Show, Hide, Isolate Entities
Turn the display of entities on and off in the modeling window.
Do one of the following:
Keyboard Shortcuts & Mouse Controls
There are slight differences in the keyboard shortcuts when you are in idle mode versus when the Show/Hide tool is activated.
To do this | Press |
Show/hide all of the current entity type | A |
Enter and exit the Show/Hide tool | D |
Hide selection | H (press again to bring back last hidden) |
Hide and keep selection | Ctrl + H |
Isolate selection | I (with a selection) |
Isolate current entity type | I (without a selection) |
Show adjacent entities to selection | J (with a selection) |
Show adjacent entities | J (without a selection) |
Reverse display of selection | R (with a selection) |
Reverse display of current entity type | R (without a selection) |
Unhide (does not change the display state of collectors) | U |
Switch the display from mesh only, geometry only, or both. | G |
Toggle on/off IDs of a selection | Q |
To do this | Press |
Show all of the current entity type | A |
Show entire model | Shift + A |
Show none of the current entity type | N |
Hide entire model | Shift + N |
Isolate selection | I Middle Mouse Click |
Isolate only selection or all of the current entity type | Shift + I |
Reverse the display of the current entity type | R |
Hide selection | H |