Creating a HyperGraph Template for Reading in Multiple Files
All the .pch files should be in the same directory and the $label values should be the same.
- Open HyperGraph .
- Read in file number 1.
- To read in multiple curves at one time, select one Y Type. Select multiple Y Request. Select multiple Y Components.
- From the Layout menu, select One curve per plot.
- Click Apply. Multiple plots will be created.
- From the File menu, select Save as > Report Template. Save file as a .tpl in the same directory as where the .pch files are located.
- From the File menu, select New > Session. This will restart HyperGraph.
- From the Tools toolbar, select Open Reports Panel.
- In the Report definition list, the .tpl file will be listed.
- Click Apply. The original curves will be shown.
- Click Add to open another file to compare the results.
- Select Overlay.
- Once you have finished adding the files, Save the .tpl file.
- You can now open the .tpl file in HyperGraph and enter new file names for different comparisons.