Bulk Data Entry Outputs AUTOSPC information to the .outf ile.

Parameter Values Description
PRGPST < YES, NO, ALL, NONE,< number of DOFs> >

Default = YES

PRGPST controls the printing of AUTOSPC information to the .out file.
A maximum of 100 degrees-of-freedom (DOF) of AUTOSPC data will be printed in the .out file.
No AUTOSPC data will be printed.
Works exactly like NO - No AUTOSPC data will be printed.
All AUTOSPC data will be printed in the .out file.
<number of DOF>
A maximum of <number of DOF> degrees-of-freedom (DOF) of AUTOSPC data will be printed in the .out file.
Note: If the total number of AUTOSPC dofs is less than 100, all the AUTOSPC dofs will be printed, regardless of the number of dofs specified by the user. When the total number of AUTOSPC dofs is more than 100 and the printing is limited by default value of 100, the user can specify the number of dofs to print more than 100 in .out file.