14.0.120 API Programmer's Guide

CAD Import/Export

In order to support all options available in the CAD reader/writer .ini files to also be defined within Tcl scripts, new CAD import and export commands *geomimport and *geomimport have been created.

These commands replace all usage of existing commands, though the older commands can still be used.

  • *geomimport replaces the use of *feinputwithdata2. This older command may still be used, however none of the new options supported with *geomimport are available. Only the options that were previously supported may be used.
  • *geomexport replaces and deprecates the use of *geomoutputdata2 and *iges_write_units. These older commands may still be used, however none of the new options supported with *geomexport are available. Only the options that were previously supported may be used. In addition, they will write out the new *geomexport command syntax to the command file.

Groups to Constrained Rigid Bodies

The LS-DYNA keyword *CONSTRAINED_RIGID_BODIES has been mapped from the group entity to the newly added constrainedrigidbodies entity. See the constrainedrigidbodies Data Names documentation for more details.

Scripts that created or queried the group entity for these keywords must be updated to use the constrainedrigidbodies entity. Below are a few examples.

To create a *CONSTRAINED_RIGID_BODIES keyword, assign a master rigid part ID, and 2 slave rigid part IDs:
*createentity constrainedrigidbodies config=101 mastercompid=$comp_id slavecompids={comps $comp_id1 $comp_id2}


Accessing data of encrypted entities using HyperMesh Tcl Query commands is blocked (returns 0). There are exceptions for some common data names and commands as follows:
  • hm_getvalue - Query allowed for color, definedentity, encrypted, id, include, includeid and name.
  • hm_getentityvalue - Query allowed for color, id, include and name.
In addition, updating data of encrypted entities using HyperMesh Tcl Modify Tcl commands is blocked. There are exceptions for some common data names and commands as follows:
  • *setvalue - Editing allowed for color, definedentity, id, include, includeid and name.

New Commands

Modified Commands

The following commands have new options or enhanced capabilities. Existing scripts are not affected and only need to be updated if usage of the new functionality is desired:
  • Data Names
    • All – Added new data name definedentity.
    • curves – Added new data name encrypted.
    • dequations – Added new data name equationstring.
    • designvars – Added new data names config, fieldname, globalply, globalplyid, globalplyfieldname and independentcoeffs.
    • desvarlinks – Added new data names:
      • composite shuffle – Added new data names pairingconstraint, pairingoption, plyangle1 and plyangle2.
      • free shape – Added new data names anchorpointctrl, anchorpointtriple, dptl_patternrep_anchornodeid, dptl_patternrep_firstgrid, dptl_patternrep_secondgrid, dptl_patternrep_thirdgrid, dptl_systemflag, dptl_systemid, dptl_systemval, firstgrid, firstgridctrl, firstgridtriple, freesizemintapelength, freesizeoffsetoption, freesizetapeflag, freesizetapewidth, ltmax, ltmin, masterslave, mindimval, patternrep_dtpl_anchor_coordinates_id, patternrep_dtpl_anchortriple, patternrep_dtpl_firstgrid_coordinates_id, patternrep_dtpl_firstgridcoordinates, patternrep_dtpl_scalexyz, patternrep_dtpl_secondgrid_coordinates_id, patternrep_dtpl_secondgridcoordinates, patternrep_dtpl_thirdgrid_coordinates_id, patternrep_dtpl_thirdgridcoordinates, patterntype, property, secondgrid, secondgridctrl, secondgridtriple, stress_constraint, ucyc and zonebasedset.
      • size – Added new data name ddvalid.
      • topography – Added new data names anchornode, anchornodecoordinates, anchornodectrl, anchorpoint, anchorpointctrl, anchorpointtriple, delxv, dptl_patternrep_anchornodeid, dptl_patternrep_firstgrid, dptl_patternrep_secondgrid, dptl_patternrep_thirdgrid, dptl_primarynodelist, dptl_secondarynodelist, dptl_systemflag, dptl_systemid, dptl_systemval, drawangle, drawtype, dtpllatticetype, dtpllowerbound, dtplstressvalue, dtplupperbound, firstgridctrl, firstgridid, firstgridtriple, gridcoordinates, gridnode, gridnodectrl, latticeoptimization, masterslave, maxdimval, meshtypeflag, mindimval, mingap, mingapflag, minimumwidth, nohole, obstcomponentlist, patternrep_dtpl_anchor_coordinates_id, patternrep_dtpl_anchortriple, patternrep_dtpl_firstgrid_coordinates_id, patternrep_dtpl_firstgridcoordinates, patternrep_dtpl_scalexyz, patternrep_dtpl_secondgrid_coordinates_id, patternrep_dtpl_secondgridcoordinates, patternrep_dtpl_thirdgrid_coordinates_id, patternrep_dtpl_thirdgridcoordinates, patterntype, propertytypename, secondgridctrl, secondgridid, secondgridtriple, stampthickness, stress_constraint, ucyc and ytype.
    • dobjrefs – Added new data name allloadsteps.
    • dvprels – Added new data names config, fieldname, globalply, globalplyid, globalplyfieldname and independentcoeffs.
    • encryptions – Added new data names FU_Option and KeydigitsRD.
    • includefiles – Added new data names hashidestate, lockfeids and showhidestate.
    • materials – Added new data name encrypted.
    • modules – Added new data names hashidestate, lockfeids PDM_MeshFlag and showhidestate.
    • opticontrols – Added new data names approx, approxtoggle, aprcod, aprcodtoggle, barcon, barcontoggle, clean, cleantoggle, config, conv1, conv1toggle, conv2, conv2toggle, convdv, convdvtoggle, convpr, convprtoggle, ct, ctmin, ctmintoggle, cttoggle, dabobj, dabobjtoggle, delb, delbtoggle, delobj, delobjtoggle, delp, delptoggle, delx, delxtoggle, discrt1d, discrt1dtoggle, dobj1, dobj1toggle, dobj2, dobj2toggle, dpmin, dpmintoggle, dx1, dx1toggle, dx2, dx2toggle, dxmin, dxmintoggle, eslmax, eslmaxtoggle, eslsopt, eslsopttoggle, eslstol, eslstoltoggle, gmax, gmaxtoggle, gscal, gscaltoggle, igmax, igmaxtoggle, iprint, iprint1, iprint1toggle, iprint2, iprint2toggle, iprinttoggle, iscal, iscaltoggle, itmax, itmaxtoggle, itrmop, itrmoptoggle, itrmst, itrmsttoggle, jprint, jprinttoggle, jtmax, jtmaxtoggle, jwrite, jwritetoggle, latlb, latlbtoggle, method, methodtoggle, nas_desmax, nas_desmaxtoggle, neslexpd, neslexpdtoggle, neslimpd, neslimpdtoggle, neslnlgm, neslnlgmtoggle, optmeth, optmethtoggle, ossrmsh, ossrmshtoggle, p1, p1toggle, p2, p2oggle, porosity, porositytoggle, ptol, ptoltoggle, r2lratio, r2lratiotoggle, remesh, remeshtoggle, shapeopt, shapeopttoggle, stpscl, stpscltoggle, strmeth, strmethtoggle, tetsplt, tetsplttoggle, tminply and tminplytoggle.
    • optiresponses – Added new data names allplies, attribute_b_selection, attribute_b_selection_optifunction, attribute_b_value, beadfrac, cluster, coordinatetypefortable, dgridbcoordinatefortable, dgridbcoordtypetab, dgridbnodetab, dgridlcoordfortable, dgridlcoordtypetab, dgridlnodetab, excluded_elem_list, loadstepweightname, modecount, modenumber, modevalue, node_list, nodetabmax, nodetabmaxl, normalflag, normconstraint, plyselection, plyvalue, property_attrib_b, randpsid, responsegroup1, responsegroup2, responsegroup3, responsegroup4, systemlistmax, weightcount and weightvalue.
    • positions – Added new config 501 and new data name mechanism.
    • properties – Added new data name encrypted.
  • General/Core
    • *createmarkpanel/*editmarkpanel – Added new node face/edge selection modes free edges ext (6) and edge ext (7) for face_edge_mode. Added a new filter option for specifying only specific selection modes to allow.
    • *feinputwithdata2 – Added new IDRULES_SKIP import string.
    • *feoutputwithdata – Added new IDRULES_SKIP export string.
    • *realizeentity – Added new id=<id> option for selecting the entity to realize.
    • *realizeentity - Fields – Added new fieldtype=table. Added new interpolation types forcebalancing, inversedistanceweighing, shapefunctionandproximity and triangulation. Replaced the cycliscymmetry option with cyclicsystem. Added a new tolerance option.
    • hm_framework - Updated the removetab keep_frame behavior for HyperMesh Desktop. Added a new gettabframe option.
    • hm_info - Added new entity_types_allowing_undefined option.
  • Graphics
    • hm_getvectoroption – Added new option vectorautoscale.
  • Meshing
    • *decimate_mesh – Added options for decimation based on a decimation factor.
    • *extend_elements – Enhanced behavior, to detect whether the elements to be extended intersect the target elements. If they do intersect, small penetrations are also removed during the extension and connection. Such small penetrations are defined as >= half of the average element size.
    • *hm_auto_elem_cleanup_new – Added new option to support maintaining connectivity between 2D element edges and 1D/3D elements.
    • *linear1delements – Support added for bar3 elements.
    • *normalsadjust2 – Added the ability to adjust elements according to a vector direction.
    • *remesh_element_intersection – Added new options close_small_intersection_gaps, gap_close_method, intersection_gap_close_limit, remove_small_penetration, and trim_removal_limit for supporting trimming small intersections, gaps and penetrations.

Deprecated Commands