]
    • PTFORCE -[1]
    • PTUBE -[1]
    • Puck failure criteria[1]
    • punch file - acceleration[1]
    • punch file - displacement[1]
    • punch file - stress[1]
    • punch file - velocity[1]
    • PVISC -[1]
    • PWELD -[1]
  • Q
    • QBDY1 -[1]
    • quasi-static analysis - MBD[1]
    • QVOL -[1]
  • R
    • radial 2d and linear pattern grouping[1]
    • radial (3d) pattern grouping[1]
    • radial point load on a hemisphere (LE3) verification problem[1]
    • radial stretching of cylinder[1]
    • radiated sound output analysis[1]
    • radiated sound output analysis - at microphone location[1]
    • radiated sound output analysis - source grid location[1]
    • radiated sound output analytical background[1]
    • Radioss[1]
    • RADPRM -[1]
    • RADPRM, HMMOVE -[1]
    • RADPRM, HMNAME -[1]
    • RADPRM, NLAFILE -[1]
    • RADPRM, NLRFILE -[1]
    • RADPRM, NLRUN -[1]
    • RADPRM, RBE2RBD -[1]
    • RADPRM, SH4NRP -[1]
    • RADPRM, SMDISP -[1]
    • RADPRM, XPENTA15 -[1]
    • RADSND -[1]
    • RADSND - subcase information entry[1]
    • random response analysis[1]
    • random response analysis - example results[1]
    • random response analysis - internal responses[1][2]
    • random response analysis plot output[1]
    • random response analysis results output[1]
    • random response analysis setup[1]
    • random response - defaults[1]
    • random response fatigue analysis[1]
    • random response fatigue analysis - .rnf file[1]
    • random response fatigue analysis input[1]
    • random spectrum analysis governing equations[1]
    • RANDOM - subcase information entry[1]
    • RANDPS -[1]
    • RANDT1 -[1]
    • RBADD -[1]
    • RBAR -[1]
    • RBE2 -[1]
    • RBE2GS -[1]
    • RBE3 -[1]
    • RBODY -[1][2]
    • RCROSS -[1][2]
    • Recover MBD Analysis Results[1]
    • rectangular composite panel example[1]
    • rectangular pressure vessel example - topography optimization[1]
    • RecurDyn[1]
    • reference plane for quadrilateral element or face[1]
    • reliability-based design optimization[1]
    • reliability-based design optimization - implementation[1]
    • reliability-based topology optimization of a plate, example[1]
    • RELOC -[1]
    • relocation - parts and instances[1]
    • REPCASE - subcase information entry[1]
    • REPGLB - subcase information entry[1]
    • REPSUB - subcase information entry[1]
    • REQUEST -[1]
    • requestg radiated sound output guide[1]
    • request linear transient heat transfer analysis[1]
    • response spectrum analysis[1]
    • response spectrum analysis (RSA) optimization example[1]
    • response spectrum analysis input specification[1]
    • RESPRINT -[1]
    • RESTART -[1]
    • restart of NLSTAT followed by complex eigenvalue analysis[1]
    • RESTARTR -[1]
    • RESTARTW -[1]
    • result files - transfer path analysis[1]
    • RESULTS -[1]
    • results of a finite element analysis[1]
    • results of multibody dynamic analysis[1]
    • results - thermal analysis[1]
    • RESVEC - subcase information entry[1]
    • revolute joint using JOINTG and MOTNJG[1]
    • RFORCE -[1]
    • RGYRO -[1]
    • RGYRO - subcase information entry[1]
    • Ricardo[1]
    • RIGID -[1]
    • rigid body modes - modeling errors[1]
    • rigid elements and multi-point constraints[1]
    • RJOINT -[1]
    • RLOAD1-[1]
    • RLOAD2 -[1]
    • RNFLOW -[1]
    • ROMAX[1]
    • rotating bar example - optimization with ESLM[1]
    • rotating shell example - optimization with ESLM[1]
    • ROTATION -[1]
    • rotor dynamics[1]
    • rotor dynamics - direct transient response analysis[1]
    • rotor dynamics linear static analysis example[1]
    • rotor dynamics modal complex eigenvalue analysis example[1]
    • ROTORG -[1][2]
    • rotor superelements - rotor dynamics[1]
    • rotor unbalance example[1]
    • RROD -[1]
    • RSPEC -[1]
    • RSPEC - subcase information entry[1]
    • RSPEED -[1]
    • RSPINR -[1]
    • RSPINT -[1]
    • RSPLINE -[1]
    • RSSCON -[1]
    • rubber ring: crush and slide using self-contact[1]
    • rules for substituion - symbolic substitution[1]
    • run controls - default[1]
    • run FSI[1]
    • run modal frequency response analysis[1]
    • running OSSmooth[1]
    • run options[1]
    • runtime monitoring - nonlinear optimization[1]
    • run transfer path analysis[1]
    • RVDOF[1]
    • RVDOF1[1]
    • RWALADD[1]
    • RWALL[1]
    • RWALL - subcase information entry[1]
  • S
    • sandwich shell (Test No: R0031/3)[1]
    • save and retrieve normal modes analysis results[1]
    • scalability - solvers[1]
    • Scordelis-Lo roof example[1]
    • SCREEN -[1]
    • SDAMPING - subcase information entry[1]
    • SEALL - subcase information entry[1]
    • seam weld fatigue analysis[1]
    • seam weld fatigue analysis and size optimization of a frame structure[1]
    • seam weld fatigue analysis implementation[1]
    • seam weld fatigue analysis input/output[1]
    • SECSET1 -[1]
    • SECSET -[1]
    • SECT -[1]
    • SECTION -[1]
    • SEDR - subcase information entry[1]
    • SEINTPNT - subcase information entry[1]
    • SENSITIVITY -[1]
    • sensitivity analysis - gradient-based optimization[1]
    • SENSOR -[1]
    • SENSOUT -[1]
    • SEQSET1 -[1]
    • SEQSET -[1]
    • SESET -[1]
    • SET1 -[1]
    • SET3 -[1]
    • SET -[1]
    • SET/PSET -[1]
    • set analysis parameters to include an external field[1]
    • SETREE -[1]
    • setup transfer path analysis[1]
    • SHAPE -[1]
    • shape and size optimization of a plate bending example[1]
    • shape optimization[1]
    • shape optimization design variables[1]
    • shape optimization example problems[1]
    • Shape Optimization - Features[1]
    • shape optimization - introductory example[1]
    • shape optimization of an oil pan using ERP response[1]
    • shape optimization of a solid control arm example[1]
    • shape optimization of a stamped hat section example[1]
    • shape optimization of connecting rod with fatigue[1]
    • shape optimization on a cylinder block with bore distortion responses[1]
    • shape optimization on a cylinder head with fatigue responses[1]
    • shape optimization results[1]
    • Shape Optimization Tutorials[1]
    • shared memory parallelization[1]
    • shell bending under tip load[1]
    • shell elements[1]
    • SHRES -[1]
    • side constraints - free-shape optimization[1]
    • SIMPACK[1]
    • simple beam property[1]
    • simple symmetry[1]
    • simply supported beam verification problem[1]
    • simply-supported solid square plate (Test No. FV52)[1]
    • sine sweep fatigue analysis[1]
    • sine sweep fatigue analysis - .rnf file[1]
    • sine sweep fatigue analysis example[1]
    • sine sweep fatigue analysis input[1]
    • single host - solver script[1]
    • SINTENS -[1]
    • size (parameter) optimization[1]
    • size (parameter) optimization (phase 2) - lattice structure optimization[1]
    • size (parameter) optimization design variables[1]
    • size (parameter) optimization example problems[1]
    • size (parameter) optimization - features[1]
    • size (parameter) optimization of a cantilever beam using equations example[1]
    • size (parameter) optimization of a ten bar truss example[1]
    • size optimization - shell cantilever example[1]
    • Size Optimization Tutorials[1]
    • skew plate normal pressure (LE6)[1]
    • SLOAD-[1]
    • small displacement nonlinear analysis - convergence considerations[1]
    • smoothing and remeshing - lattice structure optimization[1]
    • smoothing - Laplacian[1]
    • SMP (shared memory parallelization)[1]
    • SMP implementation[1]
    • snap-fit analysis (CONSLI vs FINITE)[1]
    • S-N approach[1]
    • S-N approach - multiaxial fatigue analysis[1]
    • solid cylinder/taper/sphere - temperature (LE11)[1]
    • solid elements[1]
    • solution sequence - data selectors[1]
    • solve an optimization problem not defined by a finite element model[1]
    • solver script on single host[1]
    • solver script - Windows machines[1]
    • SOLVTYP -[1]
    • SOLVTYP - subcase information entry[1]
    • source grid location - radiated sound output analysis[1]
    • SPC1 -[1]
    • SPC -[1]
    • SPCADD-[1]
    • SPCD -[1]
    • SPCFORCE -[1]
    • SPC - subcase information entry[1]
    • special contact applications[1]
    • specialized results outputs[1]
    • SPL -[1]
    • SPOINT -[1]
    • spot weld fatigue analysis[1]
    • spot weld fatigue analysis and size optimization of a frame structure[1]
    • spotweld fatigue analysis - implementation[1]
    • spot weld fatigue - input/output[1]
    • SPOWER -[1]
    • STACK -[1]
    • standard result outputs[1]
    • static, eigenvalue, transient and multibody loadcases[1]
    • static, transient and multibody loadcases[1]
    • static analysis - .rnf file[1]
    • static analysis - MBD[1]
    • static compliance - subcase dependent[1]
    • static condensation[1]
    • static loads and boundary conditions[1]
    • STATSUB - subcase information entry[1]
    • steady-state heat transfer analysis - linear[1]
    • steady state thermal analysis with convection loading of a structure with insulator[1]
    • stiffness penalization - lattice structure optimization[1]
    • straight cantilever beam verification problem[1]
    • STRAIN -[1]
    • strain-life approach[1]
    • strain-life approach - fatigue analysis[1]
    • strain-life approach - mean stress correction[1]
    • strain-life sine sweep fatigue analysis[1]
    • strains - results of a Finite Element Analysis[1]
    • STRENGTH2000 - general output[1]
    • STRESS -[1]
    • stress and strain responses based on the Neuber correction method[1]
    • stress constraints - lattice structure optimization[1]
    • stresses - results of a finite element analysis[1]
    • stress-life approach[1][2]
    • stress-life sine sweep fatigue analysis[1]
    • stress punch file[1]
    • stress punch file - frequency response analysiS[1]
    • stress punch file - general (default) or random output (random)[1]
    • stress punch file - linear and nonlinear static analysis[1]
    • stress punch file - linear transient response analysis[1]
    • stress punch file - random response analysis[1]
    • stress responses for topology and free-size optimization[1][2]
    • structural analysis[1]
    • structural fluid-structure interaction analysis[1]
    • structural fluid-structure interaction analysis - input/output[1]
    • structural FSI - monitor[1]
    • Structural Optimization - Features[1]
    • subcase dependent - internal responses[1]
    • subcase independent - internal responses[1]
    • subcase information entries by function[1]
    • subcase information section[1]
    • subcase specific model change using 3-rings example[1]
    • subcase specific modeling[1]
    • SUBCASE - subcase information entry[1]
    • SUBCOM - subcase information entry[1]
    • SUBMODEL - subcase information entry[1]
    • SUBSEQ - subcase information entry[1]
    • SUBTITLE -[1]
    • summary information[1]
    • SUPORT1 -[1]
    • SUPORT1 - subcase information entry[1]
    • SUPORT -[1]
    • SUPORT-based fast contact[1]
    • supported platforms[1]
    • supported solution sequences[1]
    • supported solution sequences - poroelastic materials[1]
    • supported solution sequences - rotor dynamics[1]
    • supported weld types[1]
    • SURF -[1]
    • surface optimization of a control arm[1]
    • surface reduction and surface smoothing[1]
    • surface smoothing[1]
    • surface-to-surface discretization[1]
    • suspension bridge example[1]
    • SVELOCITY -[1]
    • SWLDPRM -[1]
    • SWLDPRM, CHKRUN -[1]
    • SWLDPRM, GSMOVE -[1]
    • SWLDPRM, GSPROJ -[1]
    • SWLDPRM, GSTOL -[1]
    • SWLDPRM, NREDIA -[1]
    • SWLDPRM, PATEXT -[1]
    • SWLDPRM, PRTSW -[1]
    • symbolic sybstitution[1]
    • symmetry three planes[1]
    • symmetry - two planes[1]
    • SYSSETTING -[1]
    • system identification - design optimization[1]
  • T
    • TABDMP1 -[1]
    • TABFAT -[1]
    • TABLED1 -[1]
    • TABLED2 -[1]
    • TABLED3-[1]
    • TABLED4-[1]
    • TABLEG[1]
    • TABLEM1 -[1]
    • TABLEM2 -[1]
    • TABLEM3 -[1]
    • TABLEM4 -[1]
    • TABLEMD -[1]
    • TABLES1 -[1]
    • TABLEST[1]
    • TABLEXN -[1]
    • TABRND1 -[1]
    • TCURVE -[1]
    • TEMP -[1]
    • TEMPD-[1]
    • TEMPERATURE - subcase information entry[1]
    • TEMPP1 -[1]
    • theory: direct matrix input for Finite Element Analysis (Superelements)[1]
    • THERMAL -[1]
    • thermal analysis[1]
    • thermal analysis results[1]
    • thermal contact solver[1]
    • thermal contact without static analysis[1]
    • thermal fluid-structure interaction analysis[1]
    • thermal fluid-structure interaction analysis - input[1]
    • thermal fluid-structure interaction analysis - output[1]
    • thermal fluid-structure interaction monitoring[1]
    • thermal fluid structure interaction - powertrain applications[1]
    • thermal structural analysis input data[1]
    • THICKNESS -[1]
    • thick plate pressure (LE10)[1]
    • THIN -[1]
    • TIC -[1]
    • TICA -[1]
    • TIE -[1]
    • time dependent convection coefficient[1]
    • TITLE -[1]
    • TLOAD1 -[1]
    • TLOAD2 -[1]
    • TMPDIR -[1]
    • topography optimization[1]
    • topography optimization design variables[1]
    • topography optimization example problems[1]
    • Topography Optimization - Features[1]
    • topography optimization - manufacturability[1]
    • topography optimization of heat shields with frequency and/or ERP constraints[1]
    • Topography Optimization Tutorials[1]
    • topography optimization using pattern grouping - examples[1]
    • topology and free-size design characterists[1]
    • topology and free-size result interpretation[1]
    • topology optimization[1]
    • topology optimization - design variables[1]
    • topology optimization - draw direction constraints[1]
    • topology optimization example problems[1]
    • Topology Optimization - Features[1]
    • topology optimization - manufacturability[1]
    • topology optimization - member size control[1]
    • topology optimization of bedplate[1]
    • topology optimization of control arm with local stress constraint[1]
    • topology optimization of gearbox housings[1]
    • topology optimization of V-Bracket using RADOPT[1]
    • topology optimization on a cylinder block with bore distortion responses[1]
    • Topology Optimization Tutorials[1]
    • topology optimization using minimum member size control - example problems[1]
    • transfer path analysis example[1]
    • transfer path analysis - NVH[1]
    • transfer path analysis post-processing[1]
    • transfer path analysis - result files[1]
    • transfer path analysis - setup and run[1]
    • transient analysis - MBD[1]
    • transient and multibody loadcases[1]
    • transient fatigue analysis[1]
    • transient response analysis by fourier transformation[1]
    • Transient Response Loads and Boundary Conditions[1]
    • transient thermal subcase continuation[1]
    • TSTEP -[1]
    • TSTEPNL-[1]
    • TSTEPNL - subcase information entry[1]
    • TSTEPNX -[1]
    • TSTEP - subcase information entry[1]
    • TSTRU - subcase information entry[1]
    • TTERM -[1]
    • tutorials[1]
    • tutorials implicit[1][2][3][4]
    • tutorials OptiStruct[1]
    • twisted cantilever beam verification problem[1]
    • two-dimensional heat transfer with convection (test no. T4)[1]
    • two-dimensional Michell-truss[1]
    • two-layer stamped control arm example[1]
    • two Planes - symmetry[1]
  • U
    • unbalance frequency - rotor example[1]
    • UNBALNC -[1]
    • uniaxial fatigue analysis[1]
    • UNITS -[1]
    • UPDATE -[1]
    • update optimization model[1]
    • used memory - additional control[1]
    • user-defined material[1]
    • user responses - internal responses[1]
    • USET1 -[1]
    • USET -[1]
  • V
    • variable pattern grouping[1]
    • variables - symbolic substitution[1]
    • vector defined pattern grouping[1]
    • VELOCITY -[1]
    • velocity punch file[1]
    • velocity punch file - frequency response analysis[1]
    • velocity punch file - linear transient analysis[1]
    • velocity punch file - linear transient analysis by Fourier transformation[1]
    • velocity punch file - random response analysis[1]
    • verify substituted data fields - symbolic substitution[1]
    • virtual fluid mass[1]
    • Virtual Lab[1]
    • volume and thermal compliance responses[1]
  • W
    • WEIGHT - subcase information entry[1]
    • wrapped thick cylinder[1]
    • write external functions - optimization responses[1]
  • X
    • XDAMP -[1]
    • XHISADD -[1]
    • XHIST -[1]
    • XHIST - subcase information entry[1]
    • XSHLPRM -[1]
    • XSOLPRM -[1]
    • XSTEP -[1]
    • XSTEP - subcase information entry[1]
    • XTITLE -[1]
    • XYPEAK -[1]
    • XYPLOT -[1]
    • XYPUNCH -[1]
  • Y
  • Z
    • Z-section cantilever (test no. LE5)[1]