Calculates the Puck Failure theory.
- elems
- An element entity table.
- parts
- A part entity table.
- props
- A property entity table.
- sets
- A set table.
- plies
- A ply table.
- xt
- A material scalar table.
- xc
- A material scalar table.
- yt
- A material scalar table.
- yc
- A material scalar table.
- s
- A material scalar table.
- layer_idx
- A layer index.
- tensor
- An elemental tensor table.
- answer
- An elemental value table.
- xt: Allowable tensile stress in ply material direction 1.
- xc: Allowable compressive stress in ply material direction 1.
- yt: Allowable tensile stress in ply material direction 2.
- yc: Allowable compressive stress in ply material direction 2.
- s: Allowable in-plane shear stress.
- tensor: Stress tensor table.
- layer_idx = layer index for the chosen data type, assigned by the HyperWorks application, and defaults to the value “@current_slice_index”. @current_slice_index represents the layer index for the chosen datatype.
PuckFT(tensor,xt,xc,yt,yc,s,criterion,output2d,sets,plies,elems,parts,props,pool_name,layer_index,opt_str)XML Example
<call name="PuckFailureTheory" elems="elem_tab" parts="part_tab" props="prop_tab" xt="xt_tab" xc="xc_tab" yt="yt_tab" yc="yc_tab" s="s_tab" tensor="tens_tab" answer="ans_tab" />