Transient Tab Advanced Parameters

Below are descriptions of the advanced parameter options in the Transient tab of the Simulation Settings dialog.

The following common options are available for all integrators:

Option Description
Maximum initial step size The maximum initial step size.
Minimum step size Defines the minimum step size the integrator is allowed to take.
Maximum order Specifies the maximum order that the integrator is to take.
Velocity tolerance fact The factor that multiplies integr_tol to yield the error tolerance for velocity states.
Implicit diff tolerance Defines the accuracy to which implicit differential equations, such as Control_Diff equations with the is_implicit = "TRUE", are to be satisfied.

The following options are specific to DSTIFF:

Option Description
DAE index The index of the DAE formulation. Options available are: 3 or 1.
DAE corrector max iteration The maximum number of iterations that the corrector is allowed to take to achieve convergence.
DAE corrector min iteration The minimum number of iterations that the corrector is allowed to take before it checks for corrector divergence.
DAE constraint tolerance The tolerance on all algebraic constraint equations that the corrector must satisfy at convergence.
Jacobian matrix evaluation This attribute controls the Jacobian matrix evaluation during corrector iterations.
Velocity control The logical flag that controls whether the velocity states are checked for local integration error at each step. This option is only available in the case where the DAE index = 1.

The following options are specific to VSTIFF/MSTIFF/ABAM:

Option Description
Constraint tolerance Defines the accuracy to which the system configuration and motion constraints are to be satisfied at each step.