2017.1 API Programmer's Guide
The 2017.1 API Programmer's Guide
*ELEMENT_SEATBELT_PRETENSIONER from Element to Pretensioner
The LS-DYNA keyword *ELEMENT_SEATBELT_PRETENSIONER has been mapped from the element entity to the new pretensioner entity. See the pretensioners data names documentation for more details.
Scripts that created or queried the element entity with config 1 and type 5 for this keyword must be updated to use the pretensioner entity. Note that solver ID pools are no longer required with this new entity type as well. Below are a few examples.
*createentity pretensioner config=101
*setvalue pretensioner id=$id type=$type
*setvalue pretensioners id=$id sensorid1=$sensor1id
*setvalue pretensioners id=$id curveid=$curveid
*setvalue pretensioners id=$id pretensioner_time=$time
*ELEMENT_SEATBELT_RETRACTOR from Element to Retractor
The LS-DYNA keyword *ELEMENT_SEATBELT_RETRACTOR has been mapped from the element entity to the new retractor entity. See the retractors data names documentation for more details.
Scripts that created or queried the element entity with config 1 and type 3 for this keyword must be updated to use the retractor entity. Note that solver ID pools are no longer required with this new entity type as well. Below are a few examples.
*createentity retractor config=101
*setvalue retractor id=$id type=$type
*setvalue retractor id=$id sensorid1=$sensor1id
*setvalue retractor id=$id retractornodeid=$retractornodeid
*setvalue retractor id=$id pull=$pull
*ELEMENT_SEATBELT_SLIPRING from Element to Slipring
The LS-DYNA keyword *ELEMENT_SEATBELT_SLIPRING has been mapped from the element entity to the new slipring entity. See the sliprings data names documentation for more details.
Scripts that created or queried the element entity with config 1 and type 2 for this keyword must be updated to use the slipring entity. Note that solver ID pools are no longer required with this new entity type as well. Below are a few examples.
*createentity slipring config=101
*setvalue slipring id=$id type=$type
*setvalue slipring id=$id seatbeltelemid1=$seatbeltelemid1
*setvalue slipring id=$id lockuptime=$lockuptime
*setvalue slipring id=$id funcid=$funcid
*HOURGLASS from Property to Hourglass
The LS-DYNA keyword *HOURGLASS has been mapped from the property entity to the new hourglass entity. See the hourglass data names documentation for more details.
Scripts that created or queried the property entity for this keyword must be updated to use the hourglass entity. Note that solver ID pools are no longer required with this new entity type as well. Below are a few examples.
*createentity hourglass config=101
*setvalue rigidwalls id=$id controlType=$controlType
*setvalue rigidwalls id=$id coeff=$coeff
*setvalue rigidwalls id=$id bulkViscosity=$bulkViscosity
*setvalue rigidwalls id=$id viscosityDampCoeff=$viscosityDampCoeff
Masking of Solid Surfaces
The masking of individual surfaces of solids has thus far not been supported. To mask a solid surface, the solid must first be deleted, and then individual surfaces can be masked. In addition, user scripts may have come to rely that when a solid is displayed, all of its surfaces are also displayed. However, masking of individual surfaces of solids will be supported starting with the 2018 release. It is important for users to take action to update the logic in their scripts now, so that they will continue to work when the new support is available.
Removal of hm_solverconvert command
This command will be deprecated and removed with the 2018 release. It is important for users to take action to update their scripts to use *solverconvert now, so that they will continue to work when hm_solverconvert is removed.
New Commands
- Collision
- Connectors
- Composites
- Data Names
- General/Core
- Geometry
- Meshing
- Model Checker
- Modules/Parts
- Template Commands
- Template Functions
Modified Commands
- Collision
- hm_collisionentitycreate - Updated the option descriptions to indicate their support for the opcode vs. collirad engines. Added values 100 and 200 to thickness_type.
- hm_collisiongetconfig - Updated the option descriptions to indicate their support for the opcode vs. collirad engines, and the hm_collisioninit and *collisioncheck2_temp commands. Added constant_gap, edge2edge, intersections, neighborhood, penetrations, self and thick_reduction options for *collisioncheck2_temp.
- Contact
- *detectandcreateface2facecontacts - Added support for Nastran (MSC).
- Data Names
- crosssections - Added new data names cutplanegeometrytype, DisplayMode and offset.
- designvars
- free shape s
- topography - Added new data names drawdirectiontoggle, patterngroupingtype, patterngroupingsubtype, reflective, tgboundaryskip, tganchorpointtriple, tgfirstgridtriple, tgsecondgridtriple, topography_bufferzone, topographymasterslave and topographymasterptr.
- joints - Added new data names xsecondaryaxis, ysecondaryaxis and zsecondaryaxis.
- modules - Added new data name rep_name.
- optidscreens - Added new data names autolevel, autotoggle, cfailuremaxc, cfailurethreshold, cfailuretoggle, cogmaxc, cogthreshold, cogtoggle, cstraingtoggle, cstrainmaxc, cstrainthreshold, cstressmaxc, cstressthreshold, cstresstoggle, externalmaxc, externalthreshold, externaltoggle, forcemaxc, forcethreshold, forcetoggle, fracclmaxc, fracclthreshold, fraccltoggle, frdispmaxc, frdispthreshold, frdisptoggle, freqtoggle frequencymaxc, frequencythreshold, frerpmaxc, frerpthreshold, frerptoggle, frstrnmaxc, frstrnthreshold, frstrsmaxc, frstrsthreshold, frstrstoggle, frevelomaxc, frevolothreshold, frevolotoggle, inertiamaxc, inertiathreshold, inertiatoggle, lamamaxc, lamathreshold, lamatoggle, massfracmaxc, massfracthreshold, massfractoggle, massmaxc, massthreshold, masstoggle, strainmaxc, strainthreshold, straintoggle, volumefracmaxc, volumefracthreshold, volumefractoggle, volumemaxc, volumethreshold and volumetoggle.
- optiresponses - Added new data names coord, coordinateoptions, coordcid, dreport, dreport_loadsteps, lallow, nl, nu and uallow.
- regions - Added topo value 33 for 3-d soilds.
- General/Core
- *convertlegacyentities - Added support for Nastran (MSC) groups to contactgroups conversion.
- *createmark/hm_createmark/*appendmark/hm_appendmark - Added new "by topology" method.
- *setoption - Added new options anti_aliasing, edge_lod_threshold, edge_lod_width_auto, lighting_mode, specular_intensity and solidedge_width.
- *solverconvert - Added a new optional argument config_file_path. Updated list of supported solver versions.
- hm_getdirectionpanel/hm_getfilename/hm_getfloat/hm_getint/hm_getplanepanel/hm_getstring - Added new optional default_value argument.
- Geometry
- hm_getedgeloops - Fixed issues where the command would return an extra space at the end of each sublist, and where masked/hidden entities were not being considered even though they were on the input mark.
- hm_getsurfacesfromsolid - Added new optional argument type to filter the found and returned surfaces.
- Meshing
- *compute_midmesh_thickness – New options AssignMidIntervalAsThickness, FixedInterval and StartThickness added to support thickness grouping into intervals.
- *delete_logo – Solids are now supported.
- *elementtestconnectivity – Now flags mid-side nodes connected to corner nodes as invalid.
- *findflangesproximityshell – The last argument, previously reserved for future use, is now used to define the max_variation_percentage. Legacy behavior is not affected.
- *normalsadjust2 – Added a new value of 4 for mode and a new optional argument feature_angle to support the auto adjustment of element normals, with the connected selection adjusted based on the feature angle.
- *tetmesh – Added aft/delauney/octree values for the pars string.
- Modules/Parts
- *ME_ModuleOccurrencePurge - Added new options values excluded_entity_type and reset_representation.
Deprecated Commands
- Graphics
- *setspecularity - Use *setoption lighting_mode=0, with specular_intensity to set the specular values instead.
- Meshing
- *hm_auto_elem_cleanup - Use *hm_auto_elem_cleanup_new instead.