Reference Browser
The Reference Browser enables you to quickly understand complex relationships between different entities that constitute the model.
To navigate and understand the relationships between the different entities, double-click on an entity to trigger a cross referencing operation.
Simplified and Detailed View
Cross referenced entities are shown in a flat list. If there is more than five instance of a given entity or element configuration, then entities will be displayed in a folder. For elements and nodes, the detailed content of the folders is not exposed, as the number of entities cannot be contained in a folder.
In the Detailed view, related entities are broadly classified into Reference and Cross-reference folders, and entities are listed accordingly.
References, represented by , correspond to entities that are referenced by the specified entity. The hierarchy is a view down from the selected entity(s) within the model, listing the entities that are referred to by the selected entity(s). For example, in the case of a component, the References folder lists the elements, material, and property assigned to the component.
Cross-references, represented by , correspond to entities that reference the specified entity. The hierarchy is a view up from the selected entity(s) within the model, listing the entities that refer to the selected entity(s). For example, in the case of a component, the Cross-references folder lists the groups, sets, output blocks, and so on that refer to the selected component. For components, the Cross-reference folder contains sub folders named Node () and Element (), which lists the entities where the selected component’s node or element is referred.