Negative density |
Checks if any materials have negative density defined. |
Lists all of the materials that have negative density. |
Not supported. |
Opens the Card Image panel. |
Negative Young's Modulus |
Checks if any materials have negative Young's Modulus
defined. |
Lists all materials that have negative Young's Modulus |
Not supported. |
Opens the Card Image panel. |
Negative Poisson Ratio |
Checks if any materials have negative Poisson Ratio
defined. |
Lists all materials that have negative Poisson Ratio. |
Not supported. |
Opens the Card Image panel. |
Poisson Ratio greater than 0.5 |
Checks if the Poisson Ratio value for any material is greater
than 0.5. |
Lists all materials that have Poisson Ratio greater than
0.5. |
Not supported. |
Opens the Card Image panel. |
Unused materials |
Checks for any materials that are not referenced by a
property. |
Lists the unused materials. |
Deletes the unused materials. |
Not supported. |
Material Elasticity is not defined |
Checks if Elasticity is defined for the material. This check is
applicable for only Isotropic Elastic Material. |
Lists materials with no Young's Modulus value. |
Not supported. |
Opens the Materials panel |
Material density is not defined |
Checks if density is defined for the material. |
Lists materials with no density value. |
Not supported. |
Opens the Materials panel. |
Material Piosson Ratio is not defined |
Checks if Piosson Ratio is defined for the material. |
Lists materials with no Piosson Ratio value. |
Not supported. |
Opens the Materials panel. |
Material is missing a card image |
Checks if the card image is selected for material. |
Lists materials with no card image. |
Not supported. |
Opens the Materials panel. |
Unused properties |
Checks for properties not used in the model. |
Lists the properties that are not used |
Deletes the unused properties. |
Not supported. |
Mass Property having zero mass |
Checks for Mass elements with zero mass value. |
Lists all Mass elements with zero mass value |
Not supported. |
Opens the Property panel. |
Free mass elements |
Checks for Mass elements with no property. |
Lists all Mass elements with no property. |
Not supported. |
Opens the Property Creation panel. |
Empty components |
Checks for components that do not contain elements. |
Lists the failing components. |
Deletes the empty components. |
Not supported. |
Contact ghost elements have no base elements |
Checks if the contact elements created for interface have a base
element. |
Lists all interface entities that have a contact element without
its base element. |
Not supported. |
Opens the Interface panel, Add page. |
Empty Group Surface |
Checks if the surface in the group has elements. |
Lists surface groups that are empty. |
Not supported. |
Opens the Interface panel. |
Unused Sets |
Checks if any sets are unused. |
Lists the unused sets. |
Deletes the empty sets. |
Not supported. |
Empty sets |
Checks if the sets are empty. |
Lists the empty sets. |
Deletes the empty sets. |
Not supported. |
Unused systems |
Checks if any systems in the model are not used. |
Lists the unused systems. |
Deletes the unused systems. |
Not supported. |
Unused contact surface |
Checks if the contact surface defined in the model is
unused. |
Lists all unused contact surfaces. |
Deletes unused contact surfaces. |
Not supported. |
Checks if any beam sections are unused. |
Lists all the unused beam sections. |
Deletes the unused beam sections. |
Not supported. |