Bulk Data Entry For Lattice Optimization, the application of the Stress NORM method for stress constraint calculation, the beam cleaning process, and the application of Euler Buckling constraints in the second phase are controlled by this parameter.

Parameter Values Description
YES (Default)
Turns ON the application of the Stress NORM method for stress constraint calculation, the beam cleaning process, and the application of Euler Buckling constraints in the second phase.
Turns OFF the application of the Stress NORM method for stress constraint calculation, the beam cleaning process, and the application of Euler Buckling constraints in the second phase.
Refer to Stress Constraints in the User Guide for further information.
  1. At the end of phase 1, the parameter LATPRM, LATTICE is automatically set to YES. Further modification of this parameter is not recommended. If you reset this parameter to NO, the stress NORM method is not applied in the handling of stress constraints in the second phase (also beam cleaning and Euler Buckling constraints are deactivated). This can possibly lead to a slow optimization run or maybe even termination of the program with an "Optimization problem is too large" error. The usage of Stress NORM improves efficiency of the handling of stress constraints in the second phase so it is recommended to retain the LATTICE parameter set to YES.
  2. Additionally, if This parameter is reset to NO, Euler Buckling constraints are deactivated. Consequently, the buckling performance of the final optimized structure may possibly be poor.