Defining Output Options

The Output Options dialog is used to set user preferences on output options.

  1. From the Run Solver panel, select Save and run current model from the options in the top-right of the panel.
  2. Click Output Options.
    The Output Options dialog is displayed.
  3. From the General tab, activate any of the check boxes under Result options to define the ouput.
    Option Description
    Multibody result file (.mrf) Writes result files in the .mrf format.
    ASCII plot file (.plt) Writes plot files in the .plt format.
    Altair binary file (.abf) Writes plot files in the .abf format.
    Capture max penetration during contact Flags the solver to introduce extra output between two time steps when the penetration depth is larger than both of the time steps.
  4. From the first drop-down menu under Result options, select the result data per time output in the ABF and PLT files when there is more than one result available at a given time.
  5. From the second rop-down menu, select the format for angular results.
  6. Under Zero tolerance, define a value for displacement, velocity, acceleration, and force.
    Outputs less than the specified values are set to be equal to zero.
  7. If desired, under Debug options, select either of the two check boxes.
    Option Description
    Write debug info A logical flag that controls the generation of debugging information about the solver analysis steps.
    Generate animation at each iteration (use with single Static simulation only) A logical flag that controls the generation of animation frames at each iteration for debug purposes.
  8. Click the H3D tab.
  9. Enter a value in the Write h3d results for every time step text box to control the frequency at which results are written to a .h3d file.
  10. Select an H3D format from the Format, Stress, and Strain drop-down menus.
  11. Select any of the check boxes to further define the output.
    Option Description
    Animation file (.h3d) Writes animation file in .h3d format.
    Write h3d results starting at Controls the start time of writing results into an .h3d file.
    Stop writing h3d results at Controls the end time of writing results into an .h3d file.
    Contact forces Contact force vector animation in the .h3d file.
    Flexible body velocity & acceleration Velocity and acceleration output for flexible bodies during a MotionSolve run.
Tip: Click Reset to Defaults to revert to default settings.