Calculates the Max Strain Ply Failure Index.
- elems
- An element entity table.
- parts
- A part entity table.
- props
- A property entity table.
- xt
- A material scalar table.
- xc
- A material scalar table.
- yt
- A material scalar table.
- yc
- A material scalar table.
- s
- A material scalar table.
- layer_idx
- A layer index.
- tensor
- An elemental tensor value table.
- answer
- An elemental scalar value table.
- xt: Allowable tensile stress in ply material direction 1.
- xc: Allowable compressive stress in ply material direction 1.
- yt: Allowable tensile stress in ply material direction 2.
- yc: Allowable compressive stress in ply material direction 2.
- s: Allowable in-plane shear stress.
- tensor: Stress tensor table.
- The calculation of Hoffman Failure Theory is for shell elements only, and applies to 2D tensors relative to the ply material system as described in the OptiStruct documentation for “Composite Laminates”.
- layer_idx = layer index for the chosen data type, assigned by the HyperWorks application, and defaults to the value “@current_slice_index”. @current_slice_index represents the layer index for the chosen datatype.
MaxStrainFT(elems,parts,props,xt,xc,yt,yc,s,tensor,layer_index)XML Example
<call name="MaxStrainFailureTheory" elems="elem_tab" parts="part_tab" props="prop_tab" xt="xt_tab" xc="xc_tab" yt="yt_tab" yc="yc_tab" s="s_tab" tensor="tens_tab" answer="ans_tab" />