Name | Description | Result | Auto correction action | Manual correction action | Remarks |
Component without HM_COMP | Checks and flags components that do not have a HM_COMP card image. | Lists the components that failed the check. | Supported. | Not Supported. | The HM_COMP card image should be attached to all components except those that have only RBE3 and RIGID. |
Component without ET TYPE | Checks and flags components that have a card image, but do not have a sensor attached. | Lists the components that failed the check. | Not Supported. | Opens the Card Image panel. | |
ET Type and Element config mismatch | Checks and flags components whose ET Type does not match with any of the element types in the component. | Lists the components that failed the check. | Not Supported. | Opens the Card Image panel. | |
ET Type and Real sets or Sections are not matching | Checks and flags components that have a property type that does
not match the ET Type. Targe169 and targ170 components can have a
property type of any of the related contact types. Checks and flags components that have an ET Type and section that do not match. |
Lists the components that failed the check. | Not Supported. | Opens the Components panel. | The GENERAL property can be attached to componenets that have any ET Type. |
Unpaired contacts | Checks and flags components of contact elements which are single. Components are identified based on the property attached to them. | Lists the components that failed the check. | Not Supported. | Not Supported. | |
Mass elements without property | Checks and flags MASS21 and/or MASS71 elements if they have no property attached or if the attached property is not of type MASS21p or MASS71p, and if the values related to the mass elements are zero. | Lists the elements that failed the check. | Not Supported. | Not Supported. | It is necessary to define at least one of the mass values on the property. |
Improper Entity Set Names | Checks and flags entity sets with a name that is longer than 32 characters, contains special characters other than an underscore, or that does not start with a letter in the alphabet. | Lists the entity sets that failed the check. | Renames the set by removing the special characters, reducing the length of the name to 32 characters, and/or removing the non alphabetic characters from the start of the name. | Not Supported. | Hypen and space are also considered special characters. The Model Checker currently does not check to see if the name already exists. |
Free Nodes | Checks and flags nodes that are not connected to a valid ANSYS element. | Lists the nodes that failed the check. | Deletes the free nodes. | Not Supported. | RBE3, CERIG, and CP are considered equations by ANSYS. |
Free 1D elements | Checks and flags 1D elements that are not attached to any structural components. | Lists the elements that failed the check. | Deletes the free 1D elements. | Not Supported. | |
Duplicate 1D Elements | Checks and flags 1D elements that are connected between the same two nodes | Lists the elements that failed the check. | Deletes the duplicate 1D elements. | Not Supported. | The order of nodes does not matter. |
Duplicate 2D Elements | Checks and flags 2D elements that share common nodes. | Lists the elements that failed the check. | Deletes the duplicate 2D elements. | Not Supported. | |
Duplicate 3D Elements | Checks and flags 3D elements that share common nodes. | Lists the elements that failed the check. | Deletes the duplicate 3D elements. | Not Supported. | |
Pretension elements without third node | Checks and flags pretension elements that do not have a direction node. | Lists the elements that failed the check. | Not Supported. | Not Supported. | |
RBE3, CERIG and CP with free nodes | Checks and flags the RBE3, CERIG, and CPs with free, independent and dependent nodes. | Lists the RBE3, CERIG and CPs that failed the check. | Not Supported. | Not Supported. | The nodes need to be connected to a valid ANSYS element. |
Equation with free nodes | Checks and flags equations that have nodes which are not connected to elements. RBE3 and RIGIDS are considered equations in ANSYS. | Lists the equations that failed the check. | Not Supported. | Not Supported. | The nodes need to be connected to a valid ANSYS element. |
Invalid pilot node sets | Checks for pilot node sets that have more than one node. | Lists all pilot node sets that have more than one node. | Not Supported. | Opens the Entity Edit: Sets dialog. | |
Invalid contact surfaces | Checks for contact surfaces that have mixed surfaces. Cases of mixed surfaces includes:
Lists all contact surfaces that have mixed surfaces. | Not Supported. | Opens the Entity Edit: Contactsurfs dialog. | |
Incomplete contact pairs | Checks for contact groups that have one or more of the following
Lists all contact groups that fail the check. | Not Supported. | Opens the Entity Edit: Groups dialog. | |
Invalid contact pairs | Checks for contact pairs that have the following:
Lists all contact pairs that fail the check. | Not Supported. | Opens the Entity Edit: Groups dialog. |
Name | Description | Result | Auto correction action | Manual correction action | Remarks |
Unused ET Types | Checks and flags the ET Types that are not referenced by any components. | Lists the ET Types that failed the check. | Deletes the unused ET Types. | Not supported. | |
Unused materials | Checks and flags the materials that are not referenced by any of the entities in the model. | Lists the materials that failed the check. | Deletes the unused materials. | Not supported. | |
Material without E | Checks and flags materials if EX_FLAG, EY_FLAG, or EZ_FLAG is not activated, and if at least one of the array values is non zero. | Lists the materials that failed the check. | Not supported. | Opens the Card Image panel. | |
Material without density | Checks and flags materials if DENS_FLAG is not activated, or if any of the array values are not assigned. | Lists the materials that failed the check. | Not supported. | Opens the Card Image panel. | |
Unused Real Sets (properties) | Checks and flags the properties that are not referenced by any of the entities in the model. | Lists the properties that failed the check. | Deletes the unused properties. | Not supported. | |
Shell properties or sections without thickness | Checks and flags properties that have the first thickness as
zero. If it is a composite property, then the first thickness on
each ply should be greater than zero. Checks and flags shell sections that do not have a thickness assigned on any of the plies. |
Lists the properties and beam sections that failed the check. | Not supported. | Opens the Card Image panel. | |
Mass properties without mass | Checks for properties with a mass card image, but no mass. | Lists all properties with a mass card image, but no mass. | Not supported. | Opens the Card Image panel. | |
Empty components | Checks and flags the empty components. | Lists the components that failed the check. | Deletes the unused components. | Not supported. | |
Component with missing material | Checks and flags the components that do not have a material attached. This is checked irrespective of whether there is a sensor attached to it or not. | Lists the components that failed the check. | Not supported. | Opens the Components panel. | |
Empty sets | Checks and flags empty sets in the model. | Lists the sets that failed the check. | Deletes the unused sets. | Not supported. | |
Bar Elements with improper orientation | Checks and flags bar elements with an orientation vector that is not perpendicular to the z axes. | Lists the elements that failed the check. | Not supported. | Not supported. | Bar elements in ANSYS are created so that the beam's y-axes is parallel to the global XY-axes. |
Unused Sections | Checks and flags sections (beamsectcols) that are not referenced by any components. | Lists the beamsectcols that failed the check. | Deletes the unused beamsectcols. | Not supported. | |
Unused Contact surfaces | Checks for contact surfaces that are not used in a contact pair. | Lists all contact surfaces that are not used in a contact pair. | Deletes unused contact surfaces. | Opens the Interfaces panel. | |
Unused Contact masses | Checks for contact mass node sets that are not used in a contact pair. | Lists all contact mass node sets that are not used in a contact pair. | Deletes unused contact masses | Opens the Interfaces panel. | |
Unused Pilot nodes | Checks for pilot node sets that are not used. | Lists all pilot node sets that are not used. | Deletes unused pilot nodes. | Opens the Interfaces panel. |
Name | Description | Result | Auto correction action | Manual correction action |
Components without property or section | Checks and flags components that have an ET Type attached which require, but do not have, a property or section. | Lists the components that failed the check. | Not supported. | Not supported. |
SOLVE without /solu card | Checks and flags SOLVE cards to see if it is activated without the /solu card. | Lists the SOLVE control card that failed the check. | Not supported. | Not supported. |
LSSOLVE without /solu card | Checks and flags the LSSOLVE card to see if it is activated without the /solu card. | Lists the LSSOLVE control card that failed the check | Not supported. | Not supported. |
Properties without card image | Checks for properties that do not have a card image attached. | Lists all properties that do not have a card image attached. | Not supported. | Not supported. |
Empty Contact Surfaces | Checks for contact surfaces that do not contain a single element surface. | Lists all contact surfaces that do not contain a single element surface. | Not supported. | Not supported. |
Empty Contact Masses | Checks for node sets that have a contact mass card image, but do not contain nodes. | Lists all node sets that have a contact mass card image, but do not contain nodes. | Not supported. | Not supported. |
Empty PilotNode Set | Checks for node sets that have a pilot node card image, but do not contain nodes. | Lists all node sets that have a pilot node card image, but do not contain nodes. | Not supported. | Not supported. |