Create and View Section Cuts

Use the Section Cuts tool to create and view 2D section planes of your model.

Create Section Cuts

Use the Section Cuts tool to create 2D section planes of your model.

  1. From the View Controls toolbar, click .
  2. From the Section Cuts dialog, click to create a new section cut.
  3. Change the display and position of the section cut using the options in the microdialog.
    • Define the shape of the section cut by clicking .
    • Hide both sides of the model and show only the section plane by clicking . By default, one side of the model is hidden.
    • Reverse which side of the model is hidden by clicking .
    • Trim elements along the plane to create a smooth section cut by clicking .
    • Translate or rotate the section plane using the Move tool by clicking . Right-click to exit the Move tool.
    • Align the section plane to the x, y, or z-axis by clicking .

    Figure 1.
  • Rename a section cut by clicking it in the Section Cuts dialog and entering a new name.
  • Edit or delete a section cut by right-clicking on it in the Section Cuts dialog and selecting the appropriate option from the context menu.

View Section Cuts

Use the Section Cuts tool to view 2D section planes of your model.

  1. From the View Controls toolbar, click .
  2. In the Section Cuts dialog, enable the checkboxes of the section cuts you wish to view.

    Figure 2.