Defining Simulation Settings
The Simulation Settings dialog is used to edit the solver parameters.
- From the Run Solver panel, select Save and run current model from the options in the top-right of the panel.
Click Simulation Settings.
The Simulation Settings dialog is displayed.
From the Static tab, select the type of static solver from the drop-down menu.
If Force Imbalance - Type D or Type S is chosen:
- Enter a value in the Maximum residual text box to specify the upper limit for the change in residual of the system equations at the static equilibrium point.
- Enter a value in the Maximum imbalance text box to sepcify the maximum force imbalance in the equations of motion that is allowed at the solution point.
- Specify the maximum number of iterations that are allowed before simulation stops.
- Enter a value in the Stability text box to specify the fraction of the mass matrix that is to be added to the Jacobian to ensure that it is note singular.
If MKEAM is chosen:- Specify the maximum number of iterations that are allowed before the simulation stops.
- Specify the maximum allowable residual kinetic energy of the system at the static equilibrium point.
- Specify the upper limit for the change in system states at the static equilibrium point using the Maximum coordinate difference tolerance text box.
- Click the Transient tab.
- Select the type integrator from the drop-down menu.
- Enter a value in the Integrator tolerance text box that represents the maximum absolute error per step that the integrator is allowed in computing the displacement, velocity, and differential equations states.
Specify the maximum step size the integrator is allowed to take.
Note: For a type of DSTIFF, a drop-down menu becomes available that allows you to define the index of the DAE formulation.
Click the Show advanced parameters
check box to view more options.
See tranient tab advanced parameters for more details.
- Click the Linear tab.
- Enter a value in the Animation scale text box to set the scale factor for the modal animation.
Select any of the available check boxes to further refine the simulation.
Option Description Eigen values and vectors (.eig, .h3d) Specifies whether the eigenvalue and eigenvector data is written to a .eig file. Disable damping Specifies whether the linearization solver should disable damping from all force elements for the eigenvalue solution. Kinetic energy distribution Specifies whether the modal kinetic energy distribution is written out to the solver log file and the *_linz.mrf output file. State-Space matrices (Simulink MDL) Specifies whether the A, B, C and D matrices that are calculated are to be written out in Simulink MDL format or not. State-Space matrices (MATLAB) Specifies whether the A,B,C and D matrices that are calculated are to be written out into a file that can be read in by MATLAB. - Click the General tab.
Activate the check box and enter a value to specify the
number of CPU cores to be used when multiple cores are available.
This is particularly helpful in parallelizing computations in the case of contact simulation.
- Use the slider to define the mesh coarseness of CAD graphics for contacts.
Tip: Click Reset to Defaults to revert to default