Name | Description | Result | Auto correction action | Manual correction action |
Material ID exceeds 8 characters | HyperMesh does not write out more than eight characters for IDs, so if you have more HyperMesh will write out ***, which fails the solver. This check is disabled when using a long format template. | Lists the failing materials. | Not supported. | Opens the Renumber panel. |
Property is missing material | Checks for properties without a material reference. | Lists the failing properties. | Not supported. | Opens the Properties panel. |
Property ID exceeds 8 characters | HyperMesh does not write out more than eight characters for IDs, so if you have more HyperMesh will write out ***, which fails the solver. This check is disabled when using a long format template. | Lists the failing properties | Not supported. | Opens the Renumber panel. |
Property with zero cross section area | Checks if the area of properties PBEAM, PBAR and PROD is less than or equal to zero. | Lists the failing properties. | Not supported. | Opens the Property panel. |
Component with solids and shells | Checks if a component consists of both solid and shell elements. | Lists the failing components. | Not supported. | Opens the Organize panel. |
Node ID exceeds 8 character | HyperMesh does not write out more than eight characters for IDs, so if you have more HyperMesh will write out ***, which fails the solver. This check is disabled when using a long format template. | Lists the failing nodes. | Not supported. | Opens the Renumber panel. |
Element ID exceeds 8 characters | HyperMesh does not write out more than eight characters for IDs, so if you have more HyperMesh will write out ***, which fails the solver. This check is disabled when using a long format template. | Lists the failing elements. | Not supported. | Opens the Renumber panel. |
Free 1D elements | Checks for 1D elements that have one or more connection missing. This check does not include RBE2 or RBE3 elements. | Lists the failing elements. | Deletes the failing 1D elements. | Not supported. |
RBE2 with constrained dependent nodes | Checks for RBE2 with constraints on dependent nodes. | Lists the failing elements. | Not supported. | Opens the Rigids panel. |
Free Rigid elements | Checks for RBE2 elements that have one or more connection missing, typically a leg that is missing a connection. | Lists the failing elements. | Deletes the free arms of the Rigid. | Not supported. |
Free RBE3 elements | Checks for RBE3 elements that have one or more connection missing, typically a leg that is missing a connection or an independent node that is not connected to structure. | Lists the failing elements. | Deletes the free arms of RBE3. | Not supported. |
RBE3 elements are collinear | Checks if the dependent and independent nodes of an RBE3 element are collinear. | Lists the failing elements. | Deletes the failing RBE3 elements. | Not supported. |
RBE3 dof connected to solid | Checks for rotational DOFs on independent nodes of an RBE3 connected to a solid element. | Lists the failing elements. | Removes rotational DOFs from affected independent grids of failing RBE3 elements. | Not supported. |
Zero-length CBUSH without CID | Checks if the CBUSH spring element of zero length has the element coordinate system, CID defined. | Lists the failing elements. | Not supported. | Opens the Springs panel. |
Elements have a dependency | Checks for rigid elements that share dependent nodes with other rigid elements. | Lists the failing elements. | Deletes the failing rigid elements. | Not supported. |
Element has rigid loops | Checks for rigid elements that form a closed loop; where the dependent node of one rigid serves as independent node of the next rigid in the loop. | Lists the failing elements. | Deletes the failing rigid elements. | Not supported. |
Duplicate 1D Elements | Checks if any 1D elements share the same nodes in the same order. | Lists the duplicate 1D elements. | Deletes the failing elements. | Not supported. |
Duplicate 2D Elements | Checks if any 2D elements share the same nodes in the same order. | Lists the duplicate 2D elements. | Deletes the failing elements. | Not supported. |
Duplicate 3D Elements | Checks if any 3D elements share the same nodes in the same order. | Lists the duplicate 3D elements. | Deletes the failing elements. | Not supported. |
NSM field not defined | Checks for invalid or missing entries on NSMADD loadcols. | Lists the failing loadcols. | Not supported. | Opens the Loadcols panel |
MPC with free independent nodes | Checks for MPC equations with free independent nodes. | Lists the failing equations. | Updates the MPC by removing the free independent node. | Not supported. |
Name | Description | Result | Auto correction action | Manual correction action |
Unused materials | Checks for any materials that are not referenced by a property. | Lists the failing materials. | Deletes unused materials. | Not supported. |
Material E is not defined | Checks if E of MAT1 or MAT8 is less than or equal to zero. | Lists the failing materials. | Not supported. | Opens the Materials panel. |
Material Rho is not defined | Checks if the Rho of MAT1, MAT2,MAT4 ,MAT5, MAT8, MAT9, MAT10,MATHE and MATHP is less than or equal to zero. | Lists the failing materials. | Not supported. | Opens the Materials panel. |
Material Nu is zero | Checks if the Nu of MAT1 and MAT8 is equal to zero. | Lists the failing materials. | Not supported. | Opens the Materials panel. |
Material is missing a card image | Checks for defined materials with no card image. | Lists the failing materials. | Not supported. | Opens the Materials panel. |
Unused properties | Checks for properties that are not assigned to a component or element. | Lists the failing properties. | Deletes unused properties. | Not supported. |
Property is missing a card image | Checks for defined properties with no card image. | Lists the failing properties. | Not supported. | Opens the Properties panel. |
PSHELL thickness is not defined | Checks if the property PSHELL thickness is less than or equal to zero. | Lists the failing properties. | Not supported. | Opens the Properties panel. |
PSHELL and PSHLN1 with different MID | Checks if the property PSHELL has a different material defined for PSHELL and PSHLN1. | Lists the failing properties. | Not supported. | Opens the Properties panel. |
PCOMP thickness is not defined | Checks if the first thickness value of Property PCOMP array is less than or equal to zero. The first thickness value is mandatory. | Lists the failing properties. | Not supported. | Opens the Properties panel. |
1D Prop beamsection mismatch | Checks if the 1D property and the beam section attached to it have the same area and area moments of inertia. A difference greater than 0.01 will fail the check. | Lists the failing properties. | Disassociates the beam section from the 1D property. | Not supported. |
Empty components | Checks for components that do not contain elements. | Lists the failing components. | Deletes the empty components. | Not supported. |
Empty assemblies | Checks if assemblies are empty. | Lists the empty assemblies. | Deletes empty assemblies. | Not supported. |
Empty sets | Checks if sets are empty. | Lists empty sets. | Deletes empty sets. | Not supported. |
Empty contact surfaces | Checks if contact surfaces are empty. | Lists empty contact surfaces. | Deletes empty contact surfaces. | Not supported. |
Empty groups | Checks if groups are empty. | Lists empty groups. | Deletes empty groups. | Not supported. |
Empty plys | Checks if plys are empty. | Lists empty plys. | Deletes empty plys. | Not supported. |
Empty load collectors | Checks if load collectors are empty. | Lists empty load collectors. | Deletes empty load collectors. | Not supported. |
Empty vector collectors | Checks if vector collectors are empty. | Lists empty vector collectors. | Deletes empty vector collectors. | Not supported. |
Empty laminates | Checks if laminates are not having any ply. | Lists empty laminates. | Deletes empty laminates. | Not supported. |
CONM1 with zero diagonal mass matrix values | Checks if the diagonal mass matrix values of CONM1 are less than or equal to zero. | Lists the failing CONM1. | Not supported. | Opens the Elements panel. |
CONM2 with zero mass | Checks if the mass of CONM2 is less than or equal to zero. | Lists the failing CONM2. | Not supported. | Opens the Masses panel. |
Orientation vector along axis vector | Checks if the orientation vector of bar elements CBEAM and CBAR is along axis vector. | Lists the failing bar elements. | Not supported. | Opens the Bars panel. |
Element connectivity | Checks for shell elements connected by one or less nodes and solid elements connected by two or less nodes. | Lists the failing elements. | Deletes the failing elements. | Not supported. |
Unused BeamSections | Checks if any beamsections defined in the model are unused. | Lists the failing beamsections. | Deletes the unused beamsecions. | Not supported. |
Unused sets | Checks if any sets are not used. | Lists unused sets. | Deletes unused sets. | Not supported. |
Unused curves | Checks if any curves are not used. | Lists unused curves. | Deletes unused curves. | Not supported. |
Unused systems | Checks if any systems in the model are not used. | Lists unused systems. | Deletes unused systems. | Not supported. |
Unused laminates | Checks if any laminates in the model are not used. | Lists unused laminates. | Deletes unused laminates. | Not supported. |
Unused plys | Checks if any plys in the model are not used. | Lists unused plys. | Deletes unused plys. | Not supported. |
Unused vectors | Checks if any vectors in the model are not used. | Lists unused vectors. | Deletes unused vectors. | Not supported. |
Name | Description | Result | Auto correction action | Manual correction action |
Components share the same property | Checks for two or more components that have the same property assigned. | Lists the failing components. | Not supported. | Opens the Components panel. |
Component does not have a property | Checks for components that contain elements but do not have any properties assigned. | Lists the failing components. | Not supported. | Opens the Components panel. |